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Everything posted by extantsrevenge

  1. Dann bekomme ich bestimmt auch bald wieder was ?
  2. Wow, I love the new Steelbook. The FRont was my favorite image used on the HDZeta release and now it is a Steelbook front, this release looks amazing, and I can't wait to get my Boxset. Very pleased with what Manta has designed here ?
  3. Wow @Benoit46 these are beautiful editions, especially the Wonder Woman ? But I collect Steelbooks, can't start with other packages as well ?
  4. Got these 2 some time ago but forgot to post. Somehow I completely missed the French GitS Steelbook. 2nd Picture are my last GB itmes from MP, I already posted in the GB reception (but since this is my reception post, I wanted them here as well ?)
  5. Terrific @ukade2327 what great editions you got ? Thanks a lot for sharing ?
  6. Seem like every single premium retailer is doing the same movie now ?
  7. New MP GB arrivals ? Thanks to the whole crew and extra big thanks @sepultura007 for another great hub duty. Awesome Set, slightly annoying that you can't see which number the box has if you keep it sealed. Really thinking about opening it...
  8. @atomicblonde very happy for you that the Jurassic Park finally arrived. They are so beautiful ? The Slips are my favorite FA has done until now. Rest of your new arrivals is awesome as well ?
  9. Kann ich gut verstehen, mir wird das ganze auch etwas zuviel. Komplett sammle ich nur FAC und das hauptsächlich weil es durch Zufall passiert ist, dass ich alle frühen Editions bekommen habe. Normalerweise ist das sammlen einer kompletten Line nicht so mein Ding, da man dann auch Filme bekommt die man nicht mag. Das schlimme mit den vielen Premium Sellern ist, dass die jetzt so oft das gleiche veröffentlichen, das nervt etwas. Auch etwas störend ist, dass es immer soviele Editions bei den WEA releases sind. Das wird dann auf die dauer etwas teuer, besonders bei Blufans. Bei HDZeta werde ich mir auf jeden Fall in Zukunft alle Boxsets holen, die sind im Moment für mich das beste was auf dem Markt erscheint. Bin noch am Überlegen ob ich mir auch die nächsten Silver Line besorge, die letzte Wave hat mir gut gefallen und die Tatsache, dass ich die gleche Nummer wie meine Boxen bekommen habe, war super. Aber auch hier bringt FA meistens die Filme schon raus. @Darogal alle Marvel Releases kaufen ist wirklich schon ein Großprojekt für sich ?
  10. @sepultura007 das sind eine menge Premium Steels. Da kann ich bei den einzelnen Firmen nicht mithalten. Aber meine FAC Collection steht nach arrival von # 80 bei 133 (inlusive Boxsets) also glaube ich 152 wenn man die Steels aud den Boxsets dazu rechnet, inklusive der Black Barons ? Kaufst du gar keine Filmarena?
  11. @Benoit46 Logon looks great but FA was enough for me. I thought about getting the Equilibrium Full-Slips but I was not sure if they have the correct aspect ration, do you know that?
  12. @atomicblonde great new additions, that Black Swan Boxset looks awesome and the Saw Slip is terrific, are all released that way in Korea? Keep em coming ?
  13. @Bunaldinho that is one amazing Terminator picture. I wish I could draw even half as good as that, but sadly I have no talent in that direction. How long does it take you to make such a wonderfull piece?
  14. ? WOW again, what a week, really awesome to see your collection getting bigger and bigger
  15. WOW @ukade2327 that looks amazing, makes me jealous ? But I have only to blame myself for not joining the GB in the first place ?
  16. extantsrevenge


    WOW @FF-Freak that is one fantastic collection and your display is awesome. Simply amazing ? I also love the Posters you included.
  17. WOW @sepultura007 that is awesome, can't wait to get my SW & Suicide ? @Benoit46 the Doctor Strange Set is so beautiful, I especially love the A2 Slip ?
  18. Please, pretty please ? I love having same number, that is why I'm such a big Filmarena Fan. HDZeta & Filmarena are my favorite premium sellers at the moment, and that is why I already deceided to get all the HDZeta Boxsets, I was not sure about the Silver Label Line yet, but the 3 releases I got yesterday are awesome and the number issue made them even more appreciated. Maybe I should just join the GB now and hope for the best, but an confirmation before would really give me the last push I need. Decisions, decisions... I don't want to see the GB Closed text, before I deceided...
  19. Aside from my great MP Package yesterday I also got new FA releases and a zavvi ?
  20. Got these beautiful items yesterday from MP ? Thanks @Masterblaster @DodgyDave ,everyone else involved and especially to super GB HUB @sepultura007 for the terrific packaging. Very happy with everything. I especially liked that the number on the HDZeta was not even matching but was my Boxset number I'm currently still deceiding if I want the next HDZeta Silver Label Series Exclusives, any news if HDZeta will continue to give the low numbers to MP as well and if we would get our Boxset number on those as well? That would be a jump on the GB reason for me ?
  21. @atomicblonde that is another great order you got. And the price seems really good, congrats. The Ghost Rider Slip is terrific, not really a fan of the movie but that edition is simply ?

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