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Everything posted by RileyLad

  1. How’s all that for a essay? ☝️ ☝️ ☝️ Get all that read @Robertm89 ya lazy bum ! 🤭🤭🤭🤭 😴😴😴😴 🛌 🛌 🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Basil - please don’t think I mean you - private joke between me n Rob he says he gets bored halfway through my posts 🤣
  2. @Basil - also sorry I didn’t reply to a few things in the English room. Like I said the last few weeks I worked before closing for self isolation were very stressful and busier than normal. Just couldn’t keep up with the English room and only just replied to things I got tagged in very quickly. Since I’ve been off I’ve got a lot of jobs done at home the first week Feels good to have pressed the reset button 🤣 Trying to make the most of this time I’ve got off now and enjoy it the best I can. Spending more time with the kids and enjoying the simple things. Even started exercising again too- Theres a YouTube channel called Joe wicks which has a new 30 min workout video each day! Even started going for a run every other afternoon! Just dig my bike out from the shed - first time in 3 years! Gave her a bit of tlc and hope to get out on that later! But don’t think I’m living a completely new healthy lifestyle- I keep staying up till 1am playing COD online (Xbox) and drinking tequila 🤣
  3. They said that to me to on my last working day. But thankfully that idea seems to have been ditched 👍 I feel sorry for anyone still working now. Not only are they at risk for not self isolating but are now under more pressure than normal due to the people who are at home ordering thing online to make their self isolation better 😕 some things should be made to wait. It’s very stressful for those still working. I can relate to that as I only stopped working less than 2 weeks ago. People were still bringing their car in for service and Mots. I was having to disinfect between 6-10 cars before I worked on them. And even then it was just a quick wipe down - but ya just did your best. Always thinking about maybe catching this horrible virus. Didn’t help because some people were bringing the car in for such minor things - people who shouldn’t even been out of there house and in the age danger zone bracket too Sounds familier! Make ya sick doesn’t it mate. All about the money And not thinking about the safety of their staff 👎 That really doesn’t sound good mate. Makes ya blood boil! 😡 My wife is a dental nurse and paid by the NHS (a rubbish wage). They’ve actually said that to get there 80% off the government that she may have to go and work as carers for the Corona victims at the Manchester arena. She’d be taking care of the infected patients and turning them on their beds. We are not happy about this because at the end of the day dental nurses don’t get treated very well especially financially. There’s also a big shortage of them in the industry. Some of the young nurses are being forced to go work there but we’ve made a conscious decision that if that was to happen Her she may have to hand her notice in. This might sound incredibly selfish compared to the mighty brave NHS workers who are risking their lives every day but from our point of view she is not a medically trained nurse, she won’t have the proper training or equipment and we’ve got two young kids that need a mother here. She’s also been told that she’d have to write a Will before carrying out this duty which of course we have to pay for. People at the bottom of the payroll are not treated very nicely and its always do as I say, not as I do kind of attitude.
  4. Was like that at my old house mate. South facing lawn with no sun on the back of garden. I moved into a new house 5 years ago and they’d spent a fair bit on the back garden just before we moved in. Artificial grass is the way forward 🤣 I even got some money for my old lawn mower 😁 Hopefully yours will dry out once the summer finally arrives
  5. You too mate. Like @Basil said we’ve got some great weather here in the UK 🇬🇧 for the next few days ☀️. Gonna chill in the garden and sink a few 🍺 Got a leg of lamb in the fridge for Sunday and cupboard full of chocolate for my kids🍫. Me too. Think a lot of people are in the same boat. I heard yesterday from work earliest I’m gonna be back is the 4th May. Just thankful I can be at home safe. Thoughts go out to the people still having to work now, especially the people working in super markets, NHS or any one else coming in contact with the general public.
  6. Cheers for the great reviews lads, that’s great to hear 😁 Wish zavvi had released the white Steelbook as I’d have definitely picked that up by now. The 4k ones are minimum £50 to import to the UK. Will wait for a premium release I think. Come on Hdzeta- don’t let me down 🤞
  7. Nice 👍 Thats so much better than the zavvi (Black) steelbook let me know now what you think of the film mate 👍
  8. That’s bad news about bloodshot! It looked good from the trailer 😕 What are people’s thoughts on Doctor Sleep? I’ve not seen it yet, and I’ve heard a rumour there may be a Hdzeta Silver boxset in the pipeline so have held off picking up a zavvi/Best Buy steel.
  9. Yer I know the score @DodgyDave 👍 When I first joined MP I went for Gold membership. I should have just gone platinum like I am now. Seen bumblebee has 53 orders for boxset so didn’t think I’d be getting my #89 as orders hadn’t reached that high? Sure you’ll do your best for us all I wish Hdzeta would go back and make a silver box and lenti edition for the previous IT (2017) film. I would gladly purchase it and wouldn’t care that the boxset wasn’t sealed to place the previous fullslip in. But to make it worth it for Hdzeta they would probably just make a completely new Set and we’d be double dipping again 🤣
  10. Hdzeta IT 2 Silver Boxset arrived today........😁 Thank you MP Team 👏 We don’t mind that it doesn’t match the first one do we !?!?!? 🤣 Special thanks to my man @blu.steel33 at UK 🇬🇧 Hub 👍 and who wants #24 anyway? 89 was a great year..... cos my bro @Robertm89 was born! Ha🤣👍
  11. I no longer get an email when someone I’m following posts a comment on MP. Also some of the personal info on my profile is no longer visible when I’m logged on through PC (not mobile) - the post count, money spent, when joined etc is missing I just presumed MP made some changes for all this protect personal data?🤷🏼‍♂️
  12. Please don’t think I have a problem with cocaine @Trianna....... I just like the smell! 😏😏😏 🤣🤣🤣👍
  13. Everyone I know who’s seen it says it’s brilliant. I was supposed to going to the cinema to watch it with some mates but they let me down 👎 (no fun growing old and having responsibilities) I think I’ll buy this for a open and watch copy, then double dip with filmarena i just cant help myself 🙈🤣
  14. I don’t think I like it as much blank 🙁 No 66 on the back either Don’t have a preference myself, but wish they’d have gone with one of them 🤣
  15. I totally agree mate. I don’t like spending over £30 (if you’re not a red carpet member) on a Zavvi WWA steelbook. But at the same time I don’t mind spending a bit more of it comes with a awesome slip, and WeET always do a bang up job 👍 Think they need to up their game a little bit and add a booklet to and make it a thicker, bulkier package. But overall much better than the standard release
  16. Congratulations @Robertm89 on your latest pick up. I know you’ve been after Hdzeta WW OC for a long time and so happy you finally got one, and at a great price!😁 But deep down you know I’m not a big DC fan, so hurry up eat ya curry takeaway and get that Midway watched so I can talk to you about that tomorrow without giving any spoilers away 😜
  17. Me three.... Mines from HMV.... Take it yours all looked like this one with the cardboard slip? Theres are four different Steelbooks out for this film! Personally I think the FNAC one is the best, Target exclusive close second. What are your thoughts guys? I kinda like the plastic slips too (like the mondo ones!)
  18. It’s live people http://bit.ly/2PUUUWu link if anyone wants it! ☝️
  19. Anybody know when this is going live?🤔 Hopefully this Saturday??? 🤞😁
  20. I’ve just seen this online so thought I’d share 😁 Hopefully the premiums should roll out just after ..... HDZETA baby ..... YER!!!! 🙌
  21. So glad you lads had a great weekend 👍 Well done to you @Robertm89 for infiltrating UK 🇬🇧 hub and getting a good butchas at where it all happens. Hope Carl gave you a quick search before you left today 🤣 Great to hear Carl’s been such a great host and even letting to drink his precious cider too 🤣😁👍 I do feel a bit of a cop out for not getting involved this weekend - Just had a rough run after Christmas- and the fact I’m balls deep in group buys! But there will be a next time, and will finally meet the two great people I’ve been chatting too every day for so long now. I’ll make it up to you both next time and get a extra round in 😁 🍺
  22. I like that @Danny lad!👍 I’ve not seen this anywhere before... Is it a homemade job, or a Japan Steelbook maybe? 🤔
  23. A wise woman once said “ There’s no fate but what we make for ourselves” But that’s not the case when your mates with @Robertm89 !!! Who not only imports a USA 🇺🇸 copy of a film (before it’s released in the UK) and gives you a spoiler free review.... Then offers to lend it you without ya even asking...... and doesn’t just post you the 4K disc, but sends it with the lovely steelbook 😍 So that’s tonight’s viewing sorted..... cheers buddy And I promise it’s on the top shelf away from small clumsy hands 🤣
  24. @bearlol - that really is one hell of a reception picture my friend! 🤣 Congratulations- So many great pick ups! One that really stood out to me was the Kimchidvd Hell or High Water OC as pictured above ☝️ It’s one of my favourite films! It’s just the full slip and OC box that alludes me 😁 very nice collection mate, enjoy 👍

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