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Squeegie McGee

★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Squeegie McGee

  1. If a premium has a WEA steel, i usually jump on that faster than Kriss Kross
  2. Lucky! I've seen a foot of snow once and it was when I had to work with my coworker out in the country after the roads were plowed. I worked with him for 2 days and his family were snow lovers so the next day we finished work early and me and his family went sledding off this natural human made dam... it was fun af! This was 11 years ago when I was working for another company
  3. @Veum @waxenol I know how to drive in the snow hehe.. I just love the scenery the snow produces.. also.. I LOVE to go snow drifting
  4. Wish we got that down in Tennessee I love winter weather!
  5. Initially, they weren't going to recast black panther and give him a proper sendoff... now there's demand from fans to recast the character. For me, I can't wait for Thor Love and Thunder, Dr. Strange 2 and Guardians of the galaxy 3
  6. If I remember correctly, you will get an email from Media Psychos LLC for the invoice with link that will take you to where you will pay the invoice or the traditional way which is through Paypal push notifications or however you had your Paypal setup. They are experimenting with how invoices will be paid moving forward. @swish @DodgyDave @deckard99 @LeGonze @Veum @Masterblaster Please clarify.
  7. Invoice paid! I didn't even know it was in my email inbox. I was thinking I'd get a DM on here...
  8. When you're feeling down... SMILE!



  9. Everyone in the room (except @Veum that scarred me for life lol ) group hug!

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