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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. Mate. Our squad was announced yesterday and Upon reading that little car crash I went from looking at the odds to Winning the Cup, to looking at the odds of failing to get out of the group stage!! Still haven’t actually found what the odds are for that yet, but I’m severely tempted to back it. Southgate has lost the plot. Can only hope he proves us all wrong now. For all my American buds, my team has both Tyler Adams and Brendan Aronson who have of course both been selected by USA, so I will be watching (especially against England) with great interest.
  2. Super Awesome Challenge @Gentleman I’m going to have to get my butt in the loft for this one so I’ll be back. May even be able to rustle up some Oldschool Gold. 😂 I am honestly surprised by how many of you Love the “Scores” of movies. I can’t listen to them tbh. I appreciate them, but I would never pop one on to sit and listen to it. It has to be a soundtrack of artists songs and not composers for me to buy/listen to. Also…. And you know I had to say it…. What’s with all the Sealed Sountracks people?? How does that work?!! 🤣😂
  3. Ahhhhh yes, that time of year when almost all of my posts are either intoxicated bravado or just plain incoherent… Bring it.
  4. Just paid my Blufans TDKR invoice and…. For the FIRST time in 7 years… I have No pending MP invoices to pay… I repeat… Zero pending invoices to pay!! Well…. That is until FA make a Frickin’ decision on whether they are Ever going to release Predator or not.
  5. Ok I’m confused now… @extantsrevenge are you saying that only 2 one clicks can be used, but for the other movies you can use more than one edition from the same release??? @ShadowWarrior ‘s submission has got me baffled. How is using CM The Goonies or HDZeta Shazam any different to using a one click which is already used for Jaws and the Shining? If you open one clicks, then you can nail this award with 5 of them by not using a box in your pic right?? (Honestly Not trying to do you out of an award mate 😂 Just using your submission to explain my example🙏🏼)
  6. Challenge 8 Somewhere over the rainbow~ Red - El Mariachi Trilogy (MLife) Orange - Jackie Brown (TheOn) Yellow - The Lego Batman Movie (MantaLab) Green - Birds of Prey (MantaLab) Blue - Akira (Ive) Purple - Drive (MantaLab) Pink - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 (WeET) For my Organisational properties… The Main Collection is Marvel, and I have the MCU (one copy of each title) in timeline order across one shelf - All double dips and more are safely stored in cupboards or boxes under the bed. Then Follows all other Marvel Movies starting from the next shelf. The order from there on out across the bookcases is as follows… DC Other Superhero Titles Anime/Lego etc. Transformers/Mechs/Cyborgs/Robots Aliens/Sci-fi Adventure Dinosaurs/Monsters/Fantasy/Apocalyptic Tarantino/Rodriguez Payback/Spy/Cop Movies War/Drama Cars Boxsets. 🤓👍🏼
  7. Frick. Same here mate. Gonna have to get “ @R1s1ngs0n “ creative. 😁
  8. Hey @CAYENNE-FAHRER you’ve peaked my interest, but the linked subject says I do not have permission to see it.
  9. That’s rich Tommy Shelby 😂😂 I would say “Oh the Irony” but then that would be coming from an English Spider-man! 🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♂️
  10. Those are terms that I am Absolutely dandy with Sir 😁
  11. Ummmmmm….”Team International” vs. Tiny Little UK… Feels a little rigged if you ask me. Surely we should be Top, grouped together with our ENGLISH speaking cousins?! 😁😁😁
  12. @extantsrevenge A few for your consideration. 👍🏼 Love the Award Design @Cornbuster 👌🏼
  13. Blade? Mobius? Ghost Rider?? Nothing??! Surely there’s some old DVDs or something mate?? ☹️
  14. What is the Underworld box please @HeightOfFolly? I have had a complete Underworld set on my hit list for some years now, and I don’t think I have ever seen this one before? 👍🏼
  15. The Thing - Yes Alien - No Jaws……😏 For me @R1s1ngs0n is completely taking the P*ss. 😉 It’s a Thriller IMO. We all know how he likes to keep believing his “Perfect Streak” is still in tact, although at no point did I list big scary fish in my rules list. 🤣 But It is the Mighty Squirrel @extantsrevenge who has the last word and the one awarding points, so you may need to wait and see if he allows it or not. 😊 I’m out.
  16. Such a detailed, thoughtful and heartwarming post. You really know how to make a guy feel special don’t you…
  17. Yeah… does not count 😂 ….Or does it?! Damned if I should decide 😂😂
  18. Whoaaa!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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