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Everything posted by pygospa

  1. Also important to remember "pygospa ist gemein" - but I'll tell you the meaning later
  2. *lach* Das Annektieren hat also schon begonnen, ja? @Kingpin I can teach you some German, if you like. The first one "Ick bin ein Pfannkuchen" means "I am a Berlin guy" - famous qoute from JFK, only he did it wrong. The second one: "Ich liebe Steelbooks" - I love steelbooks The third one: "Ich bin ein Blaustrahlensammler" - I am a blu-ray collector. I believe with those three you can already get far in this thread
  3. Huiuiui, die Nachtdurchmacher hier. Ich wünsche ebenfalls einen guten Morgen
  4. Ich auch. Ich hätte es damals sogar zu einem recht günstigen Preis kriegen können, aber ich idiot hab's sausen lassen. So, jetzt aber wirklich Gute Nacht Euch allen!
  5. Das hast Du falsch gelesen, ich find Teil 2 besser als Teil 1. Wobei ich noch mal in mich gehen müsste. Teil 1 fand ich bei der Erstsichtung auch ganz in Ordnung, hab den aber jetzt zur Vorbereitung noch mal geschaut, und da war der schon sehr öde. Mal schauen also, wie sich Teil 2 in der Zweitsichtung macht. Ein paar Logiklöcher gab es hier und da aber auch... @Schlafen - naja, war mir nicht sicher ob ich mein Pensum an Posts hier schon erreicht habe :P
  6. Kein Fußballfan - daher war ich im Kino Das mach ich abends öfters mal, entweder es geht ins Kino, oder es wird eine Blu-ray in den Player geschoben. Heute wie gesagt Kino, geguckt haben wir "Jurassic World 2". Hat mir gefallen. War jetzt kein großartiger Film und es gab 1-2 Dinge die mich auch ein wenig gestört haben, aber im großen und ganzen ganz anständig und besser als Jurassic World 1; an Jurassic Park kommt allerdings auch der mal so garnicht ran. So, und jetzt würd ich gerne schlafen gehen, wenn der Herr es gestattet?
  7. Beim Media-Dealer gibt es die Star Trek Filme im Steelbook jetzt für 55€, zuzüglich eines T-Shirts und eines Pins. Macht dann pro Steelbook 5,50€ und T-Shirt und Pin sind geschenkt. Ein unschlagbarer Preis, wie ich finde! Ich hab zugeschlagen (die Steels wollte ich sowieso noch in die Sammlung holen ) Media Dealer
  8. Supi, danke. Hab's gefunden. Hab irgendwie immer in den Foreneinstellungen gesucht, und da konnte ich nur ein Cover sowie eine "Bio" einstellen. Jetzt hab ich auch endlich eine Signatur
  9. Danke für das Lob (bin auch an mein Limit gekommen ), ich glaube aber die meisten wissen das schon - hab ich ja auch schon in Bluray-Disc.de ebenfalls so gehandhabt Wie kann man denn seine Signatur editieren? Irgendwie hab ich das noch nicht gefunden ?
  10. Huhu @bifi! Ja, genau so geht es mir auch. Schon vor Jahren von diesem Forum gehört, aber hier nie reingeschaut. Das hat sich jetzt geändert. Ist ein echt tolles Forum hier, bin total begeistert Und auch wenn das Englisch schreiben anstrengend ist, es übt und man kommt auch mal mit internationalen Sammlern in Kontakt - das ist bestimmt auch nicht so schlecht
  11. Bist Du DER Joh, wo ich denke dass Du bist?
  12. I found a way to directly link to the post. On the top right corner of each post there is this "report post" and next to it this little pictogram with some circles connected by lines - if you click that, you'd get a link that links directly to the post. And wow - linking to other posts looks really great on this forum
  13. Thank you for your kind words. Really happy to hear them - however I cannot "spend" any "thank you"s anymore ? Regarding the part I quoted: Should I link my post into the other thread? Or should I copy it over? I would probably rather just link it (maybe tease some photos), so people won't get annoyed to read the same text over and over at different places But thanks for the link - I am still exploring this forum
  14. #501 | US | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | Empty Steelbook (Future Shop Exclusive) EAN: 86162230028 Release date: Oct 6th, 2009 Region Code: - Paid: 18,25€ In my previous post I already said that I got that edition in a double pack. The description read "with bonus rare Diamond Edition included" - and I thought "Oh, well, he included the amaray". Lots of German collectors do, if they buy imported steelbooks whose discs do not have German dubbing on them, because most Germans don't like to or cannot watch movies in English (it is far more often "Don't like to", at least from what I experienced). I on the other hand don't. I started watching movies in English in 2007. I was forced to, because I did an Erasmus year abroad, I lived together with 3 Latvians and one Italian in Spain - the only language we where all sufficently fluent enough was English, especially when it came to watching movies, so we watched a lot of movies and all of them in English. When returning home I realized two things: 1. Doubing somehow sounded funny, as if the voice is not comming from the person but from someone sitting at a desk reading from a paper (and please, don't get me wrong, Germany probably has one of the most expensive and most excellent doubing productions in the whole world), there was a dynmaic that was somehow missing. Also a lot of stuff just sounded much better in English (jokes, certain expressions, different slnags and accets, etc.) much more natural. 2. I finally got fluent in watching movies in English - and I didn't want to loose this gift right away, again. Even though my English is quite all right, I'd guess, the very first movies in English where hard, and tireing, and I missed a lot of things, jokes, etc. But in the end, I was feeling quite comfortable. And so I decided to from that day onward only watch movies and series in original audio. But I digress. Back to the supposedly German Amray: The auction even had a picture and I saw something in a holofoil paper o-card and thought to myself: "Well that's how Disney amarays look like, isn't it? They come in holofoil paper slip covers, usually with printed FSK seal and beneath is the exact same cover on a amaray, so I wouldn't really need it". In retrospect I would have loved to have the German disc of Snow White as well. I only knew this in German, all the songs and all the names felt so strange and unfamiliar even though the melodies where the same, it was just somewhat unfamiliar and had a strange touch. However, what I got was even better, and I did not have any idea beforehand, what it was: It's a free of charge limited empty steelbook in a holofoil O-Card Slip, that was exclusively "gifted" via Future Shop (now Best Buy) only if you pre ordered the Diamond Edition release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the shop, on either Blu-ray or DVD 3-Disc Combo Pack (this is something really gerat as well - the combo pack always included 2 BD and 1 DVD, but you could choose if you wanted the G1 sized DVD amaray package or the G2 sized BD amaray package). So how did this work? You took a the empty steelbook (? or maybe even just that J-Card?) that where in shelf from Aug 8th to Oct 5th, 2009 to the cashier, they scanned one of the EAN codes, and you had to pay $7.50 USD as a deposit. You got a receipt for this, but could not take the Steelbook with you. You then had to return to stores between Oct 6th - and Oct. 25th during which the normal Diamond Edition was released. With your receipt and the Diamond Edition of your choice you again went to the cashier, presented him the receipt and the DVD or Blu-ray Combo Pack of the movie. You then had to pay the price of the amaray edition -$7.50 USD, and with the amaray and the receipt for that and the receipt for your pre-order deposit go to customer service where they'd hand out the steelbook for free. What an odyssey just to get a steelbook. I've googled the steelbook and it really seems to be a rare collectors piece - I could only find it twice on eBay, once for 80~90€ (including the discs) and once for ~60€ as empty steelbook. So this actually really is something undeniably special, especially for us Germans who couldn't even get this. Let's get to the steelbook - for my taste it is a bit plain, the front has just the title and the apple on it, the back has Snow White with the apple in a mirror frame. I Like the J-Card which has cut-outs on all the right places to show the beautiful artwork beneath it. Underneath the J-Card we'll first find the O-Card slipcover, which has identical artwork to the steelbook itself. However, as already mentioned, it is printed on holofoil, so you have this rainbow-color-reflection effect when you turn it in your hands. This effect is faint on the sourrounding blue, and really distinct on the back side where the reflections on the mirror are - I like this love for details. Both front and back also have embossings - the front of the slipcover has the title embossed, the back has the frame of the mirror embossed. Neat! The steelbook itself is somewhat boring: it has a full gloss varnish, but also the brushed metallic effect shines through throughout the entire surface, without any accents or anything. Also the spine is simply blue, no title, no pictograms, nothing. I can see the appeal of this really plain steelbook, it has a certain elegance, however, given the competing steelbooks out there I wouldn't have gotten this just for the design, when I'd have seen this lying around somewhere. However, I am extremely happy to have it in my collection though. I am a bit puzzled why someone would add such a rare item into a bundle (as the comments read "for free" - the item was listed under Zavvi's Snow White) and auction it at a private auction with a restricted audience, but hey. Who am I to question? I am really happy to own it, and I won't give it away. And now that I have it, I'm considering to also getting the 3 Disc Diamond Edition, because this steel feels so empty ? I'd probably take the german one though - "Hey ho, Hey ho, wir sind vergnügt und froh" sounds absolutely strange in its English original
  15. #500 | UK | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | Steelbook (Zavvi) | qty: 4000 EAN: 8717418443818 Release date: Dec 15th, 2014 Region Code: B, C Paid: 18,25€ I've got some spare time, why not use it for yet another post? This one is special to me, because this year on May 23rd I got a package containing 6 Steelbooks, and while adding them to my excel list, I realized, that now, after 2,5 years of collecting blu-ray, I finally reached the 500 mark. 500 Steelbooks, that's worth a celebration, and while looking into the box, it was clear to me that there is only one of the 6 movies worthy of being coined my official 500: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I got this at a private auction group, and the price I got it for was insane: 36,50€, including another Snow White steelbook. I'll come to that later, but for now, let's focus on this edition - a Zavvi exclusive steelbook, #25 of their "The Disney Collection", Disney's Classic No. 1. And it is the first printing, i.e. at the moment, Zavvi decided to re-release a part of their old Disney collection steelbooks - probably some of the older collectors will be a bit pissed, because this devalues their edition; before the re-release this edition always had prices above 50€, at least if you wanted it to be complete and/or originally sealed. Nowadays prices between 30€-50€ is more common, with the new release being in stock at 15€. But why bother with the first release if there is a re-release? Well, they added some value to the releases by adding 3D lenticular magnet covers, and I have to say, they really look adorable. However they also slightly changed the steelbooks, with the most and major part (at least to me) being the removal of the embossing of the cover. The first pressing has such a beautiful and finely detailed embossing, it's insane! First of all we have the text that has each letter individually embossed. Then there are the hands of the step mother on top, that are embossed. Snow white herself has some clothing details (such as the bow in her hair or her soulder-thingies) embossed, as has the prince (his cape). The rains of the horse are embossed, and - and this to me is the most important part: Every nose of every dwarf is embossed! This is so funny, I'd get this edition just for those embossed noses In the new release that embossing is missing at all. Also the front get's an additional character at the bottom (the old lady witch with the apple) that my edition has on its back, making it a bit more crowded (but that is only a minor issue). Therefore the back has a new artwork (snow white holding the apple, that in my edition is on the inside, as well as on the disc artwork) and the inner print is also changed, showing the dwarfs on the branch, instead of Snow white, the forest, the dwarf house, the forest critters and the 7 dwarfs. I like both inner printings, however as far as I could tell (from YouTube unboxings) my version has strong metallic effects, the new one does not. The disc and the content are identical though, so no better quality, no additional extras. etc. While those changes are a matter of taste, the embossing is something that really reduces the quality of the steelbook, and for me this is not made up by a small magnet lenticular, that - even though the effect looks nice, has only very small added value. Both release come in identical quarter slips, which have all the information on it, allowing for a text free back. And - absolutely strange for Disney releases: The old version has a title on the spine + an little pictogram of snow white. The new release only has text! Talking Both, front and back are full gloss with partly metallic effects (on the mirror, on sparkles, on light rays) - all in all this edition is absolutely awesome, one of the nicest steelbooks out there. I totally love it, it's totally awesome. And this was the reason I had to have it. I am not a hugh Disney fan anymore, and I did not watch any of the newer animation releases (and if I did, I could not connect with those movies in any way), but - as probably every one of you - I had a number of Disney movies I grew up with: mine are Bambi, Dumbo, Lady and the Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, The Fox and the Hound, Aladdin, The Lion King and Pocahontas. And when seeing these absolutely gorgeous steelbooks I knew I had to have my childhood Disney movies from Zavvi. And of course Snow White is missing the list. And Snow White has a very special place in my heart. While I haven't seen this movie for decades, I could still remember every scene, because this movie was the very first movie I've ever watched in cinema. It was my grandmother (who died far too young - in the evening before her retirement started ), who took me to cinema at the age of 8 years. This is how my cinema experience started, and I became a fan ever since (nowadays I am at the movies at least once a week). So the very first Disney movie was also my very first movie - or at least the very first movie that left an impression so deep that I can even remember parts of the song an the entire story and images, even now, 25 years later. I cannot with any movie that I might have seen beforehand, and I cannot for all movies that I've seen only once, later. Snow White however, as far as I can recollect, I only saw once in my entire live. This is why this movie had to be my number 500. I got it originally sealed, for a perfect price, but I would have even paid much more, if I had to. I also took the time to watch the movie, and I have to say all in all I was pretty impressed. Even though this is a movie from 1937, the quality is absolutely impressive, nice coloring, nice animation, great drawing style, every frame looks as if it was an aquarelle painting - something you wouldn't find in any of today's animation shows. The new Blu-ray image adds detail and deeper colors but otherwise stays absolutely true to the original even though it was remastered a couple of times (Laser Disc version from 1994, different VHS versions from 1994 - 1997, the DVD release from 2001 and finally the blu-ray edition from 2009). It was really fun watching. Definitely worth a look, even though I guess there wont be much difference between the 2009 DVD and the 2009 Blu-ray version. But to judge for yourselves just look at this side by side comparison between the 1994 laser disc and the 2009 blu-ray:
  16. Gute Nacht und danke für die Likes. Sind das echt nur so wenig? Ich bild mir ein, mehr als 5 müsste ich auf jeden Fall schon die letzten Tage jeden Tag vergeben habe. Aber gezählt hab ich noch nicht. Vielleicht mach ich das morgen mal (man braucht ja hobbies ?)
  17. Ich glaube, man kann den nur durch kaufen bekommen, nicht durchs posten. Man ist dann halt Supporter vom Forum, also ich nehme an, damit decken die deren Serverkosten etc. Cooles konzept eigentlich. Keine Werbung, keine komischen Werbepartner, kein "Wir machen mal die Seite kaputt und bauen das so neu, wie das nicht unsere User haben wolle"
  18. Ich kann es ein bisschen nachvollziehen, gerade wenn man für das Liken auch belohnt wird (um quasi nicht zu spammen). Aber ich hab es bisher auch noch nicht an meine Grenze geschafft - wieviele Likes hat man denn pro Tag?
  19. Ich kann mal versuchen zusammen zu fassen, was ich darüber verstanden hab, Gold, Silber und Bronze-Member sind Support-Memberships, d.h. die kosten Geld, und was genau die kosten, das kann man hier einsehen: Link. Dafür dass man das Forum unterstützt, bekommt man dann als Gegenleistung diese Membership Card, die hier ja auch schon gepostet wurde, und man bekommt diese interne Währung (Master Buck), aber wenn ich Masterblaster richtig verstanden hatte, ist diese Währung noch garnicht aktiv, das kommt erst noch. Mit dieser Währung kann man einige Dinge im Store kaufen (was genau hab ich mir aber auch noch nicht angeschaut), bzw. Rabatte kriegen. Und außerdem werden die Gold und Silber-Member in den meisten SBs bevorzugt - in forenhases aber nicht, da kommt als erstes, wer am Meisten gekauft hat, bei ihm. Also Stammkunden quasi. Bei den anderen liest man das aber überall - wenn es zu wenig Editionen für eine SB gibt, werden die Bevorzugt, die Gold haben, dann die die Silber haben usw. Jetzt wird's ganz kompliziert: Die Plätze für Gold und Silber sind begrenzt und weil so viele gerne Supporter werden wollen, kann man nicht automatisch eine Goldmembership bekommen sondern wird erst irgendwie Bronze Member (das muss man wohl beantragen) und kann dann, wenn jedes Jahr neue Plätze vergeben werden, aufsteigen. D.h. nur wer vorher Silber war, kann Gold werden und nur wer Bronze war, kann Silber werden. Also alles recht kompliziert. Aber wenn ich das richtig sehe, kommt es garnicht so häufig vor, dass nicht genug Editionen zustande kommen - ich glaube, wer nur wegen Andres SBs hier ist, muss sich über Gold/Silber keine gedanken machen - außer er findet das Board hier geil und will's unterstützen (ich find's eigentlich schon ziemlich Geil - also mal gucken, was die Zukunft so bringt :D ;) ).
  20. Thank you all for your kind words. To me, collecting is a great passion and I love movies so actually this to me is fun - and I love sharing my passion with other passionate collectors. @Admiral Thrawn yep, a bit taller than 15cm - nearly 16cm I would say. Didn't know that this was the "standard" size for such busts - it is my first (and up to now only) edition with busts that I bought, and somehow I'd expected them to be ~18-20cm (so rather blu-ray height). But as we all know, it's the technique that matters, not the size... ? ?
  21. #72 | UK | Sherlock Limited Giftset | Keep Case Boxset EAN: 5051561040085 Release date: Nov 4th, 2014 Region Code: B (but maybe also A) Paid: 138,27€ (including shipping) For me it's fun showing of movie editions, talking about them, and also about the movies or television series. However, it is much more fun to do so, if you love to read about them. So, thank you very much @Admiral Thrawn for asking, I am happy to answer with yet another post from my collection If anyone else likes to see something in more detail, please ask. You can find my collection here. I have most of my editions already photographed and just need to do a search on my hard drive - and a few of my text are also written (although in German), so not much work there as well - and last but not least: I love doing it So, here we go. This release I imported from UK, but after researching I found that there is also an identical(?) relese in the US and in Canada that both have other EAN/UPC and also don't have a number on the back (more to that later). I ordered this one directly via BBC and had to pay a pretty penny, especially when you compare it to my last post: 3736 minutes on 20 discs for Battlestar Galactica vs. 810 minutes on 7 discs for Sherlock. How do they justify this price? What we get is a simple cardboard box, in which we get two artworks on postcards as well as two small busts, as well as four amaray cases (14mm spines) that hold the first three seasons, i.e. both the foruth season as well as the special movie are missing! The box itself is pretty bleak. White, golden printing, the blu-ray blue banner and a portrait of Dr. Watson (Martin Freeman) on the one and Sherlock Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch) on the other side, a n armorial, "221B" - that's it. Interesting on the bottom: My copy has a great sticker (and you can see that below that there was something else printed directly on the box - but maybe they used the same box also for the US and Canadian releases), and this sticker reads "Limited Edition Number 0641". However I did not know that this was actually a limited release that even got numbered! BBC never advertised this, and they never answered me, when I wrote the BBC Shop an email asking for this. From YouTube I know that the US-Box does not have the same sticker. So probably only the UK versions where numbered. However I have no idea how many copies there are; taking the leading zero it probably wouldn't be higher than 9999. Does anyone else have the UK edition? What does your sticker read? Let's get back to the box itself and take a look at the front: Wefind two cut-outs in the form of the silhouettes from Cumberbatch and Freeman. And beneath those, protected by a transparent hard plastic sheet, you can see the two busts. However, the plastic sheet is high gloss and pretty reflective, and if you don't open the box, the inside is also pretty dark, and the busts are dark aswell - so even though it is a nice idea, if you are a sealed copy collector, you probably won't have much fun with the busts. However, if you open it, the box is nice enough to put it up on your shelf, especially as there is a typically British wallpaper at the back of the inside of the box, that shows a number of symbols which are famous for Sherlock (finger print, violin, union jack, 221B, etc.). That is a nice detail, it's nothing big but shows the love and detail that someone put into the box design - it's nicer than having a white backing board, so cool When opening the box, we have two parts: the part behind the wall paper backing board has five items: 4 amarays and one paper envelpe with the postcards. And yes, they are postcards. On the product pictures they looked a bit larger, but they are not. And they are not art prints or art cards; which is really sad - the motive is great, but it would have been so much greater if it had high quality paper and if it was as big as the box (i.e. the backing card). I would actually have considered framing and hanging them if it was. That is really sad. Each of the Amaray holds on season, and they are 14mm amarays which is the DVD size spine, not the 11mm standard blu-ray size; otherwhise from design (and content of disks) they are identical to the single seasons that you can buy. The reason for the bigger spine is that each season consists out of 4 discs, 2 of them being BD and 2 of them DVDs with identical content. This is different to the seasons that are sold separately - they look identical artwork wise, but there you have to choose to take either BD or DVD - there is no combo package like these ones. Which is neat for a gift set; however (and yes, this is nit picking) the discs are on inlay trays, so that both the front and back inside of the amaray themselves are blank, and they did not bother to do a double side cover sheet so that you also have an inner printing. Also the cover sheets (at least for my copy) where not of the best quality and had bucklings (production faults). For season 1 and season 2, the BD discs and corresponding DVD discs have identical design, and they have a really consistent design, which I like. For season 3, however, the first DVD is nearly blank while the second shows a totally other scene with Watson - that is pretty irritating. The last amaray has only 2 discs, one BD and an identical DVD and this disc contain exclusive extras that only come with this box and that cannot be bought separately. Neat exclusive extra for fans of the series. Last but not least, and for collectors probably the biggest reason to buy this edition: The busts. I already mentioned that I was a bit disappointed by the "art cards". I was also disappointed when first seeing the busts - they where much smaller than I expected them to be. Never the less, they are unbelievable heavy (350g/bust), it's not plastic but sturdy hard material (however I do not know what material it actually is), they have the look of used dark copper or brass material, with a hint of metallic, that looks really gorgeous. Also the level of detail is extremely high, the hair, the eyes, the eye brows, the buttons, little threads and filaments, structure of the coats and scarf, all of extremely hard quality. I totally love it, especially the eyes look really great. Also, both busts really look like the real actors, which often is a problem with figurines - these really look perfect. So, all in all, I am really happy with this edition. You might still argue if it is worth the money, as the Amaray of each season only costs around 12€; additional 10€ can be added if you also count the costs of the DVD releases. That makes 66€, i.e. 75€ for both busts. I think the price is a bit high, as the busts are really small. Still, if you like the series you will be happy with this edition. I myself am. A few words regarding the content: Sherlock - as you might have guessed - deals with the classic well known characters created by Sir Conan Arthur Dale; however, these stories are ported into the current time. Each episode is actually based on a classic story, but completely adapted into the current time, i.e. there are smart phones, Watson writes a blog, etc. Also, this series lives from it's ingenious actors - Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes is the bomb. It's probably the best Sherlock actor we have, and as a side kick we get Martin Freeman, who himself is a absolute great actor, is the prefect counterpart to Sherlock. Absolutely worth watching. The only problem: Each season has 3 episodes, and there are only 4 seasons
  22. #1 | US | Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Series | Digipack Boxset EAN: 025192010378 Release date: Jul 27th, 2009 Paid: 144€ (including taxes and shipping) So, before this turns into another German thread that scares away any international members, here's the first post where I actually show of an edition. And I've decided that there's no better edition to show of than the one you bought first. So, in this post I'd like to present you the very first Blu-ray I've ever bought. It's an US import that I got on July 2009 (nearly 10 years ago ), and if you remember my introduction, I actually did not even had a Blu-ray player until 2014. However, I decided in 2008 that I wouldn't buy any new DVD releases anymore, as DVD was slowly but surely been replaced by Blu-ray, which is why I decided to get the BD release of this edition, even though you could choose between DVD and BD, if I remember correctly. I decided to get this edition, because in Germany they did not have any complete releases, and as far as it was known, there weren't any plans to release this box as it was released in the USA in Germany. America meanwhile got this really gorgeous box, that was complete, that was limited, and that even come with a little figurine of a cylon. Later they did release a box set in Germany, even one with the same cylon figurine, however, not with the same outer package, that by itself is an unique eye catcher. You get a perfect cube, that seems to be made out of two pieces: A lid piece and a container piece. However, if you lift the lid, you'll realize that you cannot separate them. You can lift the top piece up a bit, and beneath it is something that I can only describe as an "advertising pillar" lookalike. Top and bottom of the box are dark grey with a fine structure that has a slightly glittery effect, such as brushed steel might have. The top part has the text "Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Series" in silver foil printing that is embossed on three of its four sides. On the fourth side an actual metal plate is glued on. This looks really awesome. The "advertising pillar" shows pictures of all the important main characters, grouped into "logical units": We have the perfect couple with Dr. Gaius Baltar and No. Six, then we have the the ruling elite with Commander Bill Adama, President Laura Roslin and XO Saul Tigh. And of course we have the two love triangles, one consisting of Starbuck, Appollo and Longshot, the other consisting of Boomer/Athena, Chief and Helo. As with the pillar that you can only see when you lift the top part, you can only access the digipacks if you lift the top part. The digipacks are shoved in to the bottom piece with a slight slant. When closed, the digipacks are held by both the top and the bottom part, when opened only the bottom part holds the digipacks, so you can access them from the top. The digipacks themselves are eye candy as well: they look like cylon heads, are made of silver foil, the eye-part is cutout, and you can open them at the bottom, moving the lid to the top (as if you where opening the visor of a knights helmet). This lid is held together by a plastic velcro seal. Underneath you find an artwork that looks like the inside of the cylon head: you find speakers where the mouth is, you find wireing, you find some ventilation. I really love this idea, this is cleverly done and totally fitting. However, the disks are then shoved in from the top, and separated by a paper partition. While the rest shows great love for detail, this one aspect is one that every disc lover will properly hate, as it is prone to scratch the disks. The disks are all identically designed, and as it was typical for that time, there is a big blue blu-ray disc logo, so there isn't much space for anything else. The last part of this editions is of course the cylon figurine. This one is integrated into the top part, in something that I love to call "glass coffin". It is like a plastic tube in which you push your figurine in, and then this tube fits into a whole in the top part. Yet another clever way to package this; however, putting this figure into the bottom would have been a bit neater as the top wouldn't look too bad. The figurine itself is rather disillusioning, it is made out of very light stiff plastic as well as some more elastic rubber parts. This light-weight leads to the figurine to fall very easy, the slightest touch and sometimes even a slight wind is enough. There are some degrees of freedom, but those are also really stiff and while moving they make squeaky and crunchy sounds, so it is hard to find the perfect pose that will stand for a long time and also look good. Also, the different parts this figurine is made of are really visible, you have regions that look like "weld seams", the overall quality of work is not that high; you'd probably not even spend 10€ if you find this on the shelf at some super market. To be honest, I would have easily spent some more euros but therefore got a figurine that has a higher quality. I would have especially loved to have a figure that used real chrome, or at least a chrome painting. If it was of really good quality I would have spent 200€-250€. This figurine is something that you'd probably rather hide than show off. I would also like to loose some words regarding the quality of the blu-ray. I watched the series as it was broadcasted in Canadian TV, in SD quality, and this quality was really good. I thought the BD release would be better, but when in 2015 I finally started re-watching the series again, I had to find out that DVD would have been sufficient. The picture is not really sharp, and it has very visible film grain that sometimes is borderline annoying. When researching this I read that this is actually intended, and that the BD release was even treated with extra artificial grain for the atmosphere. Additionally, the BD uses VC-1 codec which is known for bad black levels and bad depth of focus. For my taste all this together makes the quality rather mediocre. It depends on the scenes, but sometimes the grain really annoys me, and makes me feel like I'd probably prefer the DVD version; however I've never seen them side by side, so I might feel different if I ever did. And last but not least some words regarding the content of the discs - at least for me the content is at least equally important - I am not simply a package collector, I also shuff my discs into the player every now and then: This Series is probably one of the best modern SciFi series, that came just before the wave of high budget and high quality TV series productions. Even though the series did not profit from this, it is a series of really high quality, that - within it's budget borders - provides perfect effects, great actors and an awesome story, that I'd shortly like to resume: A group of people (if I remember correctly, it was 45.000) survives a genocide that was conducted by war robots (called cylons) that humans once created, and then lost the power over. Those "few" that survived only survived because for some reason or another they where not on the planet but in space, they regroup and then try to found a new society. However, they still get hunted by the cylons, they have to battle serious problems such as food and water shortage in space, sleep deprivation, but also internal problems such as intrigues, personal discrepancies and religious delusions hinder the group. And then there are the cylons that created a humanoid robot that cannot be identified by humans. After an ingenious start and a number of strong side stories there are some shorter long hauls, but all in all this series stays exciting until the end and finishes with a phenomenal conclusion that even now creates goosebumps when thinking about it. This series is not only for SciFi fans! Even though there is a SciFi setting, this series has so much more to offer. Most people I recommended "Battlestar Galactica" first said "no, I don't like those Star Trek like series"; those that believed me all say that this series was worth their time, and I believe it's worth yours as well. And that is not only my opinion: Time magazine has it in their top 100 (I cannot find the exact rank anymore), The Rolling Stones has it on place 45. And with my girlfriend I even saw a person that really hates SciFi turn into an absolute fan (after she did not want to watch it I watched it alone - after a while she sat down with me and couldn't get away anymore. I then had to rewatch the entire first season with her, before I could continue...). A must see!
  23. Ich hätte tatsächlich mal gerne die einzelnen Digi-Editionen von Ghibli - die es bei uns auch gibt, aber aus Japan, wegen der japanischen Titel. Leider sauteuer, die Teile Aber Japan hat ja anscheinend generell extrem hohe Blu-ray-Preise.
  24. Oh, das klingt gut. Und klar: Solange Du nicht das 4-fache für bezahlt hast, ist das doch selbstverständlich, dass Du wenigstens den Einkaufspreis wiederbekommst Bin diesen Monat aber leider schon komplett über meinem Budget - würd dann nächsten Monat mal auf Dich zurück kommen?
  25. @forenhase Das war jetzt nur meine Sammlungsoverview. Demnächst kommen dann ettliche weitere Bilder. Keine Angst - beim anderen Forum hab ich immer reduzieren müssen, dass ich auf die 20 komme, was teilweise auch echt schwierig war. Wenn ich sehr fotowütig bin, entstehen da schon mal 50 Bilder je Edition Also ich suche eigentlich alle vor #34, mit außnahme von #3, #17, #22, #23, #25, #26 und #27. Und nach #34 nur die #37 und #45. Aber wirklich aktiv suchen, weil sie mir auch vom Film her sehr wichtig sind wichtig sind, wären (in absteigender Wichtigkeit): #18 - Ex Machina #14 - Whiplash #28 - The Martian #6 - The Equalizer #4 - The Maze Runner #19 - FF7 Paul Walker Edition #24 - Jurassic World #12 - The Terminator #16 - Terminator 3 #24 - Jurassic World (weil ich Park 1-3 hab und der dann fehlt :D) #13 - Kingsman (ebenfalls, weil ich Teil 2 hab, und 1 dann fehlt ) #45 - Ted (siehe oben ) #43 E1: Maze Runner - The Scorch Trails (passend zu 1). PS: I'm looking forward to seeing your collection. One of the nicest collections I know of!

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