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Everything posted by RileyLad

  1. Jinxed by me not expecting from Weet to make them come through? or jinxed filmarena will now be the plain steel too? Either or I’m not expecting anything from either of them! Now what would kill me is if I paid the crazy asking price for a Best Buy Steelbook imported from the USA to the UK - and then for kimchidvd or Manta to announce their doing a WEA Steel. Now that would hurt! What’s highly sought after now can all change in a heartbeat- we know this from collecting for such a long time. 🤣
  2. Sure it was you that said the other day “it’s only money” 🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣 (Manta Joker OC)!👍 but thats just it - I cant justify £80 for a Best Buy Steelbook- I hope Weet edition comes through with the right/best Steel. Otherwise it’s either pay the price on eBay or hope Filmarena get it right
  3. I posted just before your last post came up @Basil ☝️ Nice move mate, then you can get the Weet edition off eBay, then sell the plain steel I’ve got my eye on a Best Buy Steel too, but it’s gonna cost me 🙁
  4. Also hoping that the previous beauty shot from Weet is a miss print, and that we end up with the USA Best Buy Ford vs Ferrari Steelbook with debossed title! If it does you will see me get up and do my happy dance 😁
  5. Been waiting to see the live pics for so long..... and they certainly don’t disappoint 👍 Cant wait to get this in hand and finally watch this film 😁
  6. Yer I didn’t take much persuading.... me - I like the DL Rob - I like the FS Me- That’s it I need a OC True story 👍
  7. Alright mate? Have you spent up this morning too? 🤣
  8. Hope so mate.... I blame that @Robertm89 , he’s a bad influence
  9. That’s Manta’s next release after Joker mate, hopefully not too long now..... Will be another heavy blow to my account tho 🤣
  10. Happy Friday Psychos! 🙌 Just paid my Manta Lad Joker invoice! Take that bank account balance ! 🤣
  11. Just seen your name on the manta joker GB - ur down for a OC 👍
  12. all good here mate, Suns shining but it’s cold and windy! Got a few items ending on eBay later today. Need to get some coin in for the Manta Joker OC 😁
  13. Morning my mate, how you doing? come at me bro .....🤣
  14. Don’t know if everyone has noticed but there’s been a lot of talk about the old MP cards that used to get posted out with earlier group buys. Mainly thanks to @DodgyDave’s recent “picture perfect award” photo. A few members have requested if they can get one. I have 2 so I’m posting one to my pal @Robertm89 👍 But then this got me wondering what’s happening with this year’s membership cards? Not heard anything so hoping there’s something going on in the back ground? I remember hearing something about maybe a wooden card for last year was a option - hope we get another one this year if anyone can confirm? @extantsrevenge, @ukade2327 , @Scary Hair , @Masterblaster , @thomue1987, @ksosk , @deckard99 , @airwins P.S I understand if you don’t wanna give anything away but a reassurance that it’s not been forgotten about? Thanks in advance 👍
  15. I always try and join the group but through MP. But if money is a bit tight I have sometimes ordered stuff direct now and again - like when a product comes back in stock that I missed out on and I’ve just been paid. But I like to stick with MP as it’s great to be in with this community and put a little back into the site. Also in a GB you are guaranteed a copy 👍
  16. Your both spot, gonna need plenty of money for all the planned Manta releases. Hoping Scarface is there next release after Once upon a time in Hollywood. Then there’s Ad Astra and maybe a small chance of Shazam My bank account is gonna hurt 🤣
  17. Not a downer @Veum, you know I love a good reception pic, But I swear I’ve seen you post 2 in 1 day mate 🤣 so annoying when people aren’t paying attention cos their eyes are glued to their phone and they have no idea what’s going on around them 🤬 Well said Ann 👍 I think there are a lot of people out there who deserve a little more respect for their hard work! Also giving them a wage that is respectful for all their hard work and dedication 😁
  18. And don’t forget we’re self isolating people! 🤣
  19. Sorry to hear your mother in law is directly in the danger zone. This outbreak is effecting us all, some more seriously than others. Very brave of her getting up everyday and going into work knowing the risks. Hope she is getting all the proper safety equipment that is needed. I don’t think it’s fair asking people to do a job they are not trained to do, just shows they must be desperate. Bringing in retired Doctors and nurses is understandably but again due to their age they are at higher risk too. I completely forgot this too being stuck here in limbo - thankfully my Mrs is on the ball 🤣
  20. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s been hard not to give any spoilers away! So much left to happen in the last 2 seasons. Let me know when you’ve finished it mate so we can have a proper discussion 😁👍 You have brought back some funny moments tho .... Think I need to watch it again soon........
  21. You can almost forget we’re social distancing when you’re sat chilling in the back garden, sat in the sun with a nice cold one 🍺 👍 I’m constantly doing PCM updates for bad running faults or to cure a new problem that Ford wants to rectify. I’m not a fan of remaps myself as in previous experience they can put the engine and turbo under too much load. You should be ok tho if you service your car regularly and don’t absolutely rag the arse off it every time you drive. But I have seen turbos blow and engines stars smoking/burning oil. If I was to choose one the Puma speed is the safer option- this is because you can reprogram the pcm back to factory setting - Also if your car need a recall (pcm update) you can override the remap to cure a running issue - but bear in mind you loose the remap I was thinking exactly the same thing, especially with you spending so much time on MP 🤣 Hope you are doing well Ann? My mother in law works in a busy Morrison’s supermarket. Think she’s been finding it very stressful dealing with so many customers. She’s had some bad cases of frustrated customers arguing over certain items and not sticking to the 2m distances. Thinks she’s missing the grand kids too
  22. Glad you see it that way too mate. And that’s also a very good point- it’s very hard work We’re hoping it doesn’t come to that but that’s good thinking and cheers for the advice. Will definitely go there if needs must 👍 That’s another good point and Yes I don’t think they have properly thought it through! Some bright spark in a suit that decides how the NHS money get paid out, covering the cracks in the NHS hospital system. End of the day lots of people struggling with work at these worrying times. I should just be thankful for now we’re both at home getting 80% hope this isolation stops the peak and things can get back to normal for everyone as soon as possible

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