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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. Looks great! I'm still waiting on our customs to get their act together and move mine out for delivery... I'm getting really frustrated with how long it's taking them.
  2. D'oh! You're right...forgot it's not with Warner anymore. The 4K is darker by all accounts, but I don't personally think it's as bad as some are claiming. I didn't have any issues with it, and it certainly did not detract from my enjoyment.
  3. Office Space is easily the best documentary about working in office that has ever been made. The Office is certainly a very close second.
  4. Really wish there'd have been a slick Collector's Edition slipcase for this one, like they're doing for The Lost Boys and Poltergeist (or at least a non-UK edition without those awful ratings logos LOL).
  5. Watching our supervisors cling to outdated work ethos is like watching the dinosaurs die. And now that us peons know how good we could have it...it's frustrating. I get more work done at home without supervision then I do at the office with a boss wandering in and checking up on us and wanting to make small talk and complain and blah blah blah. But the Richie Rich's that run the show want to continue on with the way it was done in the 1950s instead of waking up to the future and realizing we're in 2022 and have options. It's so freaking pointless to go wade through an hour's worth of traffic to sit alone at my desk at the office to take Zoom meetings that could have been done from home. But, ultimately, it all comes to down thing in the end. As they said in Goodfellas, And if the boss wants to drop in and make small talk, he'll just have to remember one thing while I'm there.
  6. Mine's going to 3x/week beginning at the end of the month. And since I need money and health care and retirement savings, I'll comply, until I figure out how much it's costing me (we get to pay for parking on-site, too! Good deal for them, they get us coming and going!) and if there's any benefit to it, aside from the added stress and associated BS of being back at the office. But, my boss is very concerned about what the higher-ups may do with the building we're in if we stay remote, so I guess I'm going in. On the bright side, it's also construction season and literally every route I could take to work is completely wrecked and slow-going, so I should be able to start working through my library of audiobooks I've been neglecting for the past few years of working from home. 🤣
  7. Had to do the same yesterday... what a waste of gasoline. Got to sit alone in an empty building doing all the same work I could have been doing from home without the added expense. You have my sympathies!
  8. Watched my newly arrived 4K disc of HEAT last night because I knew it would drive @Gary Knuts knowing I haven't watched THE NORTHMAN yet! 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Goddamnit, I KNEW you were going to have something to say about this! Look, man, I had to prioritize! I got my copy of HEAT 2 delivered to my Kindle and want to make that my next read, but I HAD to give HEAT another watch before diving into Mann and Gardiner's book.
  10. I thought it looked OK! It was never a bright film to begin with, and I didn't have trouble picking out details. I've seen complaints about it being unwatchable and those criticisms are way out of proportion, IMO. But!, I'm pretty freaking far from an expert, so take it for whatever that's worth (probably not much, I admit! 🤣). It's been an age since I've seen the movie, but wow does it ever hold up perfectly! It's classic. I'd forgotten just how stacked that cast is - so many familiar faces throughout.
  11. So many of my favorites I grew up on were either broadcast on TV or rented at the video store. I’ve loved movies forever! But I think my first big WOW! moment came with seeing Jurassic Park at the theater, and being completely blown away by the then-brand new DTS. It was probably the first time I realized just how immersive and just flat-out awesome a movie could be. When the rain started falling while they’re stuck in the Jeep and the thud of the T-Rex’s footsteps before it makes it big debut? It was radical on so many levels! It was like being in that Jeep! It was amazing!
  12. Hopefully @Fortis93 does a better job of keeping his hands, and any other appendages, to himself than ol' Kevin! 🤣
  13. There's some parsing that could be done there! LOL I've always saw a bit of a difference between a forum and social media, although a forum is certainly an aspect of social media writ large.
  14. Nice update to the thread title, @Hollywood E Rock!
  15. Well put. Succinct, and hard to disagree with. Social media started out as a fine idea, had a few good moments, and then more and more people got involved. As such, it now needs to be burned to the ground.
  16. It's OK, man. I appreciate the commiseration, but on the bright side, at least my Best Buy steels match! 🤣
  17. Instagram is about the only one I like (until they started trying to become TikTok), but good lord are some communities on there ever dramatic. 😂 For the most part, I do enjoy just scrolling and ignoring the captions and comments, though.

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