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  1. Agreed. Think I'll probably skip all the Matrix movies and get the OC for this and The Suicide Squad.
  2. Got damn that's awesome! Love the using all of Pegg's characters! Thank you so much!
  3. Hi @goose_3387, I was think of updating my sig! Whenever you get a chance, could you make one using the Cornetto trilogy as the inspiration?
  4. Not entirely sure, but I don't think so. On my andriod device, when I screenshot a web page, it will hyperlink the web address it was taken at, which is nice. The only thing is it doesn't bring you to the exact comment were you found the bunny, which is what they want so it's easier for them to sort through thousands of screenshots.
  5. Just a tip for anyone thats using a mobile device or tablet to do the hunt, instead of trying to put everything in a message right now, put all the links in the notes app in your device. Then at the end is just make sure you match up the link with the correct screenshot 👍 you can also do the same on desktop by putting everything in either a word document or spreadsheet!
  6. Does the ring sit in the middle of the OC box? Cause if so that is freaking dope
  7. According to Manta's release schedule, this one got delayed, so unfortunately wouldn't expect it anytime soon
  8. Nothing currently, they were selling the steelbook only, but I believe they have sold out. With cinemuseum's backlog I could see this release not coming out till 2023, but that's just my own opinion
  9. Oh 100%, it will look amazing in hand! Manata has more than earned my trust in that regard. But imagine the imax poster done with Manta's metallic style! I know they studio has to approve what goes out, but I will choose minimalism over floating heads triangle any day. Hopefully maybe for the FS 🤞
  10. Steelbook may not have the best artwork, but manta has been killing it with some of OC art lately, so here is to hoping that trend continues. No matter what, this GB is going to be a bloodbath
  11. And people were worried that they would be stuck with FAC WWA. Never count out Weet! And look at that embossing! Can't wait to see the FS. Obviously every is entitled to their own opinion, but Weet is by far the best retailer right now
  12. Look at you being smart and sciencey about it. I just gave mine a little rattle to see if I could hear the disc in there

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