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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Boilersteel

  1. You will be pi$sed, and then you will fork over the money and triple dip. This is the way of the Media Psycho.
  2. By the time these are released how many Indiana Jones movies do you think there will be? 🤔
  3. Available to preorder on Best Buy now as well. Pick your poison: Best Buy, Shout Factory, or Amazon. I know my choice (still not foolproof).
  4. Difficult decision HDZeta or CM (or both). Bring on the beauty shots. If only was WEA, but beggars can't be choosers. Something tells me the HDZeta release will come out before this one.
  5. Just arrived in the mail full gloss, and I believe the artwork is spot gloss. Many of the most sought after titles end up matte, and this one is all gloss. Just doesn't seem right. I really just bought this to reach the amount needed for free shipping, but it is a very nice looking steelbook.
  6. Actually for the lame steelbooks I meant the first Indiana Jones Best Buy ones. The BTTF ones weren't really that bad, but the matte finish was pretty lame. Still looking forward to seeing what artwork is chosen.
  7. I sense a trend here. Indiana Jones steelbook boxset released, then new individual artwork. BTTF steelbook boxset released, then likely new individual artwork. Talk about milking it. Doubt this will be the last series to see this done. Funny thing is that it can't be justified by saying oh this one is 4K while the other was Bluray. They are all 4k and doubt the discs will be any different. Also crazy how the releases are not even that far apart. I guess from a business decision it makes sense but just seems crummy to release lame steelbooks first, and then turn around and release the better artwork ones later.
  8. Full slip in stock on website. Preorder must have been today. That is only one currently available. Assume the other ones are sold out, at least for now.
  9. I agree that I expected much more from this movie. Basically expected more madness as in more multiverses than just a teasing short walk through scene. Not sure when it is safe to give details away, so will type rest as spoiler.
  10. DVD-store.it is definitely my favorite nonpremium overseas retailer. Shipping cost is expensive, but more reasonable if purchasing multiple items. This arrived from Italy to US in 3 days and was extremely well packaged by DVD-store.it. I didn't want to risk FNAC sending them all with zero bubble wrap all bouncing around in the same box (even though they would have been much cheaper from FNAC), so just ended up with TDK from FNAC before realized DVD-store.it also carried these and bought the rest from them.
  11. Just saw Love and Thunder at the theater tonight. Movie was loads of fun and absolutely loved the music. Hoping there will eventually be a WEA release for this and the rest of this phase's MCU movies.
  12. Did you mean episode V instead? You weren't a big fan of the floating Darth head that Disney used on the steelbook, instead of the artwork that everyone wanted. I suppose you also weren't a fan of the complementary scratches on each of the first round of steelbooks either. 😁 If Manta releases Star Wars premiums sign me up!
  13. Does that mean Manta lost the Disney license already. Boy that went quick. 😄
  14. Obviously, waiting is never fun, but at least appreciate that Manta continues to provide useful updates. So many times with many other retailers all you hear is crickets. Waiting continues.
  15. Penguin edition is in stock on CM website. Probably just one available at this time. Check it out if interested. Good luck!
  16. King of full slips strikes again. Beautiful texture and coloring. WeET with another impressive edition.
  17. 6 weeks is outrageous. That must be your PCP. There must be a walk in clinic somewhere close. Would suggest try that to see if the pain can be managed and to rule out anything acutely serious. Use caution with ibuprofen. Too much can be hard on your kidneys and can increase your chance of stomach ulcers. Consider alternating with acetaminophen which is much safer as long as you don't exceed the maximum daily dose. Good luck! Hopefully things turn around.
  18. Just WeET polishing that 💩. We knew it was only a matter of time it had to be done.
  19. Awesome! Crazy thing is I already have some of these cases in anticipation for future HDZeta releases, so nice that they fit CM editions as well. Thank you fellow Psychos so much for all of your help! 🙏👍
  20. Thanks, you read my mind. Actually saw a CM case for the Shining boxset on the web page that I am assuming would work. If anyone has tried this on a CM 2-edition boxset let me know. Unfortunately, none of the boxsets are in hand yet.
  21. Thanks! Appreciate the info, just seeing if planning ahead on purchasing cases would work. Still could backfire if sizes change but nice to know CM has been consistent so far. So excited to receive these! Premium collecting has forced me to greatly improve my patience.
  22. Don't have any CM boxsets, but hopefully in the next months to years I will have some. Does anyone know if CM boxsets (2 edition boxsets) are usually the same dimensions?

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