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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Parzival

  1. Manta no doubt a fantastic retailer, so this will be a good release no doubt I have some emotional attachment to the film, as it was the first mainstream one to be released during Covid and easing of first lockdown This was a huge risk for the Distributors, but they took a decision to benefit the wider picture of what was going on in the world But hands up, who truly understands this film? Tried watching it a few times , rewinding scenes, subtitles etc but still all a bit vague for me I would dearly love to understand and get t grips with it, but maybe I'm just not that clever enough lol Why can't they just make simple films anymore like Inception lol 🤔
  2. Nice but does one double dip, having the complete FAC set 🤔 Choices choices choices Will Zavvi continue the complete line of the Zavvi series I wonder?
  3. No doubt this new Mondo line is funky and different. Not quite convinced on the artwork of this one though If you were to hide the title and show someone, most would probably think The Martian lol. Personally I think the new Avengers Mondo is really nice, as is Black Panther
  4. But the FS had a 36 page booklet vs 16 page in the lenti edition 🤪
  5. Anyway, goes with my other Mondos So the recent Mondo series complete thus far Looking forward to BR2049 Mondo Hopefully I can insert in the BR2049 UC edition somehow
  6. Nice @Fortis93 I see you like your Bonds 🙂
  7. No idea, just reading off Stefan's thread His message seemed to indicate something , but best leave it at that..
  8. Hi Steffan, this is indeed sad news, but I respect your decision It is absolutely fine for someone to lose the passion for something, as life is a moving train, and one's priorities and preferences are constantly changing. Life is dynamic, fluid and evolving. What is not acceptable is the incidents you talked about, and it makes me very angry with those members who may have caused you distress. I hope that small minority is happy with themselves, because they have ruined it for others. But I can sincerely say, that group is a minority. The majority of the members on this forum have always held you in high admiration, myself included. And it will stay that way. I hope in future, you can rediscover your passion again, and I hope in the meantime members can give you a break (and give you the respect you deserve). The fact is, there are more important things going on right now, and we are living in exceptional times. I will still monitor this thread, to admire any beauties you have on display. Thanks again for all your hard work and the pleasure you have given us all these years. Take care and stay safe
  9. Great video @ksosk looks gorgeous Any shipping updates? Many thanks
  10. Hi @R1s1ngs0n and @ksosk Any status update for UK members Some members in U.S have actually received their copies, I am yet to be invoiced I believe Many thanks
  11. I know, I got that update too lol. Mine is now changed from "order shipped" to "manifest created" 🤔 Any idea how long it took from that point to your delivery? The tracking that CM provided does not seem to be active on the Royal mail website yet
  12. Well I'll be damned.. I think I just received my tracking number for the one click Miracles do still happen Way to go CM
  13. @Scary Hair For your empty Hdz slips, I already have the perfect match 😉 Look at my thread (page 2)...where you will find all things Blade Runner
  14. Hmmmm @R1s1ngs0n Very very interesting 🤔 I'd wish they did a Mondo of the original BR as well
  15. @claptraw Agree, Zavvi Disney steelbooks were very nice with all the embossing Toy story 1 - 3 were great, a shame they went with WWA for the 4th, a very boring steelbook

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