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Everything posted by nathan_s82

  1. It is sad in my book. I have fond memorie of going to Best Buy on Tuesday (Media Release day back then) and picking up new titles on Blu-ray and DVD. Recently, it has been all about getting the Steelbooks and Collector Sets. But even our store has scaled back so much on what they release. It is sad, but my question is who is going to do the BB Steelbooks now?
  2. This weekend was jam packed with great movies! Had do a classic on Friday the 13th: Saturday was a fun night with this classic as well! Last night was a double header of It and It: Chapter 2. Can't wait for Welcome to Derry Prequel series to come out!
  3. I'm a couple of days behind, but we've watched Psycho II, III & IV. Such a treat from Arrow, but IV is always special as I remember watching it over and over as a kid on TV.
  4. First Target, and now Best Buy. This is a big blow as we are losing all of our Physical Media outlets. It feels just like when all of the Blockbusters/Hollywood Videos closed down. I understand we buy a lot of boutique titles, but just going into a store and picking up a movie is one of the most gratifying experiences. Just having that physical disc in your hand and knowing that when Max, Netflix, or Hulu drops that title, you win.
  5. On the 13th Day of Halloween, my Ghoul gave to me, Psycho IV. It was a delight to watch this one again, since the last time I saw it was on TV. Have an awesome Friday! 18 Days Until Halloween 41 Days Until Thanksgiving 73 Days Until Christmas
  6. On the 12th Day of Halloween, my ghoul gave to me, a double header of Psycho II and III!. We are making it through the new Arrow 4K Boxset of Psycho and it has been fun, one to go. Have a great Thursday All! 19 Days Until Halloween 42 Days Until Thanksgiving 74 Days Until Christmas
  7. Updated Information: - Hummingbird Box Set Edition - Hummingbird Full Slip Edition Subtitles: Korean, English (Note: English Subtitles on Theatrical Edition Only, not the Extended Edition)
  8. On the 11th Day of Halloween, my ghoul gave to me, nada, because we took a break. On the side, I run a Podcast about Comic Creators, and a channel about Toys, Comics and Media, so have to take a break from the Horror routine sometimes. Have an amazing hump day! 20 Days Until Halloween 43 Days Until Thanksgiving 75 Days Until Christmas
  9. Friday, we took a night off, since I have Live Streams on Youtube. So we watched House by the Cemetery on Saturday to finish up the Gates of Hell Trilogy by Lucio Fulci. The Blue Underground Blu-ray still holds up, but can't wait to see how the new Arrow 4K version looks. We just need a 4K of The Beyond now! Sunday, we watched Shout Factory's 4K Rendition of Clive Barker's Nightbreed. I went with the Director's Cut Blu-ray, since I have not seen that version in a long time. Last night, we watched Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. We watched the Uncut 4K Version. Arrow did an amazing job with this release, it was such a treat. The Black and Grays were nicely done, no DNR that I could tell. Plus, the DTS: X soundtrack was a nice addition to this. We thorougly enjoyed it. (Can't wait to to get the Cinemuseum version with the House!)
  10. On the 10th Day of Halloween, my ghoul gave to me, Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho from Arrow! Have a marvelous Monday all! 21 Days Until Halloween 44 Days Until Thanksgiving 76 Days Until Christmas
  11. It's been the same way here in Texas, USA. We used to be done with summer in early September, now it's the end of the September/first week of October when we see some relief. Ironically, the trees thinks it Autumn, they are losing their leaves in 100 degree weather.
  12. On the 8th Day of Halloween, my Ghoul gave to me, House By The Cemetery, the last part of the Gates of Hell Trilogy! The Grindhouse Releasing Blu-ray was nice, but can't wait to rewatch on the Arrow 4K. Hope you all have an awesome Sunday! 23 Days Until Halloween 46 Days Until Thanksgiving 78 Days Until Christmas
  13. We got a lot of goodies in! Plaion's Masters of the Universe/She-Ra Blu ray set Second Sight It Follows and Crimes ofnthr Future Film Vault #006 Jaws 4K Arrow's Psycho 4K Collection Carlito's Way Original Art/Store Exclusive 4K Last House on the Left (2008) 4K Set Ringu Original Art/Store Exclusive 4K Enter The Dragon 4K Limited Steelbook Severin Summer Sale: The Psychic 4K Set Maniac 2/The Last Horror Film 4K Set Buried/Alive Slipcover for Beyond THE Darkness Blu-ray Fulci For Fake Blu-ray MVD: Ghoulies 4K Set Ghoulies 2 Blu-ray Midnight Classic Halloween Steelbook 4K Set with Extended Cut on Blu-ray (thanks @hal56 for thr heads up) Found another Dawn of the Dead/Land of the Dead DVD Set too Venom & Venom: Let There Be Carnage 4K Steelbooks (thanks @ShadowWarrior for the heads up)
  14. Last night we watched Part 2 of Lucio Fulci's Gates of Hell Trilogy, The Beyond. An excellect Blu-ray release from Grindhouse Releasing, but definitely needs the 4K UHD Treatment to go with Cauldron's City of the Living Dead and the upcoming House by the Cemetery by Arrow.
  15. On the 6th day of Halloween, my Ghoul gave to me, Lucio Fulci's The Beyond! Happy Friday All! 25 Days Until Halloween 48 Days Until Thanksgiving 80 Days Until Christmas
  16. Last night, we watched Lucio Fulci's City of the Living Dead. Part 1 of the Gates of Hell Trilogy. Still a classic, and loved the gore in it.
  17. On the 5th Day of Halloween, my ghoul gave to me! Lucio Fulci's City of the Living Dead! Have an awesome Thursday! 26 Days Until Halloween 49 Days Until Thanksgiving 81 Days Until Christmas
  18. My wife isn't a huge fan of them, but will watch them with me, so I got lucky.
  19. Last night's viewing was of the Horror Anthology Creepshow by the greats Stephen King and the late George Romero. Shout did an amazing job on their 4K upgrade of this film. Plus, this month is all about introducing cult classics to my wife who never saw these!
  20. Happy 4th Day of Halloween! Last night's watch was the great 1982 Horror Anthology Creepshow by Stephen King and George Romero. Have an awesome day! 27 Days Until Halloween 50 Days Until Thanksgiving 82 Days Until Christmas

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