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Everything posted by CryoSteel

  1. I don't know about that, but I wasn't really impressed with any part of the season. Still... the difference between 12 Monkeys (easily one of my top five favorite shows) and Picard is night and day. It's not like he doesn't know how to run an intricately crafted show. Just leaves me feeling disappointed.
  2. That's fair. For me, Voyager suffers from being too episodic, which is why it's a touch lower on my list. I'm actually shocked by how much I detest Picard, considering Terry Matalas was involved with Season 2. 12 Monkeys, which he also worked as showrunner on, is gold standard TV.
  3. I've been toying around with a list for a couple of days now (slotting First Contact and Undiscovered Country was more challenging than I care to admit). You won't see the newest shows on my rankings, since I haven't been able to get into them. Shows: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Original Series Star Trek: Voyager Enterprise Movies Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country Star Trek: First Contact Star Trek: The Voyage Home Star Trek: The Search for Spock Star Trek: The Motion Picture Star Trek: Generations Star Trek: Beyond Star Trek: The Final Frontier Star Trek (2009) Star Trek: Insurrection Star Trek: Into Darkness Star Trek: Nemesis
  4. Probably amounts to Gorr sees sword get used, takes sword, goes on a killing spree. The movie makes it more exciting, of course, but comic readers know it's All-Black.
  5. I agree in terms of ranking. The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan, and then a distant third with Boba Fett. I don't know. I think that holds up well enough for me. I think my issues lie elsewhere. Maybe if I sit with them more.
  6. I know the MCU doesn't perfectly follow the comics but, in them, Gorr doesn't really have powers. It's All-Black that makes him so dangerous. I'd say, based on the trailers so far, that sword will be doing the same here. I think, ultimately, it's going to be some version of All-Black, but it wouldn't surprise me if the sword's origins are kept somewhat vague.
  7. For the most part, I enjoyed Obi-Wan. Had some minor quibbles with the series (though, sticking a show like this into the timeline, when you have established canon on both sides, is always going to present some challenges). Definitely do not want a second season. I think the ending was perfect.
  8. Got off work and found that The Prestige had arrived in the mail. I'd say that's a pretty good start to the weekend.
  9. I'd have to check the script, but I don't think McNeill actually wrote the episode. This was just one of his personal copies. As you can probably tell, though, I've been known to hit up the convention circuit. Pretty stoked to have gotten to meet the Trek actors I have. LOL. You probably could get a good punchline out of this.
  10. Here's my contribution. The script for "Q2" was actually one of Robert Duncan McNeill's. It's signed by both him and Garrett Wang.
  11. @extantsrevenge, can I please have a new award? 😄
  12. There's a difference between hot and hell's kitchen. 😛
  13. That sounds like a fantastic decision. If only I had that kind of sense.
  14. My Spider-Man: No Way Home editions arrived the other day. Love them both. WeET always does some fantastic work on their full slips. But, in hand, I think A1 is the standout here.
  15. I'm starting to hope the DL is a transitional lenti and the lights turn on and off.
  16. As a proud and upstanding member of the full slip club, that double lenticular is the edition to beat so far.
  17. WeET has absolutely outdone themselves on this entire release. This might just be what perfection looks like.
  18. I think you're going to get some varied answers on this one if @Basil's reaction is any indication. Personally, I think it's a decent enough popcorn movie.

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