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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Boilersteel

  1. Steelbook is matte although not streaky and the circles have a little shimmer to them. Have to say that although the steelbook title scenes are ok, I am pretty much done with title scenes after these last releases, and they really need to not make anymore slips with title scenes on them. This Dr. No slip is not terrible, but it is just lazy art that very few really ever asked for or wanted. Also, the slips artwork should have been on the steelbook.
  2. No glossy steelbooks today. Dr. No is matte but not streaky, almost a shimmery matte in the red circles. The Thing TOC has matte background also not streaky with a great deal of spot gloss, and Fright Night is matte with some shimmer but definitely streaky matte. Haven't put the Dr No paper dragon tank together yet (not even sure I know how to 😄), but props on originality. Update: My kindergarten skills came back and it is complete.
  3. Man, sorry to hear that, never fun to lose a wallet and have to go through that process. Happy to hear that you are moved in now and will have a fast working internet soon.
  4. Been thinking about that, but they just put in fiber optic lines out at the street a few months ago. For now it is for some kind of business line only, but hoping within the next 2 years I will finally have high speed internet.
  5. My options for internet were dsl and satellite, but this year lte became available. Lte at the start of the year was > 100 mbs, as more and more customers came it now runs about max 3 mbs. I couldn't believe it when I saw how low the speed changed.
  6. Hopefully, someone has a better idea than I do, because I really am lost on this one. Moonraker?
  7. Well, might as well get the guessing started. Have a 1/25 shot. You only Live Twice?
  8. Was so so on a Carrie 4K steelbook, but now knowing this is from Shout Factory this is an instant buy!
  9. I take that back. Sorry Best Buy. 😄Sounds like Amazon needs to get their act together in this case.
  10. I take that back. Sorry Best Buy. 😄Sounds like Amazon needs to get their act together in this case.
  11. It's nice and glossy, hopefully yours arrives soon. Best Buy is so inconsistent on their shipping. I would tell you to try instore, but I personally have a better chance getting an undamaged copy from a bubble mailer than from the stores around here. Good luck.
  12. That answer is correct. Nice job as usual @R1s1ngs0n!
  13. 2 Shout Factory 4k steelbook arrivals displayed next to the bluray steelbooks, also from Shout Factory. When everyone else decides to use lazy artwork or actually uses the same steelbook for the Bluray and 4k releases, Shout Factory instead decides to stand out with their incredible unique artwork for each release. Nothing lazy about these releases. Pure awesomeness!
  14. For Challenge 4: 1. Helicopter 2. Jet 3. Spinner 4. Boat 5. Motorcycle Was surprised see that my all time favorite steelbook Goldeneye actually has 5 vehicles on it alone that I could have picked from. Excellent idea @raylight. Once again excited to see all the other entries.
  15. Well from the MRI the first pop in my knee was a complete tear of my acl 😢, the second pop was a lateral meniscus tear, and just for kicks I also have a grade 2 mcl injury. In other words I totally destroyed my knee 😞
  16. Agree, cash grab by Paramount, and lazy to release the same art as the Bluray steelbook.
  17. Here is my submission for the Blufans Treasure Hunter award. I didn't add in the duplicate steelbooks to the picture, but I did take an extra picture of those and could post it if necessary, 26 editions in all, as of now.
  18. Here are nearly all the official Bond steelbooks released (other than the new ones just released and some unusual dvd steelbooks from overseas in a different language that I have seen before): 1st and 2nd picture -Top row: 2008-2009 Best Buy Bluray steelbooks -2nd row: 2015 Best Buy bluray themed steelbooks -3rd: 2015 Goldfinger European steelbook, 2021 Goldfinger Zavvi steelbook, 2012 Goldeneye Play.com steelbook, 2010 Casino Royale German steelbook, 2013 Skyfall UK steelbook, 2016 Blufans spectre lenticular, 2016 Kimchidvd Spectre full slip, 2022 No Time to Die Taiwan full slip and steelbook next to it -4th row: 2020 UK and Best Buy 4K Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, and Spectre steelbooks (Best Buy are full gloss, UK matte) 3rd and 4th picture Top row: 2021 No Time to Die Walmart special edition amaray with box and Safin mask keychain, No Time to Die other Taiwan full slip with steelbook below it, Titans of Cult Casino Royale with steelbook below it, 2015 Best Buy The Daniel Craig collection steelbook 2nd row: 2021 No Time to Die Target special edition fullslip amaray, rest in that and next row are parts of the printing ones listed My favorites are the Play.com Goldeneye steelbook, the Blufans Spectre lenticular edition, and the 2015 European Goldfinger one that has the whole steelbook in gold and the title embossed (unfortunately the back is the exact same artwork). As stated the customs from @R1s1ngs0n are the best hands down and blow all of the economy ones away, except Goldeneye because that is one of my all time favorite steelbooks 😎

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