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Everything posted by mwatkins02

  1. @Hollywood E Rock and @Veum, I live in Springield , MO wear the weather will change on a dime. My kids have turned me onto The Weekend, Blake Shelton, Chris Stapleton, SZA and Justin Timberlake, to name a few. I maybe getting older but I still love a great jam.
  2. @Veum, I would call myself a musicophile (music+philia), becuase I like anything with a great beat. Now my era bgan with southernlock in the late 70's until now. My music appreaciation has always been rooted in the 80s. I just don't get tired of listening to the 80's. Give me a syntheizer 's, or the magical voice of Steve Perry (Journey) and I'm happy. My kids have turned me onto The Weekend (right now my jam is Blinding Lights) Lost in the Fire (Gesaffelstein& The Weekend) to name a few. I must say though, some of these new artists I can't understand; singing to fast. Maybe I'm getting old, But our cartoons were even better IMHO than they are right now. Baz Luhumann's song 'Everybody Free' sums it up best: Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99 Wear Sunscreen If I could offer you only one tip for the future, Sunscreen would be it The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience... I will dispense this advice now... Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked... You are not as fat as you imagine Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday Do one thing everyday that scares you Sing https://www.metrolyrics.com/everybodys-free-to-wear-sunscreen-lyrics-baz-luhrmann.html
  3. Hello @Hollywood E Rock, I live in Springfield, MO. I'm about 3 and a half hours southwest from Saint Louis.
  4. I live in Springfield, MO. Do you live in Saint Louis? If so, small live world.
  5. In another post we talking Pink Floyd. Either you like their music or you don't t😩 Recently, I watched the 2019 MTV Music Awards and some of the that performed were Maybe I’m getting old, but I couldn't make out what the musicians were singing. But there were quite a few songs Iiked.
  6. Looks like I am a GEN Xer. I always thought 52 was very old when I was younger. Now that I'm 52, it's just a number. Still feel like that teenager inside, but someone new has taking my place in the mirror that I don't recognize.
  7. Oh, man I love that edition of Wall Street. Do you mine if I ask where you purchased this little lovely and do they have any more? Great catch!
  8. Good morning @Triannaor afternoon where you are. I live in misery, I mean Missouri. The sun is out today but I don't know how long that will last. The temperature is suppose to be a balmy 68F.
  9. I agree. Either you like PF or you don't. I use to like them a lot in the 80s when I was doing hallucinogenic drugs. But now that I'm older I don't do drugs. (bummer). I try to stay up-to-date as to what my 24 year-old-son and 20 year old duaghter are listening to.
  10. HAPPY HUMP DAY to all the psychos in psycho land. I thank it's time to do the Kung Fu Hustle again. Grip it and rip it. Now let's get Funky!
  11. HAPPY TUESDAY to all psychos in psycho world. Time to do the Kung Fu Hustle!
  12. Last night I watched NCIS:Los Angeles followed by the Rookie. I can't really give much of a description on the shows. I was a little drowsy from taking Percocet.
  13. Hello @Veum, After reading your synopsis of Color Out of Space, I’m very interested in watching this show. Thanks.
  14. That DC award looks sweet. Can’t wait to get mine. Great job @ksosk.
  15. Let’s see, last night I watched a relatively new show on CBS named Tommy. However, I’m a little sad because it replaced a show I really enjoyed named EVIL.
  16. I really enjoyed watching the Joker. I guess the reason is, I can relate. About five years ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar I and severe PTSD. So, even though the Joker was dark, I beleive the film shed a scary and yet interesting light on mental illness. This is a good thing. I guess that's why I can relate.
  17. Just checked out this website you put up. Holy crap a toodee! There are some great deals on Zoom. Does anyone know if Zoom ships to the USA?
  18. Breakfast? Hospital? What? You have to go to the hospital today? Are you havig something worked on? I was told yesterday that after reviewing the MRI of my ankle, that my doctor was referring me to an orthopedic surgeon? Yikes! Have a great day!
  19. Hello @Veum, I was very lucky with the Mandy SB. I ordered it before it became unavailable. However, I missed out on the Mandy Amazon.de Mediabook. Why do you think that film is so popular?

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