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Everything posted by RileyLad

  1. There are no dumb questions my mate... We all had to learn at sometime.... The plastic one in the middle is from Steelbook Central Here's a link.... https://www.steelbookcentral.com/steelbook-stands-24-c.asp The wooden ones are from Everythingblu.... They came as a free gift with there earlier editions (schindlers list, king kong etc) - not sure if you still get them with every release now tho.... ??? My good mate @Robertm89 actually gave me those for free - he's a gooden 👍 I dont think MP sell them? @ukade2327 may know better? The new MP steelbook protectors look awesome tho...
  2. OK.... so here we have a classic case of a double post (same thing that I've posted in another thread) Other members do it but I will mention no names..... @Veum cough, cough... Excuse me... But I'm not going to get to the 1,000 post mark just by complimenting @Hollywood E Rock's jazz pic's everyday.... (Just joking bro, you know I love it 😏😉😜) fist bump 👊👊👊 Anyway here's todays delivery.... Zavvi 4K Return of the Jedi.... Original trilogy complete.... 😁 Lenti magnet on order, to cover up the poor artwork choice for Empire Strikes Back.... I'll tag my bro @Robertm89 in this cos his loves his Star Wars... This post's for u buddy 👍
  3. Aint quite Tuesday yet here in the UK 🇬🇧 .... But I'm gonna run with it..... GET TO THE CHOPPAAAAAAA AAAHGGHHHHHYYYYAAAAAAA !!!!!
  4. Welcome home lads, welcome home.... Lenti magnet on order for the poor artwork choice on Empire Strikes Back! And here's a look at Return Of The Jedi inside discs and artwork....
  5. Monday morning already.....? Masculine Monday 😞😦😰 Gotta have something for the ladies I suppose.... And......
  6. I'm trying not to think about it Ann. Thankfully both my girls are quite young and trying to keep them young for as long as possible. Kids nowadays seen in such a rush to grow up. Dread the day they want their own Facebook account or mobile phone 😬 I like to think the wife and I are clued enough to advise them of the dangers online as well as in the real world. Cyber bullying is the worst thing ever as now they can try and hurt you even when your at home. In our day thats where you should be 100% protected and untouchable. Sad when great tools like the Internet are used in bads ways. 😕 Certainly do Ann, every day 😊 So true 👍 If its showing them under the knife I'm afraid I haven't got the stomach for those real life documentaries any more 😂 But my Mrs would love watching that I think. Also it sounds truly amazing if thats what is going on behind the scenes. And what a great thing to put back into society 👏 Quick story- My 2 cousins were in a car accident 15 years or so ago At 18 and just past his car licence, he had his 16 year old sister in the car... Long story short his sister cut all her face open. She needed plastic surgery and they did a fantastic job. Still has slight scaring but can hide it well with make up. Very lucky to be alive... So like you said its a great thing when used correctly 👍 Thats brilliant - best thing they'll spend their money on.. Lastly please forgive my late reply.... Kids were wanting to go to the Park and I was holding things up 😂
  7. New knickname for @Basil 118 🤣🤣😂😅 For non UK 🇬🇧 members... Popular advert / company before Google came along
  8. Nice @Fortis93 I'm on my way ..... yummmmyyyyy 😋😋😋
  9. Don't want to get all seriously but to be honest I hate fake boobs... Most of the time they just don't look right. Don't like any cosmetic surgery for that matter... women with fake lips / trout pout duck faces..... Like this 👇 Sad that people think this makes them look better... I got 2 x young girls and I will always encourage them to be themselves I much rather people be content and comfortable with what God gave them... right serous post done ✔ Back in silly gif mode....
  10. Forgive me, but I would have trouble keeping eye contact with these 5 beautiful ladies... 👀 (reveal hidden content). Followed by a..... And if I was lucky then a .... That would be a satisfying Sunday! 😊😁🤣🤣 Look @Trianna - we've picked up exactly where we left off 😅🤣😂 Just another fantastic collection this morning @Hollywood E Rock !!!! 👌👍 And that just leaves a ...... Have a nice Sunday folks 👍
  11. Sorry @Veum, didn't mean to drag ya down from your high mate.. Just hope in future when we buy what we think is going to be a exclusive item, that it will always be the case. Congrats Mike, some nice pick ups there buddy 👍
  12. Still the the manta edition in the slip with goodies is the better edition (no offence @Veum ) Just hope this type of thing doesn't happen too often.
  13. It used to be.... Same thing then happened to Filmarena's T2 WEA glow in the dark steelbook - zavvi then released it 12 months later! 🙁 Bit of a joke really
  14. Cue innocent whistle... 😇😇😇 Us, pervs??? Ahhh hell, nice rack @Trianna ( . ) ( . ) !!!👌👍 I would like to change my plea.. And as for my associates.... 😅🤣😂😆
  15. I would have been your wing man for sure@Hollywood E Rock ! 😉🤭🤣 😂🤣😅👍👍👍 Be careful what you wish for my friend....🤔🤣😂 It may come true 😂🤣
  16. Thank you @Fortis93 Ahhhh who am I kidding..... I'd have just been like..... But what do they feel like.....????? Is this one bigger?? 😂🤣🤣😅😆
  17. Phillip Schofield be looking at them ( . ) ( . ) and just be like....

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