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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by tr0llhatt

  1. If they turn out to be digipacks instead... well, then we're talking 😎
  2. That's not what watching David Copperfield in the '90s taught me! A FS should be doable direct as well and since you're UK it won't be the middle of the night for you when it goes live. Though depending on your job that may not matter much
  3. Hah, I hope not! TDK been regurgitated enough when both Manta and BF are done with theirs to be honest. That makes a grand total of 4 different premiums for the trilogy (HDZ, UC, BF & Manta) - if that's not enough to choose from then there's no helping you
  4. So Rachel for the BB cover, Selina for TDK and Miranda for TDKR? I dunno, seems a bit... well, horny 🤣 really to me, none of them are particularly big characters in the movies after all. Those spots are taken by Bruce and the villains.
  5. ...but fear not, at the current rate MAG will announce TDK trilogy soon as well and you'll be drooling over that too
  6. Better start now, procrastinating it for 2 years in is something you're gonna regret. Got my premiums in mine, made space for regular steels as well as games and such... have only filled in the premiums, rest is too much work 🤣😤
  7. Well, if they're not steel I don't want them. Too low quality-effort otherwise to be honest. I'll just hold off for now then.
  8. Yuck, multi-steels like those are so.... YUCK! 🤮 I really like the 10th anniversary steel for Matrix Kinda hard to keep a thread going throughout the trilogy based on that artwork though. Maybe something for Revolutions, but Reloaded?
  9. I wouldn't be expecting Batman or Matrix from Manta until after summer, both are still work in progress based on word from the water cooler.
  10. Yes, that or go all out Batman OR villains to be honest. It won't matter so much (at all) in-hand, but lined up like that it just seems weird with protagonist and antagonists mixed. So in answer to your question @R1s1ngs0n a real combo would be either full Batman fronts or full villain fronts. Could even have the main vehicle for each installment on the front! Though that's just me, as long as they pick a theme and stay with it for any series... then we're all good and everything else is being a little nitpicky
  11. Don't worry, Skynet is gonna send a T-800 for the fourth Indy movie ans a T-1000 for newest Matrix. It's the sole reason why Skynet comes into existence.
  12. Well, I was about to order the new steels off of CDON... might as well pick up these instead. If they actually are steels that is, only HMV has them listed as such.
  13. Nope, it's still a combo with 1 Batman and 2 villains. I know, I know available art and whatnot. At this point we're not gonna get real combo either. But still... it's just weird really.
  14. Don't forget Blufans TDK if you signed up for that as well
  15. It's UHDClub - always awesome.... yes, always! 😘 Worth every one of your local currency nomination!
  16. My man! Hmm, could be the groceries I get delivered tomorrow - includes sausages and they come in boxes so...
  17. Soooooo, were you able to justify it? You're all gonna learn someday, OC is the only way to go 😎
  18. They're still in stock on Amazon, no reason to hunt anything on ebay 🤣 I daresay one always goes wrong if we're talking the recent-ish BvS titles, but they make lots of cool noises.
  19. It was just a throwaway lenti card if I remember correctly.
  20. Possible, seems to have gone up 20€ since I put in my order at least.
  21. Pedantic, but you already can. Just not from your local corner shop. Don't let international shipping stop you, it's usually not that bad from big places like Amazon. Alas, I know the sentiment all too well and so we take to WWW shopping from different corners of the world. Welcome to the club!
  22. Shots! 😎🍻 ...which coincidentally my friends tell me I'm banned from ordering for everyone, frakking pussies.

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