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Who did it Better?


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Hi all, I was recently comparing a couple of near identical double dips and thought I’d share pics up on the forum. Then I initially couldn’t think of where to put them…. Then I remembered the Double Dippers Club! Hence, starting a new thread here 😁


Who did it better?



Both WEA’s, Both the same artwork. Not even sure how often this actually happens? But first up for the offering…


Blufans vs. WeET. 







Initially I thought the the OG Blufans still had it. I felt like the greyer tones were better suited to the original artwork and general imagery. The WeET version has a bluer hue to it. But then on reflection, the WeET edition has a slightly more glossy feeling to it. Not by much I may add, but ever so slightly.


Then, in the last image, I find the WeET blue hue really brings out Black Widows get up and again think WeET has it, but then look at hulk. In the WeET version he appears very dark, whereas in the Blufans version, he stands proud like the big mean green machine he is.


I’ve had the Blufans version out on display since day one when I put my display together, and had thought it would remain. However I think I am going to swap it out for WeET and live with it for a while.


Anyway, hope you like the pics and new thread. 👍🏼


Edited by Pbsw23
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