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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Boilersteel

  1. Actually probably won't be able to post until after work, but then will show you the vast array. If you are a Bond fan consider joining @R1s1ngs0n club for Bond fans "Shaken, Not Stirred", if you haven't already.
  2. You have come to the right place. I have almost all the Bond steelbooks, and posted them all in another thread. Let me grab those pictures and let you see some of the wonderful releases out there. Unfortunately, some of them are duds.
  3. Yeah I am trying to come up with an explanation for this month's credit card bill that won't get me kicked out of the bedroom. It's not going to go well. Never dreamed 2 WeET releases would get billed so close to LOTR.
  4. This month stretch might be my worst expense ever for this collection adding in other things. Two WeET OCs, probably two CM releases, at least one Manta release, the LOTR HDZ, probably other group buys I am forgetting, all the new Bonds from DVDstore.it, an MRI of my knee, and hopefully not knee surgery. What an absolute crazy month stretch.
  5. Yeah agree, feel they could make some awesome slips. There is so much great artwork out there. All these steelbooks and this slip only focus on the opening credits. Hopefully MGM gets this out of their system, as now "almost" all of those opening credit steelbooks have been made. Would like to see some poster artwork on 4K steelbook releases whenever they get released, but I know I am just dreaming.
  6. Just shipped from Zavvi. Although steelbook does look beyond lame, stoked for the slip and the extras.
  7. Just dispatched from Zavvi, excited for this one to arrive. Anticipate we will be seeing some live shots soon from others.
  8. All I can say is how in the heck did you know that! And I am beyond impressed.
  9. I will give you a hint. It is not Goldeneye either 😆
  10. Do I believe it will actually be released early 2023, not yet sure. Am I still excited to finally see the CM release with the longest wait of all time, you betcha!
  11. Hope these predictions hold up better than FACs ones. Still applaud CM for the updates and for the optimistic deadlines. With Batman though the wait is just brutal. Interesting to see if Lost Boys gets released before Batman. Waiting continues.
  12. Just placed order and worked. Didn't work yesterday and had the same problem others had, so hopefully that means it's fixed.
  13. Yeah mine arrived 9/15, so if you ordered the one click in the group buy, I assume it will be on its way soon. Good luck!
  14. Yeah didn't remember this scene, but the scenery felt like something from Octopussy. Next one... Sorry for the blurriness.
  15. Here is my submission for the Media Psychos 80s movie award. Probably could have barely qualified with all steelbooks as well, but might have taken all day to find and put everything back in place. 😄 Thankfully amarays were easily accessible.
  16. 1. Manta Matrix Resurrections cat: -One of the first trinkets from Manta lab. The cat looks great, and the box it came in is pretty cool as well, not sure whether I will open it or not as looks good in that box. 2. Blufans Dr. Strange transparent green collector card: -It is just a pretty unique addition to to this set that Blufans added. Definitely gives the edition some extra flare. 3. TOC Casino Royale pin -It is from a Bond movie, need I say more. Actually this will likely get replaced at #3 when the Dune trinkets arrive whenever that might be. Special thanks to@GuyIncognit0 for this great idea for the 3rd challenge. It is exciting to see all of the pictures of everyones' favorite extras! 🤩
  17. Well I guess it is actually embossing and not debossing after looking up the definition of those. Either way it is pretty great! 😍
  18. Thoroughly impressed with this Disney steelbook. Significant debossing around Thor and Jane, and I believe it also has somewhat of a gloss finish (having trouble describing it). Props to Disney. After you look at the other Thor steelbooks you realize this really doesn't match the other ones that much, other than they all have a border. This might be the best MCU steelbook Best Buy has had, can't seem to think of a better one.

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