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Posts posted by Trianna

  1. 40 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


    It's annoying when you're out walking in public and people aren't looking in front of them, especially those coming toward you or walking on the road. 


    I didn't get things like Internet, or a mobile phone or a social media account until much later than a lot of my friends and even I look back wonder how I survived or managed to entertain myself. 😄

    Well I never want to be the one saying "in my times we hit each other with sticks and were happy about it" 😂 if we had access to phones and tablets in our childhood well I don't know how addicted we would have been 😅 we had game consoles very early though but our parents always set a time limit.


    So I don't have anything against giving children access to these devices but it should be limited and the parents should check what their kids are watching. Or use it to play games together. 

    • Like 4
  2. 1 minute ago, Fortis93 said:


    This is very true.


    And I can only imagine the difficulty in being a parent, but I do agree there's a lot that can be done at home and examples that can be set.


    Here, the adults are just bad as the children in terms of being glued to their devices and I think kids can adopt those habits (or think they're acceptable).


    I have a friend who has a 'no technology' rule when his kids come home; no phones or devices for a couple of hours and they get to enjoy time together (playing board games, building things, etc.)


    It's just harder now in our current lockdown where most of us are stuck in our homes, so you don't get to take kids to the park, outdoor activities, etc.

    You are absolutely right, it's a problem here too. Hell even if adults are meeting with friends they have their phones out.


    I also can only imagine how hard it is to be a parent but tossing their kids in front of a TV/tablet/phone just so that they don't get disturbed by them...well why have a child at all then?


    And even in times of Corona you could still take a walk outside (here at least) but even when they do...I often see a mother pushing a stroller while on the phone/talking with a friend and the kid also glued to a tablet. Hardly communicating with the child, explaining things to them, teaching them new words and what they are seeing outside.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


    I'm not sure how the education system is over there where you are, but I think I can understand why a lot of kids are like that given the state of things here.


    Teachers are becoming increasingly overworked and underpaid, and universities now function more as businesses and degree-printing factories than anything else.


    There's less emphasis on learning and more on exams or assessments. 


    Underpaid & overworked are certainly true here, too. 


    But they already get kids which they can hardly work with, an example:


    When I was at my hairdresser once they was a kid beside me, eyes glued on his phone with a video playing during the whole time of the haircut. Even tilting the phone when he had to tilt his head and he couldn't talk coherently. Like it was all just baby talk or more noises than talk. 


    When they left my hairdresser told me, that this kid will start school in a few weeks. How should teachers do they job appropriately when they have to start at zero? 


    Not saying all teachers are good or the education system is perfect but a lot of problems start even before school and even before kindergarten.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Casiusco said:




    In what you are commenting there is an increasingly important circumstance: the education of the audience. For example, more and more children are having trouble reading long paragraphs, or books that require a little effort or concentration. They are approaching the world accustomed to consuming short and easy messages, where there is nothing to think about. To this you can add the consequences of growing up thinking that the world is what you see on Netflix.


    It's not gadgets or streaming platforms are bad, no.. really they are great; but, on the one hand, we accustom children to living in the immediacy, everything now and everything easy; and on the other, despite having more tools and media than ever, we are reducing its variety and horizon more than ever.


    I'm not saying that this is always the case at all, not at all. I say that it's something that is becoming more and more common, and that, therefore, it becomes part of the audience.


    In fact, even beyond the cinema, it's estimated that a good part of teenagers are not capable of maintaining their attention throughout the duration of a game. For example, they don't follow the 90 minutes of a football game, it's too long, even if their team plays. And there is already an audience problem with football at that ages.


    And as there are more and more people like this, or that what they do and what they like is a trend, the audience is mutating, fragmenting, and the offer does too.


    It's really sad to see how some parents aren't willing to invest time in their kids education...phone and tablets could be used to educate them playfully if the parent would sit down with them and getting them engaged.


    Not all parents are like that of course but lately I see it getting more prevalent. And some kids can't even sit through a 30 min. Youtube video anymore...even if they like the video. And now they got tiktok with short videos, mostly dancing or pranks, nothing to think about which they watch all day. 


    I wonder what kind of cinema will appeal to them.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Hollywood E Rock said:

    Do you like the live-action version of GITS w/Scarlett? I love me some Johansson but that one was boring, & the way she walked in the movie was funny.

    I liked the visuals but it doesn't come close to the anime. The acting was too stiff even if it's supposed to show the "robotic/cold" nature.


    And they completly missed the point of the tank fight...in the anime it was quiet, no gloating from and cutting to "the big bad", no dramatic music and she didn't win the fight here which was to show that she wasn't a one man army

    • Like 3
  6. Movies I could watch anytime aren't necessarily my most favorite ones, but for the darker movies I have to be in the right mood 😂


    Ghost in the Shell (anime version)

    Blade Runner / 2049

    Fight Club

    Your Name

    Spirited Away

    Captain America Winter Soldier

    Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse

    Lion King




    (a lot of animated movies I realize 😂)

    • Like 13
  7. 1 hour ago, Cornbuster said:

    Morgen Gemeinde,


    unser jährlicher 2-Tagestrip im Europapark steht an!

    Is von uns aus nur ne Stunde Fahrt.

    Soll heut und morgen über 30 Grad geben in Rust.

    rollercoaster GIF by Europa-Park


    Freu mich schon auf die ganzen lauten Franzosen dort... 😂

    Euromaus GIF by Europa-Park


    Schönen Donnerstag Euch allen!


    Muss ich auch mal hin. Mein Chef hat mir erst vor Kurzem davon vorgeschwärmt (also dem Park nicht den Franzosen, wobei er die auch erwähnt hat). War schon lang nicht mehr in einer Achterbahn.

    Rollercoaster GIF by memecandy

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  8. 9 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


    At the risk of offering up another "hot take", I think the fault lies within some combination of the studios, filmmakers and audiences.


    And I say that as someone who is firmly on the side of the audience. I think audiences will sit through films that are "still" as long as there is something engaging happening, e.g. 12 Angry Men, which a lot of younger audiences to seem to really dig from what I've seen.


    There are times when filmmakers conflate self-consciously "showy" long-takes or superficial "stillness" for depth and I think a lot of audiences can sniff that out.


    Not saying that "Joker" or "Birdman" are necessarily guilty of this (though there were times in Birdman when those long-takes started to draw a bit too much attention to themselves in a way that was distracting).


    That's true, long films aren't necessarily boring nor do slow-paced movies have to be guaranteed artistic-engaging-masterpieces. 


    But I also agree with @Pbsw23 that nowadays movies get longer and longer without the story or action to fill that time. Longer doesn't always mean better 😉 


    It is just sad that studios won't take any risks and publish slower movies or let scenes breathe for once. On the other hand it's sad that this is nowadays considered a risk because people have the attention span for the length of a tiktok video. 

    • Like 7
  9. @Casiusco I would love to see variety in movies as well the problem is the short attention span of the people nowadays. 


    For example I read some reviews of The Joker from our local cinema visitors when it first came out. There were A LOT one star review with the reason"nothing is happening, they just talk all the time". I don't know if the internet is partly at least at fault but most people can't seem to sit through a movie if a scene goes longer than 20 seconds without a dramatic cut, an explosion, shaky cam whatever.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

    About Hempsy, Pom Klementieff, the same one that the unreliable gossips said that she is more than a friend, says:


    "Your musculature is quite pathetic, your hammer is teeny tiny"


    @Trianna, your turn.

    Tbh no matter about which guy, it's just laughable if a woman resorts to "he has a tiny d*ck"...they cry if men call them fat/ugly/point out small tits, but they think they are allowed to laugh about something a man has no control over 🙄

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