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Everything posted by extantsrevenge

  1. Wieso bekommt Italien jetzt eigentlich immer 3 Steelbooks und wir nur 1-2. Dann noch der Preisunterschied 😲. Dabei ist doch Deutschland der stärkere Markt, kriegen die eigeintlich nichts mehr mit?
  2. We also decided to hand out prizes to the overall winners of the Beautyshot Game & the Word Puzzle Game! A total of 125 changes were hidden throughout the 15 Beautyshots. It was a very tight race with several members getting really close, but only 1 found all of them! @Hecko for this terrific performance. You won the Gold Membership donated by @Masterblaster 2nd Place is shared among @Pinkulo2 @BreakBeatDJ @InfiniteDoors with 124 Points each. 3rd Place goes to @bl4ck5t3r with 123 Points. Below the ranking for the other players that collected at least over 50 Points: 122 Points @R1s1ngs0n 120 Points @Toapel @Boilersteel 119 Points @hdblueman 118 Points @hal56 117 Points @Adrip 116 Points @pawno 114 Points @Noir21 108 Points @daetilus 107 Points @TechSpec924 @MikeH5856 106 Points @capricornio34232 100 Points @Chief_lookout 99 Points @bossjon 94 Points @coupelle 93 Points @jwhitm3 91 Points @pluto57 85 Points @CAYENNE-FAHRER 75 Points @hansreinhardt 73 Points @upmaniac 62 Points @Zinco97 58 Points @mamaragan A Maximum of 108 Titles/Words have been hidden in the 10 Word Puzzles. It was crazy how close together many players have been, but again only 1 reigned supreme finding all of them! @InfiniteDoors for this spectacular result. You won the Spirited Away Steelbook donated by @Chief_lookout 2nd Place with 107 Points @Toapel. 3rd Place with 105,5 Points @TechSpec924. Below the ranking for the other players that collected at least 50 Points @hal56 @Hecko @Pinkulo2 @Boilersteel @R1s1ngs0n 105 Points @bl4ck5t3r @hdblueman @Scary Hair 104 Points @bossjon 101,5 Points @daetilus @Noir21 101 Points @BreakBeatDJ @pawno 100 Points @Adrip 99 Points @capricornio34232 98 Points @coupelle @MikeH5856 97 Points @pluto57 95,5 Points @jwhitm3 @Chief_lookout 95 Points @Zinco97 89 Points @CAYENNE-FAHRER 86 Points @hansreinhardt 84 Points @nathanproctor 63 Points @Nadam 60 Points It was great to see how dedicated many of the players have been on both games 🙏 A quick to the members that took part in some of the games. Even when you did not get enough points for the award we really appriciate that you participated a bit in the event. @JojoFrance76 @Azrael258 @29bananas @Fortis93 @Rhett @Veum @Martyn @iMSwi @HeightOfFolly @gokuspreworkout @Dan.A @SoGrambo @ShadowWarrior @ajames212 to @Chief_lookout @deckard99 @Gary K @ksosk @Masterblaster @nathan_s82 @raylight @Scary Hair @ShadowWarrior @ukade2327 for donating prizes to the event. Even when your prize was not chosen/given away this time, it was amazing to have such a great selection for the event. Hopefully you will consider donating again for a future event. My dear Game Masters so much for your support and help during the Event! Without you good people we could not have done it. Great work by you all @cypheria078 @deckard99 @Gary K @nathan_s82 @ukade2327 ❤️ And a very special to you our dear @raylight. You have been the driving force behind this event! Without you approaching John and myself and bringing all these great ideas to us, this event would not have happened. You brought so much enthusiasm to the planning of the Games, put so much work into every aspect of the event and it was a real pleasure doing this together with you ❤️.
  3. Finally the Bunny is done! To everyone who took part in our Event We hope you enjoyed our little Games. And the is @bl4ck5t3r with an unparalleled 311 Points! You won the Media Psychos Humidor donated by @Masterblaster Our 2nd place goes to @Toapel with impressive 307 Points! You won the Justice League Lenticular Poster#1 donated by @ksosk Third place goes to @Pinkulo2 who ended the Game with amazing 302 Points! You won the Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment Set donated by @nathan_s82 Ending the event with the coolest points amount but the most ungrateful 4th place is @R1s1ngs0n with 300 Points. The additional rankings are: @hal56 (298,5), @BreakBeatDJ (298), @InfiniteDoors (296), @Boilersteel (292), @Hecko, @hdblueman (289 each), @Noir21 (284), @Adrip (281), @pawno (279), @TechSpec924 (278,5), @MikeH5856 (277), @daetilus (275), @capricornio34232 (273), @coupelle (271), @bossjon (267,5), @Chief_lookout (262), @jwhitm3 (261), @CAYENNE-FAHRER (249), @pluto57 (240,5), @hansreinhardt (222), @Zinco97 (201), @Nadam (180), @nathanproctor (169), @Scary Hair (144), @upmaniac (112), @mamaragan (84), @Catgirl (68), @sykobanana (55). You will all receive our awesome Event Award in the next few days! In addition our helpful Minion @raylight has also created wonderful participation certificates for you. See in the spoilers (you can download these, print out or use as wallpaper on your PC ☺️) Top 10 Place 11 until End Our successful participants can also get some cool posters from our good @deckard99. He has a limited amount of 5 different great Posters available (see spoiler)! You can claim 1 each Poster as long as supplies last. He is located in the US and has generously offered to pay shipping costs within the US, International members would have to pay shipping. Please send him a PM if you would like to have one or more of these. To be continued in the next post 😉
  4. Guten Morgen, Das FAC Update muss ich erst einmal verdauen, eine absolute Unverschämtheit 🤬.
  5. @Zinco97 Mein herzliches Beileid dir und deiner Familie ❤️
  6. Guten Morgen Der Verkauf von Items ist auf MP nicht mehr erlaubt. Kleinanzeigen oder ebay sind wohl eine Möglichkeit.
  7. Gibt auch noch wieder ein Shawshank Redemption, 2001, Blade Runner 4K Steelbook. Hoffentlich mit guten Artwork, vielleicht ja aber auch nur Neuauflagen. Die Original Kinoplakate wären mal schön 😊 Dann kommt noch Purple Rain und das Godzilla vs Kong New Empire ist auch schon bei jpc zu haben.
  8. Big News Yes you heard correctly After a hard and long fought battle our barve Psychos have done it! @Psycho Bunny is defeated! Our fluffy enemy tried everything but your combined endurance and dedication during our Event has made him realize that this will not be his time to take over. We're currently finishing up everything for our award ceremony. So that the waiting is not feeling that long we have added the solutions to all the Beautyshot Games, the Word Puzzles and the Wimmelbild. All topics are now open for you to post comments or bang your head against the wall for missing something 😃
  9. Our awesome event is over. We posted all the word puzzle solutions for everyone who would like to see what they might have missed 😛 I hope you enjoyed the puzzles, I made these myself, after @raylight pointed me to a cool website to create them 😊 Also you can count yourself lucky, my first Game was a bit insane 🤣, I simply could not stop adding titles. This one had titles from left to right, top to bottom, diagonal (left to right) and they could cross each other 😲. So how many did I hide in this 😝? Feel free to comment and tell us about your game experience ☺️. Are you still yourself or did you switch sides?
  10. I guess this one was a bit to easy 😅, as most of the members playing this found all 40 bunnies 🤣. We hoped that many would play this, since this was almost enough to get our cool Event award. In case you want to check all the 40 hiding places. Hopefully nobody ended up with googly eyes 🤣 Thanks @raylight for finding the cool picture and spending the time to actually place 40 crazy Psycho Bunnies on this 👌
  11. The event is over, before we get to the award ceremony we have added all the solutions to the individual Beautyshot Games. Enjoy and don't take it to hard when you see what you missed 😅 Please feel free to comment on how this Game made you feel Another special to @raylight who prepared all the Beautyshots for this game 😁, great work 🙏. Did you change to an evil minion yourself while building these? Or how can you explain that you gave our members so much agony 🤣
  12. Es gab bisher keinerlei weitere Reaktion von Filmarena, ein Member hatte hier einen Ausschnitt der Kommunikation in der FAC Nation Gruppe gepostet. Das tolle Update was von Jan angekündigt wurde ist auch immer noch nicht gekommen. Wird sicherlich die Schuld wieder auf alle anderen schieben 😒
  13. So seh ich immer aus, wenn ich hoch motiviert in den Tag gehe 🤣 Später sieht es dann so aus... oder noch schlimmer 😆
  14. 😲 after the train wreck that was Resurrections, I actually hoped that we will never see any Matrix again 🤣.
  15. Weiß ich leider nicht. Hobbit ist ja bei weitem nicht so beliebt. Ich hoffe auf ein knaller Release von LotR und dann wird man sehen. Schön wäre es 🤣, glaube aber nicht daran. Bestimmt bald, vielleicht Morgen Manta wäre wieder dran 😅 Good question 😢
  16. Ja manchmal ist es wirklich ain Aufwand. Die Online Zollanmeldung ist seit Anfang 23, hatte ich damals feststellen müssen, als ich wie du ganz normal zum Zoll gegengen bin. Musste dann wieder nach Hause, alles ausfüllen und dann wieder hin. Wenn man sie 1 Mal gemacht hat, geht es beim nächsten Mal aber wirklich schnell. Und trotz dieser Umschichtung der Arbeit, vom Zollbeamten auf dem Emfänger, stehst du weiterhin 20+ Min da und wartest bis dann alles fertig gemacht ist 😅. Wenigstens nicht so ein Alptraum wie bei dir.
  17. Bin aber nicht alleine, es sind schon 7 Deutsche dabei und du nicht @Cornbuster 😲 und das als angeblicher OC-Pope 😝
  18. wohl da bestimmt nie was kommen wird.....
  19. @RobZone for sharing your wonderful collection with us. Check out or Psycho Awards section, I think you could get some of these ☺️

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