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Everything posted by Manticore4

  1. Welcome to MP, @Gil, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  2. Welcome to MP, @hahahaha12345, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys! Also, we hope this isn’t a duplicate account, as having multiple accounts is strictly forbidden and can result in being banned.
  3. Bonjour to EVERYONE HERE! (meaning you, @Veum!) Happy Thursday!
  4. Guten Morgen, alle meine guten psychotischen Freunde! Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Tag (egal welcher Wochentag es auch sein mag)! Happy THURSDAY!
  5. Welcome to MP, @Roni, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  6. Welcome to MP, @1QuietMan, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  7. Steve, you have the most amazing “eagle eyes”, how do you keep track of all of these items at all of the different vendors? It is truly an amazing talent to spot these items that are often only back in stock for a few minutes before they sell out again. Hats off to you!
  8. OMG, I was in Prague in 1992 for an orchestra tour of Europe, and for five nights, I kept bringing more and more people from our orchestra to the Pilsner Urquell beer garden. To say we drank to excess is an understatement, for we truly got “hammered” (as you said). I still have some group photos we took sitting on their picnic benches outside in their beer garden!
  9. Welcome to MP, @Jbrooks, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  10. Welcome to MP, @Joe96ab, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  11. Bonjour and welcome to MP, @ultramax03, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  12. Wishing everybody a prosperous WEDNESDAY, otherwise known as “Friday eve eve”!
  13. Happy Wednesday to everyone!—it’s MITTWOCH, Baby! the Wochenende is coming “soon” (as the Mods are fond of saying!)
  14. Welcome to MP, @Willfarquad, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  15. Good morning everybody! Wishing everybody a great Tuesday!
  16. Bonjour and welcome to MP, @Scander, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  17. Welcome to MP, @brame, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  18. Welcome to MP, @kevin566, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!
  19. Hello ("hello, hello, hello" as I hear my echoes in this empty chat room)--at least @Veum is dependable! I should post hello every day here, I need to build-up my post count! So, HELLO, and HAPPY MONDAY to anyone who's reading this thread! I hope everyone has a great week!
  20. It's not "funny" at all, but I got a lot of satisfaction and "fun" out of how resilient the protagonist is (without giving away too many plot elements). It's a serious movie, but it has some moments that made me smile.
  21. As I said, Mike, I thought it was a lot of fun, and you might like it, too!
  22. I thought SISU was a lot of fun, it was a fantastic revenge movie! Though I had low expectations before seeing it, I did thoroughly enjoy it--and it looks like quite a few other people did, too.
  23. Good morning and Happy Monday to all... I wish you all a gute work week and/or vacation time!
  24. Welcome to MP, @Dauthur, We hope you will find much to enjoy and discuss among our members, and that you’ll want to take part in some of our world-famous Group Buys!

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