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Status Updates posted by psychoscot

  1. I don't suffers fools gladly.

  2. Happy Birthday mate, hope you have a good one! 🥳🎉

  3. Liking the new autumn header! winter is here!

    1. nefilim


      No - Autumn is here ! ?

    2. Scary Hair

      Scary Hair

      Thermal base layers are on here ?

    3. psychoscot


      Fleecy batman onesie here

  4. New banner looks the t*ts man! AWESOME!

    1. Masterblaster


      ha ha thanks but it goes to @Bunaldinho he is da man !!

    2. psychoscot


      Quality work! Looks great my friend!

  5. Happy Birthday my friend ? ? will have a wee dram for you, or maybe 2!

    1. pioneers
    2. Masterblaster


      Thank you VERY MUCH !!  

      Really appreciate it !


  6. Family wedding weekend over, I feel ROUGH!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. psychoscot


      Beers, wine, whiskey, vodka, absinthe, Gin ....... Was a Scottish wedding back home in Scotland. Started on Friday morning drinking at 7am, didn't stop till the flight home last night lol!

    3. Scary Hair

      Scary Hair


      Only thing is these days it's an effort to have one ??.

    4. psychoscot


      Oh we were hammered. Was a beautiful small country hotel, really really, nice. I booked into the place Friday morning with my 4 cousins "one of whom was the bride" and we just started from there lol. I'd already had a couple on the flight up though earlier lol!

  7. Forums have gone bonkers tonight, writing is so small its hard to read??

    1. Scary Hair

      Scary Hair

      Mate mine is fine ?.

    2. Rdator


      Looks like a smaller font on mine as well.

    3. nefilim


      Knew it, when I'm away everything fall to pieces. lol.

  8. Joining Gandalf for some nice quality Old Toby leaf from the Southfarthing ?

    1. Scary Hair

      Scary Hair

      He always struck me as a bit of a Hippy ????.

    2. psychoscot


      Oh there's no doubt Tolkien was making reference to something a little more "exotic" than tobacco lol. And references like "it clouds your judgement" pretty much confirms it haha 

  9. Hope you have a great weekend mate 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. psychoscot


      Lol they trying to scalp?

    3. nefilim


      No. This person came to my action. To title I am selling and started to bad mouth it. Out of the blue ... so I returned a favor LOL.

    4. psychoscot


      Wow lol. Only time I've had a problem on eBay was with a mother who said her kid put the bid in and she didn't know. I said thats not an excuse, and pay up or I'll have you removed from eBay ... she quickly paid up lol!

  10. Another scorching hot day!

    1. pioneers


      @psychoscot love it cutting the grass in while sun tan on lol 

    2. psychoscot


      Haha I'm Scottish, I don't tan, I just go red lol

  11. God its HOT!!!!

    1. psychoscot


      Yeah definitely can't complain mate lol, I'm definitely a sun worshiper!

  12. Whats everyone up to this beautiful warm evening?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. psychoscot


      You are stop using inappropriate language outa luck shes married with 3 kids haha!

      Yeah its legal pretty much everywhere in Europe now, Just the US that still has real absinthe banned. You can buy it there but its not allowed to have wormwood in it.

    3. nefilim
    4. psychoscot


      Yeah thats me after a few glasses of good absinthe.

      I do recommend watching The Doors movie after drinking a few, its quite an experience lol!

      Thats one film I would LOVE a steelbook of!


  13. Day off, hello bottle of nice German Red!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. psychoscot


      Wine MAN , wine!!!! Lol

    3. nefilim


      Doh. I drink French White.

    4. psychoscot


      I drink any wine as long as its nice, but I hate cheap stuff. Do love a chilled French Chablis!

  14. My thoughts and love go out to the people of Manchester tonight ?

    1. Benoit46



      Yes...thoughts for Manchester. ..❤️


    2. Scary Hair

      Scary Hair

      NO WORDS ? ? ? ?

    3. AlexMacOl


      Indeed. Thoughts and hearts to the families in Manchester.


  15. And your name sir? Jim

    1. nefilim


      @psychoscot James Douglas Morrison


    2. psychoscot


      Prefer his reply in the film "Jim" Classic line!

    3. nefilim
  16. This evenings viewing will be Rammstein Paris!

    1. nefilim
    2. psychoscot


      Ohhhhh yes! Full DTS master at room shaking levels!

    3. nefilim


      Yep - and if you could pls post short review. pls. ?

  17. It's Snoochie Boochies time snoogins

  18. Mediapsychos is THE place to be!?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darogal


      where is the table ? :ARGENT::wow:

    3. psychoscot


      Can just see you on that table now John, dancing to the theme from Coyote Ugly lol

    4. Scary Hair

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