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Everything posted by 4kiraL

  1. The front cover shows an Island with a Lighthouse. If you look closely the Island is shaped like a male body while the Lighthouse represents his erect phallus.
  2. Damn. Never thought the artwork would be NSFW. I like it.
  3. Yes, please do! Haikyuu has awesome character arcs over several seasons with huge emotional pay off. Also, good animation, soundtrack and Volleyball action ( techniques and tactics are somewhat realistic with real life volleyball in contrast to Kurono Baskets) You can watch Haikyuu on Netflix. There is also a neat Blu Ray Box from Sentai Filmworks.
  4. These do not include the theatrical cuts of the original trilogy right? And it seems like the sound is worse than the Blu Ray, so I'm gonna pass on this one.
  5. Yes, movie is B&W (and shot with an unconventional almost square aspect ratio).
  6. When I was a teenager, I was a Death Note fanboy. Kira and L are the protagonists of that show.
  7. Guys, imagine they would make an Ari Aster Collection with Hereditary and Midsommar. Similar to the beautiful James Wan Conjuring Collection!!! 😍
  8. I co-sign Silence of the Lambs and The Usual Suspects. Can't be stressed enough. 😉 I also think that Mulholland Dr. has a big fanbase since it's Lynch's most popular film. And since MLIFE is doing The Lighthouse, I would suggest two contemporary horror films that are well-received and popular: Hereditary Midsommar
  9. Ich war diese Woche bei der Berlinale. Und habe mir dort ein paar Weltpremieren angesehen. Das war mein erstes Filmfestival und ne ziemlich coole Erfahrung. Hier ne Auswahl von Filmen, die ich dort sehen durfte: Time To Hunt (Südkorea) Ein Actionthriller des gefeierten Regisseurs Yoon Sung-Hyun, der ein wenig an No Country for Old Men erinnert. In einer dystopischen Zukunft versuchen 4 Männer der Armut zu entfliehen, indem sie versuchen, ein Casino ausrauben. Zunächst entwickelt sich die ganze Geschichte zu einem spannenden Katz und Mausspiel mit viel realistischer Baller-Action. Der geile Sound im Dolby Atmos Kino tut sein Übriges. Auch die Charaktere und ihre Beziehungen bekommen viel Screentime. Leider ist der Film viel zu lang und redundant. Regie, Kulisse, Action und Schauspiel sind oberste Sahne, aber die Story flacht nach der ersten Hälfte ziemlich ab. Insgesamt ein eher mittelmäßiger Film. 5/10 Never Rarely Sometimes Always (USA/GB) Der wohl beste Film, den ich bei der Berlinale gesehen habe. Die Hauptdarstellerin Sidney Flanigan ist eine der krassesten Newcomer die ich je erlebt habe. Extrem gutes Schauspiel, den Namen muss man sich merken! NRSA ist ein Abtreibungsdrama, das wirklich unter die Haut geht. Kommt diesen Sommer in Deutschland in die Kinos. MUST-WATCH!!! 8,5/10 Schlaf (Deutschland) Gleich bei seinem Regie-Debüt wagt sich Michael Venus an einen Horrorthriller und kriegt sogar zwei talentierte Schauspielerinnen an Bord : Sandra Hüller (Toni Erdmann) und Swantje Kohlhof (Tore Tanzt). Der Film ist technisch sehr gut gemacht, die schaurige Kulisse ist extrem gut gewählt und das Schauspiel ist erste Sahne. Die erste Hälfte des Films macht sehr viel Spaß und die Story ist fesselnd. Leider ist das Drehbuch nicht ganz rund und einige Themen und Elemente des Films kommen aus dem nichts, was den Film inkohärent wirken lässt. Dennoch hat Venus für seinen ersten Spielfilm vieles richtig gemacht, der dann gegen Hrlloween 2020 rauskommen soll. Wir haben hier einen ziemlich soliden Film, der zum Glück nicht nur auf Jump-Scares setzt. 7/10
  10. Thank you. I will try to restrain myself.
  11. This is neat. Definitely one of the best films of 2019.
  12. The visuals of The Lighthouse was impressive as well. Let's hope for the best.🤞
  13. I find the predictability of Midsommar was quite fitting. Subverting expectations for the sake of it would have ruined the movie since th effectiveness of a lot of scenes and of the overall narrative rely on the viewers expectations. Midsommar is less about what happens but how it happens. Feeling disturbed is one of the main goals of the picture and in order to do so, Aster has to create an atmosphere that leads to a complete immersion of the viewer. He succeeds at that as the world building was one of the most impressive I have seen in a long time. The colours, the cinematography and Pugh's acting were on point. What I like the most about Aster is the way he decides NOT to show things to create emotion and tension. We know what happened, we know it's there but he is keeping us at the edge of our seats by hiding it away. Yeah, it's a bummer that there are so many critically acclaimed movies with a solid fan base that might never get a proper collector's edition. Mulholland Dr. comes to my mind.
  14. For me Midsommar ties with Parasite as best movie of 2019.
  15. Okay, let me do some reasoning here to see if I get this process correctly. - There are 3 Threads that get linked to each other: GB Thread, Info Thread, Release Thread. - GB Thread: This is where we sign up. A bot confirms that we signed up. - Info Thread: Wierdly not much info about release here. Ask questions here, tag a person in charge to change request. - Release Thread: Located in the Forums in contrast to the other 2 Threads. Here is where we find all the info on progress pics, price, number of limited Editions etc. As soon as a Beauty Shot gets posted here, GB is not considered "To Update" any more. Questions: - After the Beauty Shots get posted : We update using the GB Form and pay deposit (If you are a new member). Question here: In the Info Thread it says: IF YOU WANT UPDATE (TO UPDATE) OR ASK A REQUEST (NEW REQUEST) OR ADD EDITION (in addition to your initial request) USE THE GB FORM Is the GB Form the same Green Button we use to sign up? Or where do I find it? - Do we get notifications about when a GB is not TO UPDATE any more or is it our responsibility to follow the release Thread? - Which of these three Threads should I follow? It seems to me that the release Thread is the only useful one. Kind Regards, Kira
  16. Hey guys, I just signed up for the Les Miserables UHD Club GP. That one already has a Beauty Shot and I am a new member. So, how do I pay the deposit?
  17. Hey guys, this site is awesome. I was looking for a collector's edition for "The Prestige" because it is one of my favourite movies of all time and finally found one on here. But of course it sold out About 8 years ago I started collecting DVDs and Blu Rays but back then I didn't put much emphasis on high quality editions. These Ultra Group Edition look so awesome, I wanna take part in the group orders as well. That is why I made this account and joined the community. I am really looking forward to the next DP versions. Still need to figure out how everything works here, I saw a guide here somewhere... My favourite movies are Oldboy, The Prestige and Searching for Sugarman. I really hope to get awesome Collector's editions for these movies some day. Nice too meet you guys!

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