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Posts posted by extantsrevenge

  1. Well said @R1s1ngs0n it is getting ridiculous, we get 5 goals in a Game and only 2 end up being a goal. I mean I was glad Denmark did not get that goal, but it was a laughable decision and the first goal from Germany, what was that, so a player can't stand before another Player anymore, what a joke. In the past we got goals and you could cheer and now you need to wait minute after minute to know what is going on. And what is seen as a foul and what not depends on what now? How the referee feels that day? There is almost no game flow anymore.


    Also I never have seen a game paused because of the weather 😲


    But we won



    Besides did you guys see how I was responsible for the victory of Switzerland. I wanted to bet on them but then I knew doing so would make certain that Italy would win, so I had to take one for the Team to get Italy out of the tournement, at least that plan worked 😃


    I also realize that winning this Game becomes impossible for me and getting to catch up to you @R1s1ngs0n is also looking more and more like a dream 😭.


    Will I end up again at a bad position 🤬?


    More Games today @Ultraviolence @JiumJium @pignatielloantony @MikeH5856 get your votes in 👍

    • Like 7
  2. Welcome @AllintheReflexes to Media Psychos. Thank you so much for dedicating your first 2 posts to our awards 🙏




    Great selection, congratulations to your first Award.




    @tigrou82 I knew about the Masters Edition wanted to order it and forgot and then when I remembered it was Sold out but after seeing this post I was able to secure one on eBay. If you check regularly I'm sure a few more for an acceptable price will show up.



    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, Gentleman said:

    Habe zum ersten Mal bei iMusic bestellt. Versandtechnisch auf jeden Fall sehr gut….




    Wer Interesse an Vinegar, Shout, Criterion, Arrow etc. hat und nicht in den USA oder UK bestellen kann oder will, für den könnte iMusic hin und wieder eine Alternative sein. Ist zwar ein dänischer Shop, Sprache im Shop aber deutsch und Versand nach Deutschland ab 50€ kostenlos. Die machen das scheinbar wie Kaffekapslen.de in Dänemark, fahren die Ware über die Grenze und versenden dann von deutscher Adresse aus. Jedenfalls hatte mein Paket eine deutsche Absenderadresse.

    Ich hatte bei dem Shop vor kurzem auch zum ersten Mal bestellt. Japanische CDs, da amazon Japan auch nicht mehr alles nach DE schickt. Perfekte Abwicklung, kannst schön mit Klarna bezahlen nachdem du die Ware bekommen hast.


    2 hours ago, Gentleman said:

    Heute kam meine Austausch-Blu-ray für „Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod“ an. Jetzt inkl. Bonusmaterial. Also falls noch jemand drauf wartet, der Versand der Discs läuft gerade…


    Beer Ok GIF by Busch

    Habe ich auch bekommen 👍.


    • Like 5
  4. Today the ball is rolling again and we here at Media Psychos caught a glimpse of the training sessions of some of the remaining teams

    fb3cea39b6646a0205b247bdd31457bd.gif GCkjt5k.gif football.gif funny-gifs-hippo-playing-ball.gif


    Looks like everyone is hyped 😅


    Please remember no draws are possible anymore


    , so hopefully we get some better games.


    Get your predictions in @Cornbuster @Movielover @Gary K @Ultraviolence @pluto57 @JiumJium @Steelzer @raylight @Catgirl @ncraft @exogenesis70 @pignatielloantony @MikeH5856 




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  5. 2 minutes ago, vinny91 said:

    @extantsrevenge amazing edition for LOTR Rings of Power Soundtrack .... but for those living in Europe, price is a bit too high with all tax & shipping.

    but I have to admit this edition looks absolutely beautiful  🤩


    Is it a rigid box and heavy please ? Thanks for your answer & feedback ;) 

    High quality Box which looks like leather with Gold printing. You really should consider a purchase if you like the music. Only 1000 numbered copies. I only discovered the Set after the signed copies already sold out on Mondo and amazon was also gone after it went live at the time Mondo listed this. On ebay many instantly wanted $300. Then the release was delayed and when they shipped amazon started to offer it again (I think they did not list all at once). Now they still have a few.


    If you consider making a purchase be sure to add the gift wrap. Mondo unfortunately did not make an extra box for protection, but with gift wrap amazon will ship in a box and that will protect from any damage during the transport, sadly it can't protect from the damage from handling before 😢. I have not seen a perfect copy yet.

    • Like 4
  6. 3 minutes ago, Gentleman said:


    Sehr cool! Vielen lieben Dank für den Hinweis, Nils! Habe es sofort bestellt! 😀

    Super, hatte mir gedacht, das dass etwas für dich ist. Die Serie selbst ist zwar nicht so toll, aber die Musik war super. Fand es damals ziemlich blöd, dass es die nur Digital gab (was ich mir nicht besorgt habe). Hoffentlich bekommst du ein gutes Exemplar und vielleicht auch eine gute Nummer. Mein Bruder hatte Glück und hat die #700 bekommen, er wollte sie mir nicht geben 🤣.

    • Haha 4
  7. New arrivals, including are low #001 Set 😍


    Newsteelbook 532  - Media Psychos - Robocop 2 4K Kimchidvd Miss Peregrine


    For anyone interested in Soundtracks Mondo published togehter with amazon a Limited Rings of Power Season 1 10 CD Boxset. Each Episode has a CD (previously only available as Digital), also includes the previously released 2 CD S1 Soundtrack. If you're intersted be fast amazon.com has a few copies left.



    • Like 13
  8. More recent arrivals. The Miss Perefrine Kimchi Set I got because it is the #1 😍.


    Newsteelbook 532  - Media Psychos - Robocop 2 4K Kimchidvd Miss Peregrine


    For anyone interested in Soundtracks Mondo published togehter with amazon a Limited Rings of Power Season 1 10 CD Boxset. Each Episode has a CD (previously only available as Digital), also includes the previously released 2 CD S1 Soundtrack. If you're intersted be fast amazon.com has a few copies left.


    • Like 4
  9. Weitere Neuzugänge #1 für das Kimchi Set von Miss Peregrine. Outsiders billig bei amazon bekommen.

    Newsteelbook 532  - Media Psychos - Robocop 2 4K Kimchidvd Miss Peregrine


    @Gentleman und andere die sich vielleicht für Soundtracks interessieren. Mondo hat zusammen mit amazon ein Rings of Power S1 Limited 10 CD Boxset veröffentlicht. Jede Folge 1 CD (vorher nur als Digital zu haben) und der vorher erschienene 2 CD Soundtrack + dickes Booklet. Limitiert auf 1000 Stück (auch nummeriert). War ein Drama das zu bekommen, hatte es erst erfahren, als die Signed Copies bei Mondo schon Sold Out waren und auch amazon alles weg war, dann zum Release hat amazon.com doch wieder gelistet (ein paar sind noch verfügbar). Definitiv mit Geschenkverpackung bestellen, leider hat Mondo keinen extra Karton für dieses Item gemacht (WTF).


    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1

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