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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. Yes @vaguba, unfortunately that Group Buy is closed but there are several others you might be interested in under Special / Collectors Group Buys or directly in WCL Welcome to MP! 😃🤗
  2. Haha, I was desperate when I did that. I have strong recessed lights in my room and they create a lot of glare on photos. Especially big shots. So I found the stairs worked better. Not artistic at all but at least you can see all the editions!
  3. Shipping options are set by the retailers. For this GB the only option is HUB. I do expect postage to be a bit more than previous Weet one clicks with only 3 editions, but costs are still unknown and of course vary but location and other factors.
  4. Ok, here are 25 Lentis at random. Hope they all are up to standards. Good thing I didn't have to open any sealed one clicks for this!!! 😅 @extantsrevenge
  5. Here's my Weet collection to date. I haven't separated the OCs yet so I took a side shot too. Hope this works! @extantsrevenge
  6. Shipping is shipping. Unfortunately we don't get a discount from the post office. Please keep in mind that this OC is FOUR editions. More weight so shipping will be higher than previous releases.
  7. Hi @Hollywood E Rock Glad to see you're excited about securing a premium membership. The new membership cycle is coming up soon, so keep an eye on this thread for announcements!
  8. IT (2017) (4K UHD Steelbook) (Only @ Best Buy) [USA] Release: August 27, 2019 Price: $28.99 Purchase Link: Best Buy Note: 4K UHD
  9. MP GB HERE Galaxy Quest (1999) (Blu-ray Steelbook) (Only @ Best Buy) [USA] Release: September 17th, 2019 Price: $19.99 Purchase Link: Best Buy Note: Blu-ray
  10. The trailer for this movie is really funny and I like David Bautista so I'm hoping this is good.
  11. Spider-Man: Far From Home (4K UHD/2D Blu-ray Steelbook) (Only @ Best Buy) [USA] Release: TBA Price: $34.99 Purchase Link: Best Buy Note: 4K UHD + Blu-ray
  12. Oh baby, I can't wait to have a complete set of these! The leather cases make me swoon, haha 😍
  13. I'm in the USA so I'm not sure. Send a PM to @Masterblaster and he should be able to give you an estimate.
  14. deckard99


    I know zilch about anime but maybe @extantsrevenge can point you in the right direction
  15. Hi @Sheikah actually posting new releases is welcome and appreciated. Thanks! 👍
  16. OMG you bought an edition with a misspelled title?! 😱 The “g” in daughter is missing. This reminds me of another recent release with a slight punctuation issue. I hope you demanded a reprinted replacement edition from the retailer. 🤣🤣
  17. Sorry guys, I’m as picky as anyone but I don’t give a rats ass about an apostrophe. I understand that it might bug some people but I’m not one of them. I’m sure I could go through my collection of steelbooks and premiums and find all kinds typos but what’s the point? I collect for the beautiful art, embossing, booklets, cards, etc. A major spelling error is one thing but I just can’t get all worked up over an apostrophe. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, just giving mine.

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