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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. I understand! That means it’ll be announced on Monday then. 😂😂😂
  2. Haven’t heard anything yet. I’m waiting for that one, too! Fingers crossed it happens soonish.
  3. A couple recent arrivals. First up is the HDZeta Gold Label DL steel for Batman v Superman. Many thanks to @Benoit46 @deckard99and @Masterblasterfor their work on organizing this group buy! First thing I did was stick my 4K disc inside and ditch the Amray. My German Mediabook collection grew by one (so far as I know…) with the addition of Turbine’s edition of The Thing featuring art by Les Edwards.
  4. I'm in the same boat. No updates since July 22... Both The Witch and my copy of The Dark Knight from BluFans arrived at the Chicago hub on the same day. TDK was here a few days later, and I've gotten two orders from Zavvi in the weeks since that shipped out after The Witch. Second Sight asked me to give it another week just in case, so Thursday will make it a month since they shipped it out. I even opened a missing package ticket with USPS. Nada. Freaking sucks.
  5. TENET really sealed the deal for me on the differences between streaming and disc, just on the audio alone. I had gotten a defective disc, which crapped out after the first 10 minutes. I had time to kill before Best Buy opened to go do an in-store replacement, so I put on the digital copy. The sound was so muted, the bass barely even noticeable, and I hadn't even touched the volume. The gunshots in that opening sequence were so soft and dull, it was pathetic! I turned it off, made my exchange, and watched the disc when I got home.
  6. I really do appreciate that Manta Lab is at least making an effort to get caught up on outstanding orders before issuing new pre-orders, instead of launching new titles that we won't get for years and years and years and years and years from now and being hopelessly, perpetually stuck behind.
  7. Any word on when the link goes live for this, @Gary K? Think I'll go with this edition over the French. Looks like the supplements are all in English, but the trade off is to get those nasty ratings logos plastered all over the place...
  8. Yeah, I'm much happier with this, provided it looks like this in-hand! Still not as good as the image we were sold on way back when, but definitely a huge step-up from that mustard glob they showed off earlier.
  9. Good man! Hopefully we see some specs for The Usual Suspects soon.
  10. Based on my own experiences, you never want to work for somebody who's smart and highly motivated, and definitely not for somebody who's stupid but highly motivated, because they're just way too much high maintenance. Smart and lazy is ideal. I like Cruise, but working with/for him has got to be a nightmare. I'll pass, too!
  11. I completely understand! I’m hesitant to toss the Scream slip, too, even though I think the art is a bit crap… 😂 I got a pang of anxiety even considering it!
  12. So, FYI — something I just learned by playing around. If you have the Scream Factory release and ditch the slip, it fits inside that flimsy extras box, minus the pin. In case you need to save some room! I haven’t committed to this myself, but it’s a possibility. Custom one click! 😂
  13. Just got my French set delivered a few moments ago! Is the US steelbook glossy? (Kinda bummed the FNAC one isn't...)
  14. It may be August, but Michael Mann is the one bringing the HEAT with the simultaneous release of his classic crime caper in 4K and it’s novelized prequel/sequel co-written with Meg Gardiner! (Unfortunately, my Kindle is picking up too much glare and blowing out the HEAT 2 cover… ). I’ll be digging into the book soon, having given the movie a proper re-watch last night.
  15. Never even heard of it! LOL Just did a Google search though and it sure does look pretty. Came out before I got bitten by the collecting bug. But...it may be something that makes its way on to my wishlist.
  16. Honestly, if I didn't go to the office I don't think I'd get any rest at all! 🤣🤣🤣
  17. That's the nice part about being the only one in the office. They may take our freedom, but they will never take our naptime! 🤣
  18. Loved the making-of documentaries for Prometheus and Blade Runner. They were longer than the movies! And so rich with content and details - they were superb and so freaking interesting. I really miss those days. Now we're lucky if they put some 5 minute puff piece on there and a commentary track.
  19. I missed out on the Best Buy steel for The Witch, but that's OK. I'd rather have the Second Sight edition! Maybe it'll get here one day... As far as Heat, by all account it's Mann approved. He's tinkered with it again, and this new color grade was apparently approved by him, so... 🤷‍♂️ At least it's not some George Lucas-style revisionism! 🤣

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