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Everything posted by PRIAPISM

  1. Oh yeah! Das neue Buch von Lars Meyer Danke @extantsrevengeund Lars!
  2. WOW Nils wie geil ist das denn!?!?! Du musst ja wahnsinnig stolz sein! Wirklich der Hammer! Wenn es möglich wäre eine signiertes Exemplar zu bekommen, dann wäre ich mehr als dankbar.
  3. Too bad it is strongly cut. Only 120min instead of the full 127min
  4. Congrats to the winners! It was a lot of fun
  5. Awesome looking set but what is up with that price? Almost 100usd. Does anyone know the reasoning behind that? Probably because of 6 discs being included
  6. OMG @hal56thank you so much for these GREAT presents!! I am so happy. Thank you thank you thank you
  7. My gift from ??? arrived yesterday. Can't wait to open it! Yours will be on its way too soon
  8. Heute kam mein Gewinn bei @R1s1ngs0ngiveaway Thanks Eli
  9. Wenn da kein mega Rülpser folgte, weiss ich auch nicht lol Bei mir gibt es heute Jever alkfrei
  10. If you have questions regarding schizophrenia please PM me for assistance
  11. @ksosk I'd prefer paying a little more and have one piece if we need two frames to put it on the wall, costs would really explode
  12. @ksosk what is the print run? OP says 160 but the beauty shot says 168
  13. Ok thank you @Grendel for telling me the backstory. To me it sounds like you might have an impressive comic collection as well
  14. @Grendel do you like Venom that much? I haven't seen the movie yet. Cheers
  15. I thought ToC would do cult classics. But after Max Max, Wonder Woman and now this I know I am wrong
  16. Sold please keep the Stephen King Movies coming @@cinemuseum how about Misery or Christine next? 😍

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