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Everything posted by Fortis93

  1. You hit the head on the nail.
  2. Greetings from the future! Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be more ripped than before! Psychos ShReDeD! TESTOSTERONE Tuesday So, I decided to do something a little different for this week... OLD SCHOOL EDITION And for my buddy, @LeGonze... MEXICAN ENCORE Good Morning Psychos! I hope you all are doing good today! Here’s to us experiencing a Tuesday that’s even better than our Monday!
  3. It looks like I've gone past the point of no return. Especially with the 'True Psycho' title. No going back now.
  4. Nah, I completely respect your opinion. I was just taking the Mick following our discussion yesterday.
  5. How do I get that fancy framing that a lot of you guys have?
  6. I have emailed goose already. He's currently on holiday and said he'll get around to it along with others who need signatures/banners.
  7. I'm sure you're less that and more like Kevin Costner in Waterworld.
  8. The former I think I can handle, the latter not so much. Testosterone Tuesday it is.
  9. I take it I should probably call off Testosterone Tuesday?
  10. Those Bat nipples are something else.
  11. Fair enough. I'd say there's a greater margin of subjectivity when it comes to genres such as comedy and horror. You're either amused/scared, or you're not.
  12. I already know you're going to say Batman & Robin tomorrow.
  13. I know this is completely subjective, but couldn't you also apply that to films of any genre, though?
  14. I'd also add the style of direction and cinematography. A lot of David Fincher vibes there, too. Just of curiosity, what's everyone's favourite Batman film?
  15. I know. This isn't a normal occurrence for me. My sleep schedule has been thrown off balance this past week.
  16. And that's completely fair. It's probably not a horror film in the conventional sense, but for me, it combines elements of horror with war film to tell a survival story/thriller.

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