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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Very interested to see how this next trilogy shapes up. I really dug the last three.
  2. Bubble wrap?! BEST BUY?!?!?! I wonder if I'll be so lucky...guess I'll find out later tonight. Just got the text that it's out for delivery now. Love the gold Face/Off guns on the disc - very nice touch!
  3. Ugh, yeah, I hear ya, man. My boss is adamant that COVD is over and we get back to normal, man the office before the overlords decide they don't need the buildings anymore. But nobody else comes in! I sit here for 8 hours doing all the same crap I could be doing at home. But, we gotta maintain the illusion apparently... So annoying. And gas is over $5/gal in my area, so I get to pay out the ass to drive into work to do Zoom meetings. It makes no damn sense to me at all.
  4. We're looking at another scorcher in SE MI today, too... ick. At least my office is air conditioned (but I'd still rather be working from my air conditioned home! 😝)... Hopefully there'll at least be some nice packages waiting for me when I get back.
  5. Lucky! I was hoping mine would be here today, but it seems to be hung up in Cincinnati for some reason…
  6. HAHA! THANK YOU! I tried JPC.de but they wouldn't let me order because they're limiting age verification requirements to German orders only. Amazon saves the day again! (Well, maybe...we'll see what kind of shape it arrives in...).
  7. I wouldn't survive our summers nowadays without air conditioning! Been having to to start it earlier and earlier every year, too. I remember as a kid that even into the first half of May or thereabouts it was always kind of a crap-shoot if it was going to be winter or spring days. Now we're getting into the 70s with some 80s in April. June is already starting to feel more like August in my part of Michigan, and we've got another heatwave forecast for next week. 🥵🥵🥵
  8. That's gotta be some kind of record for dispatch! My copy is already on the way, with an expected delivery date of this Wednesday.
  9. ‘Nother new arrival — missed the steelbook edition for this one, though. At least it’s a nice looking slip and sticks with the poster art.
  10. I still can't believe we didn't get a US steel release. Not sure what's going on with Sony of late... nothing for Bay's AmbuLAnce either. Or The Northman. Weird stuff.
  11. Release Date: October 30, 2022 Price: 29,99€ Purchase Link: Amazon IT DVD-Store
  12. Thanks, @pan! Saw this posted on Instagram and just got some overtime pay, so... there's that ordered. I was bummed I missed out on the Zavvi steelbook, but I like the art on this a loooooot more. Nice to see that there was only a couple bucks difference between standard international and priority shipping, so I went with the latter. Should have this here soon.
  13. Ahhh, never actually clicked with me that they do not show up on mobile. As far as centering, you just have to go into your account settings.
  14. Looks great, man! @goose_3387did a heck of a job. Now you just gotta center it in your sig line. lol
  15. The good news is, you only got about 20 more years of sleepless nights and early mornings! 🤣

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