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Everything posted by Noir21

  1. Bunnies bunnies. 🤗 When does the search begin? It is by preparing a pot of coffee. It will be my first time and I will participate delighted and excited.
  2. Well, I have already seen episode 5, I managed not to find out anything before watching it, thank goodness. What a chapter, how wonderful, I am clapping with my ears how happy I am haha Have a good day, after this I'm already having it😃
  3. Not the episodes, I mean the trailers
  4. By the way, I think that due to a leak of the advances of the next two episodes, they are already available officially. No idea if they had it planned like that or is that because of what I comment, but it seems that two episodes are coming on Friday or that is my impression. The fact is that I do not want to see or know absolutely nothing about trailers or trailers. The bad thing is that they are everywhere! I consider disconnecting from networks until Friday.
  5. I loved the "Jimmy Woo writing possible answers to what happens on the board" moment. I feel fully identified. That last one would be fantastic, write me one for me haha.
  6. Well here one who has already seen the new episode. Revelations, more questions, more assumptions ... This is a non-stop and starts to scare you but in a good way hehe. 😁
  7. I know what it feels like, the exact same thing happened to me too.😔 It happened many years ago and I still have the slightest hope of finding it one day under a closet or something similar.
  8. It's an honor to start with the first review or opinion, which is about the latest from Nolan, Tenet. Let's say Nolan, you were in your kitchen and you wanted something with everything you are passionate about; then he took the lid off the shaker and added: science fiction, thriller, spy movies, large-scale action, mystery, and a good deal of "time"; He shook it eagerly and a cocktail called Tenet came out. It is a short film despite lasting more than two hours, for all the amount of details it has, which at first viewing it is easy to miss them or not be aware of their presence. The characters comply but without really shining, always having the story above all; to highlight one, Pattinson and Branagh would say. The film is a continuous fight against time, both of the characters and of Nolan himself, being something good and bad at the same time. Regarding the story, staging, audiovisual theme; It is undeniable that we are facing something unique and must be viewed on the big screen, if you want to take full advantage of it. The action scenes, chases, confrontations; each more incredible than the last. In short, an original and surprising film highlighting the audiovisual above all. With a plot and story, which can be confusing for certain reasons or reasons, but if you try to understand them you may miss the following ones and get even more confused hehe. So, as they say in it: "don't try to understand it, feel it." But then you see her again to find out everything or at least try.
  9. I very much appreciate the invitation to @Veum's movie theater and will be happy to give a review or opinion of my own; but tomorrow, which I fear would take me too long and I should be sleeping around these lands for about 2 hours. A greeting!
  10. Well, I just saw the new episode. Without going into spoilers, I liked it a lot, short like the previous ones but very concentrated and with things that I did not expect to see so soon. I had several ideas in my mind of where they could choose and it is probably the one that excites me the most of all.
  11. It seems great to me how they have risked with the series. Great success premiering the first two episodes in a row, since most people watching the first and having to wait a week thinking about what they just saw, is likely to disconnect from the series. I think there are 9 episodes with different lengths, according to the type of style they adapt. I love not knowing what to expect for the next chapter and as a huge Scarlet Witch fan, eager to get excited to see the extent to which her true potential can go. 😍
  12. Muy buenas a todos. 🤗 Me complace el hecho de poder formar parte de esta gran familia. Espero poder estar a la altura y aportar en la medida de lo posible en este gran mundillo del coleccionismo. Dispuesto a seguir escuchando en casa más frases como: "¿Esa película es nueva?" "¿Cuánto ha costado esta vez?" "¿Y por qué no la abres?" y una de mis favoritas "Por mucho que las cambies de sitio, sé que hay más que ayer".😂 Lo dicho, encantado de por fín formar parte, ¡nos leemos por aquí! 😁
  13. Muchas gracias, dispuesto para aportar en la medida de lo posible 😁
  14. Muchas gracias, un placer forma parte 🙂

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