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Everything posted by extantsrevenge

  1. Lots of arrivals late last week, especially nice Paprika 4K Steelbook and the US Aliens 4K with nice Holofoil Slip And the terrific Doctor Strange 2 Blufans OC.
  2. Danke. Hatte jetzt auf das Steelbook gehofft. Mal schauen, vielleicht hole ich es mir trotzdem.
  3. Wo gibt es das? Schon irgendwo gelistet?
  4. Sorry to hear Paul, all the best to you guys and a lot of Hope she is better soon.
  5. Check out our newest Word Puzzle here and find the hidden Fantasy movies We also have Beautyshot Game #13 live now And our final Bingo round has startet Have a great week everyone.
  6. Beautyshot Game #13 The Clue: How many Spider-Man Movies (not including the Animated Movies) have been released since 2002. A few general tips. Left side is the original BS, right side the FAKE. The changes can be on the complete BS, so you have to check all the details. Due to the added Bunny Banner in the middle, the images are a bit cut on the sides (those differences are no changes as explained here). When you click on the image it will be opened first as a small picture, click on the image again to open it in a new window, so that you see it all full size. Make sure to read the rules in the OP. The solutions
  7. Wow, did not think that I would have to do this 😲 @Psycho Bunny you sick bastard 😝. Is this your new way to torture me 😂
  8. I guess @Psycho Bunny has the last Bingo 😲 The Game is now finished. It is actually very funny because @Psycho Bunny is the only Player that actually had a Bingo today, not a single additional Bingo was created with the new numbers. So only bad luck for the members that had a Bingo yesterday and did not claim it. Thank you all for a fun round. I will post the points later. I guess we can start our final Bingo now 😃
  9. What, we really have to do drawing #8 and that when we actually had 2 more Bingos yesterday (members did not notice 😅) So who will claim the last Bingo?
  10. again Bingo #3, like you had in Round 2 😲 Very nice. Only 1 Bingo left! 😂, that is strange, I had not noticed that some of his data is not changing.
  11. Womit besucht ihr die Seite? PC, Handy, Tablet, Labtop? Betrofft es bestimmte Geräte? Am PC ist es bei mir so schnell wie immer.
  12. Today we are looking for Movies. They can be hidden from left to right or top to bottom. Remember we play in English, so no German, French or other language versions of the titles are hidden. The shortest will be only 6 letters. Check out our fantastic Fantasy Award and make your submission! The solutions
  13. Um die Zeit liegt man noch im Bettchen Die anderen hätten natürlich auch auf mich warten können, aber jeder hat halt nur einen Gedanken da wartet man nicht auf mich 😪
  14. We have a huge Beautyshot today, but also beautiful so looking for the changes will be great, right? I hope everyone will have a great weekend Next weekend is easter, so make sure that we can defeat @Psycho Bunny in our Bunny Hunt
  15. You got that Bingo and not that vile @Psycho Bunny, especially after what he did to you 🤣 I wonder what he will say to this.
  16. Beautyshot Game #12 and find all the changes? The Clue: Alicia Vikander was born in which year? Last number of that year is the amount of changes 😉 A few general tips. Left side is the original BS, right side the FAKE. The changes can be on the complete BS, so you have to check all the details. Due to the added Bunny Banner in the middle, the images are a bit cut on the sides (those differences are no changes as explained here). When you click on the image it will be opened first as a small picture, click on the image again to open it in a new window, so that you see it all full size. This BS Game will vanish on 29.3 when Game 15 is posted. Make sure to read the rules in the OP. The solutions
  17. You're not alone I have 116 Series on my list that I still want to watch or need to continue 🤣. I started The Witcher finally after it has been out since 2019 😅. Also on my list 😄
  18. Gute Frage, sollte ja Dolby Vision haben, so wie in den USA. Wenn es das nicht hätte, bringt einem die Veröffentlichung nichts. Ich habe gerade meine CE & das Steelbook bekommen (noch nicht die CE von 2). Merkwürdigerweise steht aud der J-Card vom Steelbook Dolby Vision, dass sollte ja eigentlich die gleiche Disc wie die vorherige 4K Veröffentlichung haben (also ohne Dolby Vision), so wie in den USA. Hat da jetzt einer beim basteln der J-Cards einer einen Fehler gemacht? Will ich jetzt definitiv wissen, bevor ich es aufmache. Desweiteren ist leider der bescheuerte Untertitel Aufbruch nach Pandora auf der Packung 😭, dass ist doch Scheiße. Wäre die US Version nicht immer so teuer gewesen hätte ich sie jetzt lieber. Wenn jemand das Rätsel um Dolby Vision lüften kann, bitte posten!

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