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Everything posted by mgurau

  1. Agree. All including 1/4 slip. Lol. But still not a fan of Fullslip B. I wish one version would have used the blood red animal face with the horns. Loved that. Can't believe they did not use it on something.?
  2. Agree. Always loved her. Another favorite was Barbara Stanwyck.
  3. @ksosk @extantsrevenge Wanted to touch base and see if there is any info on this release. Did not ever receive any invoice for. Everything still good? No problem still waiting was just wanting to make sure did not miss something. typically would have gotten q 1st invoice and then a second later. So was just a little concerned. Thanks Michael
  4. Just curious, since this is under "Mutli-Retailer", is this just for info or will it turn into an actual group buy. Is a must have for me. Any info on how it will play out is appreciated. Thanks Michael
  5. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up that the button for "the Open Request Copy? does not work. When you hit it it takes you to a page and you get an error. " This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. I saw it this morning when I went pick ones ones I wanted from update and figured it would work later but it is still that way so thought I should say something. Michael
  6. Yes, it is in Japanese. Did not bother me though. The art on the digibook is so nice. That is why I got.
  7. Not sure. I can't remember. I think so, but will check when I have time and get and back to you.
  8. I bought a few weeks back. It is a beautiful set. Also grabbed a really nice Grindhouse digibook as well from them.
  9. Thank you. Had some problems (actually still am) with the password signing up, but eventually got it to work. Now I have no idea what it is, but my computer is remembering it. It is was real buggy.

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