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Everything posted by Fortis93

  1. So a Sheep, a Drum and a Snake fall off a cliff... Baa-Dum-Tss!
  2. I'm waiting for the Director's Cut, too. I've heard there was a lot removed from the Theatrical Version, just like Kingdom of Heaven.
  3. Ich wollte niemanden beleidigen. Der Witz bezieht sich eher auf die Dummheit der Person, die versucht, eine behinderte Person zu imitieren. Es steht Ihnen jedoch frei, dieses Video zu entfernen. @extantsrevenge Entschuldigung, wenn ich jemanden beleidigt habe.
  4. Holger ist der deutsche James Bond. Geschmeidig und charmant. Das Einzige, was ihm fehlt, ist sein Titel.
  5. I swear that movie has one of the most charismatic casts ever assembled. One of the many reasons it's so re-watchable.
  6. I'm a sucker for big-budget Hollywood epics. The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, Lawrence of Arabia, etc. Wish they made these today.
  7. I just saw Stallone's own tribute on Instagram. The Rocky movies are very near and dear to me, so it was pretty touching.
  8. Ein unterschätzter Schauspieler mit einer großartigen Leinwandpräsenz.
  9. Félicitations, mon ami. J'attends avec impatience vos débuts à la télévision pour découvrir les secrets de la confection d'excellents gâteaux et pâtisseries. 😄
  10. Ich vermisse Filme wie Gremlins. Filme für Kinder, die sich nicht scheuten, sowohl lustig, süß als auch düster zu sein.
  11. Were you one of the people who won the $200 million Powerball last night by any chance? 😄
  12. I usually try to separate the artist from their art. I only take exception to this if they try to insert their own questionable beliefs or behaviours into a story that has no place for them. I've seen many critics try to rationalise dealing with taboo topics in films, claiming that great art should be uncomfortable or willing to explore the uncomfortable. I agree to an extent. If the story being told calls for it and the director has enough sense, tact and honesty to deal with it, then fine. It's when directors use the above as an excuse purely to shock, provoke and draw attention to themselves that I start to take issue with it. If you're going to explore uncomfortable topics, it needs to be coming from an honest place, especially if you're shedding light on and wanting to encourage discussion on said issues and not out of some insecurity or childish need to throw everything at the screen and see what sticks.
  13. I'm stuck on the "blindly robbing" bit. How do you blindly rob someone? 🤔
  14. In the real world? I don't know. But on MP? You most certainly are. 😁
  15. @hal56 is Austrian, not Australian. 😄
  16. I don't know what they're using, but the chocolate is very gummy and super sweet. It doesn't even melt properly. There are other brands like Whittaker's (from New Zealand), Haigh's and Darrell Lea. I'm not sure if they have these in the UK. They're head and shoulders above what Cadbury is putting out.
  17. I reckon Lindt and even the Aldi brands of chocolate are way better.
  18. Für diese Preise sollten es Steelbooks sein.
  19. To be fair, Cadbury's has gone down in quality in the past decade or so. They used to use real Cocoa for their chocolate, but now they use some cheap alternative that doesn't taste as good.

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