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Everything posted by Basil

  1. well stumbled on this with my phone, and its a bugger from me. means later release date for blu rays would have thought. basically august 14th release now. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/wonder-woman-1984-in-the-heights-delayed-coronavirus-1203539795/ @Benoit46 ☝️ basil
  2. i watched on telly too, tell rich and the kids right exactly you below on bottom right corner 💋 basil
  3. morning all, hope find everyone well today. 👍 and a thought came to me, another day in lock down and it was this.... anyone else yet begining to climb the walls yet? like me btw this below is worth a watch basil
  4. welcome @metallica5453 lots going on this year, im hanging out for a 4k lotr premium myself with 4k discs supposed to be out in october. its all looking good, welcome to the chaos. if you need any of the staff you just need to tag us use the @ symbol followed by username it turn blue like yours above when right👍 may i suggest you check out the tutorials section if you want to check out how stuff works on here its alot different to other sites all the best basil
  5. i spoke with back at start of year and said it was done back then they tried twice for approval and if could not get it would be gone and that was john of manta
  6. sorry to butt in here but they aint doing shazam so wheres the answer on that one, it got dropped. daves right they are far to inconsistent imho.
  7. i would have thought you be on him for a copy of this considering you love gladiator and is your goto film
  8. thanks to everyone for the kind words firstly, it is appreciated. have just now had a phone call to say he has now come home safe and well, thankgod. basically he has got loads of conditions and they need to do loads of tests to be safe, so kept in overnight and watched like a hawk. what it has turned out hes pulled some muscles in his chest all around his heart and they to do loads of tests to be doubley sure before letting home. so hes now at home resting. and got the call 20 mins ago. ive barely slept last night as well. the worse bit is we could do nothing. thank you all basil 🥰
  9. morning all well today is firmly a sh1t day, a family member of wifes side was dragged into hospital with chronic chest pains yesterday and was carted away in an ambulance. he was being kept in overnight last we heard to be kept an eye on, so they can work out whats going on. my wifes mum is in bits as no one is allowed there. so we await news. 🙄 basil 😟
  10. @RileyLad thanks m8 i appreciate thank now i do regret a bit not having that slip with my best buy steel now but what is, is unfortunately. ill just have to move on, but glad you got yours all nice at least i know there's one correct out there i wonder how many will now kick themselves not having that best buy steel book at least i have that but i bet somes ocd will now itch after seeing that all the best basil
  11. @Maksood going to say this once only when you are looking for group buys you are looking in the right section aren't you? below is a link to the correct section you should be checking! for all steelbook group buys. https://mediapsychos.com/forum/70-steelbook-group-buys/ i can not be any clearer than that
  12. i do believe they are but i dont think the steelbook has been fully confirm by them but i will keep an eye on it, but i do need one. so nova would fit the bill very nicely. here's to it fingers crossed 🤞 basil
  13. morning all well today i had years worth of birthday cards and fathers day card etc all turn up on my door, just filled a few of them out to put straight in the post again amazing what you can get online these days with all the shops shut its a real pain but with us being now the highest in europe for covid. i'm not taking any chances, im truely amazed by the amount of people out treating this like a holiday out and about. only reason i know this im in a locked car going to get my wife to and from work and that reason alone but down by a beach i have to drive by to get out from house to get the wife its like the worlds gone mad. 40,000 deaths is not funny and the R rate is near 1.0 again the highest in europe. question is how many people have goto die before people take this seriously? any way i wish you all a safe quiet weekend, ill be staying lock down until is necessary and at this rate thinking could be next year at the moment. example of durdle door dorset to show stupidity of the british people, which ashames me as well! down the coast from me but same thing happening here bournemouth below southend below why are people such dicks? basil 🙄
  14. not seen yet or even ordered anywhere yet, waiting for a premium to come along and will be a blind buy but nice to see a view on it, doesn't surprise me with hype trains as they can be from what little i have seen only from trailers but i find staying away from much as possible in the media can help, with the odd review from people who have seen it is the best way. then just go in with fresh eyes and judge. regards you saying a bit slow, do you mean was a bit slow at the start to get going or more very slow the majority of the film for your likening? with giving too much away? cheers basil 👍
  15. you cannot unfournately, what happens the gb ends and usually within a short period of time an invoice will be sent to your paypal account (normally within a week) and then normally get an email from them saying a invoice has been sent and is due, there are no notifications for this yet upon the board. but it is worth subscribing to the "gb and info thread" for your release as people will start saying invoice paid as a rule. that is usually the best sign that they have begun 👍 i would suggest coming on the board daily really, bare minimum every few days to be safe 👍 also the faster the paid the quicker things get moving for all, the members that don't pay there invoices within the paying period do get banned from all gbs. staff are always available to talk, but the process is in place to make sure gbs move fast and suppliers have to be paid as well, in order to secure each persons edition or editions. basically no pay no release and a gb ban as the consequence. mp has its own bills to meet with suppliers. and if you ask for something you are expected to pay for it, which is fair enough imho 👍 hope that helps basil 👍
  16. good find ann see jj is on the job again well theres only one word here basil 👍
  17. @Casiusco how dare you talk about the W word. the only thing we need to know is this and as long as we got enough of them the rest is basil
  18. then @DodgyDave must be bit behind, i know theres hell of alot of gbs of late and dont think hes had time to scratch his backside with it all. sure it be along in due course. just make sure everyone pays up when asked or youll all be on the naughty list basil 👍
  19. OMG yes i think so has massive following this film, i would suggest have quick look on you tube or such like. but i think about 8 out of ten to be fair and all what ann said really basil 👍
  20. @Robertm89 @RileyLad @Pbsw23 i know its not steel lads but up seen this one btw? and anns got her sh1t going on all the best basil

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