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Everything posted by SilentasKnight

  1. I watched Back to The Future in 4K last night for the first time. 4K for the first time, not the movie for the first time. I have to say they did a splendid job with the 4K scan! Looks like it was made last year.
  2. @extantsrevenge Finally have my tenth BB edition! I wish I had never passed on Gremlins when I had the chance. I’ll pick it up sometime in the future though 👍🏻😁
  3. @RileyLad Wow talk about sexy on Valentines day! Here's a question. If Margo Robbie wasn't in this movie, would you like it less? I'll be honest. I was way more excited to see it when I found out she was in it. 😁
  4. So was MP operating on a different GB website before 2017? That is interesting that FAC started 2-3 years after those other companies. It seems to me that FAC has way more releases now. They must of been churning through them at a much faster pace than everyone else. I feel like I have missed so much, but when I put it in perspective. In 2009 I watched Ironman and The Incredible Hulk in theaters. So premium Steelbooks are not even as old as the MCU, which the beginning of seems relatively new and fresh to me. Still it must be neat for you guys to be around since the start of something. I wish I was simply to spread the outflow of cash over a longer period of time. I don't think I will ever have a BVS boxset at this rate. I recently acquired an Hdz San Andreas. When I received it I was puzzled as to why it didn't follow the normal Hdz format. Slip with a Steelbook and a folder inside. This just had a Steelbook inside a slip like Wet's WWA editions are. Then I looked it up on here and saw it was Silver #9. So this must of been when they were still establishing their brand and making a consistent product. It seems like everything pre 2015 just doesn't have the same quality as today.
  5. Where there any Premium Steelbook companies in 2009? From my research the first Blu-ray steelbook was Pans Labyrinth in 2007. I can't imagine that Premiums were a thing only 2 years later.
  6. @CAYENNE-FAHRER That is really really impressive! I wish I had gotten into this hobby much earlier. @extantsrevenge I am curious as to when these Premium Steelbook companies started. I see that MP has a date of 2017 on the bottom of the home page. Have you guys been collecting since before then? When did FAC, Hdzeta and Blufans release their #1 editions?
  7. Geez @deckard99 I can only imagine what your Debby Does Dallas collection looks like 👍🏻 😆🤣🤣🤣
  8. Good morning Psychos. 5 more inches of snow coming in the North East today. Enjoy the this Sunday!
  9. I think the Blade Runner Steelbook is awesome. The others I agree are not so good. I give them credit for trying something new though.
  10. Well you should know. It is yours after all haha. I know ML never did Hacksaw Ridge. 🤣🤣🤣
  11. @ScottVAis that a KCDVD Boxset directly in the center of your Manta Lab picture?
  12. I am happy so many non-tiered members are getting a Boxset. I know what it feels like to not make the cut. I’m glad the Psychos were able to secure so many for most everyone. I mean we are getting almost 25% of all the boxsets made just for MP. That’s incredible. @ksoskshould be proud of himself!
  13. You know if I just wanted a Steelbook I would pay the extra $4 for a Fullslip or $5 for a Lenticular any day. The quarter slip seems pricey compared to the other options.
  14. How did you get a card and coins? I don't have any of that!
  15. Split the print run down the middle? I like your style, classy I must say. 🤣🤣🤣
  16. That is really something special there buddy. I am on the look out for for either this or the 4K Hdzeta Boxset. I need a premium on this movie. Actually the FAC XL slip would do just fine too 😁
  17. You have a valid point sir! No wonder they are starting to add up. Haha.
  18. I am getting to the point where I have a lot. Some of the OG's on this site probably have 4X what I have though.
  19. That is a good analogy! New Zealand and Australia are probably the two places I most want to visit. Everyone that goes from the USA says you need 3-4 weeks to make it worth the 30 hour plane ride though. That kind of trip can buy a lot of Steelbooks. Sh*t I could probably get 10 BVS boxsets for that kinda money.
  20. I think there is a small percentage that have spent the thousands of dollars you would need to spend to get some of these awards. That is why the awards are cool though. Otherwise you wouldn't see these big collections all the time.
  21. @ScottVA There you go Bad@ss. I knew you had some treasures in that apartment somewhere 😁😆👍

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