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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. Thanks fellas! @Reagh @GuyIncognit0 @Gary K Heading off, walk the dog, wind up the day. Have a good one.
  2. Thanks buddy. yeah, I feel like I annoy everyone by constantly responding when a reaction would work. All good though, thrilled to be hanging with you all in whatever context.
  3. I want you all to know I'd be responding a lot more, you all are killing me over here. Sophie keeps wondering what the hell I'm doing. I have no more reactions left to reward you for the wonderful banter!
  4. Hahahahahah! I snorted. Yes, I have had Hebrew National koshers on Shabbat. Now, every time I serve one I'm going to think of it as a mitzvah, I love it.
  5. I'm so impressed with the ambition and worthy goals of my friends. If we can stop using napkins as coffee filters, get all the clocks in the house set to the same time, and stop referring to pigs in a blanket as white trash sushi, I would be thrilled.
  6. It's amazing how a portion of a frame can feel nothing like the overall visual sense you get from a movie. Without your hints, I wouldn't have gone with that late of a film.
  7. Ha! No pressure, aye Eli? My last guess, if the science center is in the mountains I'd have to go Spectre. But, something about the blinds don't look that new. That was a pretty swanky place. That's the only other one that comes to mind.
  8. Sorry, I was just wanting to make sure I wasn't confusing my movies. I have this vision of a lab on top of a snowy mountain in the alps in OHMSS, not sure if that was actually the movie I was remembering. I'll let others guess next.
  9. Yeah, that one is beyond tough. Maybe @R1s1ngs0n thinks because we couldn't get the easy one, we'd get the impossible one on first try? But I do see some mountains I think. Maybe the alps?
  10. Do you have this in hand @Gary K? I'm going to assume that the iPhone pic is upping the exposure and these in hand will be much more black, and less dark gray.
  11. Thanks for the thoughts bud. I like the Ed Norton BB, as a whole, I agree, Incredible Hulk is simply a superior movie. Although there is something about the Avengers Hulk that makes me laugh, in a good way. I wouldn't go quite as far as you, but I def agree, I wish the art was better here. As I said above, I don't like the back at all. Hopefully this isn't final, but it sorta feels like it is based on available art for this film. I tend to be a brand loyalist, so . . . UHD Club, yeah, gunna get it. Happy New Year @RAK
  12. No, I think he is a Hulk guy, right? I like the Ruffalo Hulk, but not necessarily Ruffalo as Bruce Banner. I never buy the Bruce Banner / Natasha chemistry. @RAK are you in on these? If so, which ones? I'm afraid the lentis are gunna end up being awesome and I'll wish I got them.
  13. i went with both FS. What did you grab @vinny91? I’ve been assuming these are the regular smaller size since there is no hardbox, but there is FS. Can anyone confirm? Curious where @Veum the Hulk guy ends up on these. Nice to wake up to a GB here on New Years Day. @deckard99 always working. Thanks.
  14. Happy New Year 2023 MediaPyschos . . . Again, winner of the best forum on the internet in 2022.
  15. Yeah man, me too. This is my first double dip, got both editions. Why didn't I just get the OC? Monolithophobia.
  16. You too! Looking forward to your 2023 weather reports! Have a Happy New Year.
  17. Okay thanks. Didn't think to check that. As you know, sometimes it's just a folded poster or a couple of cards that make a "collectors" edition. I was hoping for a UCE, but still, glad it's coming and hope it looks awesome.
  18. All good. I'm a team open guy, but I get it for those who don't open. No judgements here. I have one edition, known in the lore of our house only as "38 OF 45" that may never be opened. We will see.
  19. Love this movie, I hope by CE it means there are some goodies.
  20. Thanks for these great pics. Mine supposedly are on their way from Zavvi after Amazon UK couldn't fulfill my preorder. Those headshot style character cards are interesting. Sorta mugshot-y. It looks like a big set, but not with too much "wasted" space like the RaroFilms recent offerings, which feel to me like they're big for no particular reason. I like what I see so far, in general. I understand the concept of the bullet-holed door as the cover of the digipak, but it feels like that could have been a bit less clever, and a bit better looking. Anyway, thanks @vinny91 another member of @Reagh team open! @deckard99 have you gotten Blade Runner yet? If so, thoughts? Sorry if you already commented and I missed it.

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