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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Posts posted by InfiniteDoors

  1. 1 minute ago, thebhopexperience said:

    Maybe my expectations were too high, but this might be the most I've been disappointed in Beauty shots before. That might be the most bland OC I've seen. 

    I share a similar feeling. They should've taken advantage of the alien language, or something other than the dark, dark, dark room where it's only dark and somehow not utilize all the white.

    • Like 6
  2. 23 hours ago, Fortis93 said:






    For this challenge, you are to pick your favourite genre of film.


    Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Musical, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller, War, Western, etc.


    You are then to choose your top 5 favourite films from that genre, or films you feel represent the best of what that genre has to offer.


    Any editions (Fullslips, Lenticulars, Steelbooks etc.) across any formats (DVD, Blu-ray, 4K, etc.) are welcome.


    And finally, name the film that made you fall in love with that genre.


    My genre is SCIENCE FICTION


    1) STAR TREK

    All of it. I love all of it. I love it so much, I'm going to shamelessly plug the Star Trek Club and encourage you to join!

    I've always enjoyed sci-fi, Star Wars being the most prominent, but I would say Trek has made me much more passionate for it, and for a hopeful future as well.



    2) THE THING

    The sci-fi/horror classic! Another piece of art I love, so much so that I've got a quite a few editions with more on the way.



    3) BLADE RUNNER 2049

    I know the first movie set up the world, but in 2049 it's just so rich and lived in. It's also that type of future that feels so realistic, I love it.



    4) HER

    I'm sure not many people think of Her when asked about sci-fi movies, but it is! The crux of the entire movie is a man falling in love with a computer program. Shieeeet, BR2049 stole an idea from Her, using a surrogate to have sex with a program. On top of that, it's a genuine, heartfelt romantic drama about relationships. Great movie, interesting view of the future.




    It was between this and Alien, another sci-fi/horror classic, and another Ridley Scott connection. But BTTF is just too much damn fun! DeLoreans, hoverboards and flying trains, oh my!


    • Like 23
  3. On 2/19/2023 at 7:14 AM, Reagh said:

    Challenge #022 




    For this challenge we would like to know what some of your favorite adaptations are. You will need to show  Movies or Television Series and the source material. Have fun with it, if the movie came before the book or comic it would still count since it’s still a adaptation. All mediums are allowed, books, mangas, comics, graphic novels etc. The only rule is…. series only count as one. Example Harry Potter 1-7 only counts as 1. 

    I can’t wait to see everyone’s submissions! 

    Bonus : please tell everyone what your favorite adaptation is & why.

    im back baby GIF


    1) Spider-Man

    Not exactly an adaptation, as in translating a specific story, but by the authority invested in me, I'll allow it. It's also my favorite of the 4 submissions!





    2) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

    It's too bad I don't have The Hobbit to go with this, but it's not as good anyway. LOTR Trilogy is a masterpiece, and I can't wait for my HDZeta Golds!




    3) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Now the only reason I chose this one over the first movie/book is that I'm too lazy to dig any further into my pile of books 😴 Plus the lenti is cool!



    4) Star Trek: The Motion Picture

    I'm sure @extantsrevenge will get a kick out of this one!



    • Like 22
    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, hansreinhardt said:

    Watched the new Picard episode this morning, "The Next Generation." 


    Anyone else see it yet? My spoiler-free, initial reaction: this feels more like it! 



    It was definitely more TNG than the other two seasons, but it just has this edge I still don't like. We'll see how the rest of the season goes.

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/5/2023 at 5:51 AM, extantsrevenge said:


    We have reach Challenge 20 already 😃. Time for me to do another Challenge. 


    Also Challenge 20 is not the Challenge for our 2nd Award 😅, I thought that would be to pretictable and easy.


    Hopefully that is not keeping you from participating. Would be great if some of the previous players return and new players are welcome any time.



    Challenge 20:

    "Still Missing! Forgotten Treasures!



    This week the challenge has 2 parts.


    First we want you to show us 5 Movies from your collection that you love but only have as DVD because they have no Blu-ray release.


    You can show more, should you not have have 5 on DVD, show as many as you got, If you don't have any, you can show 5 Blu-ray Movies that you would love receive a 4K Upgrade. But hopefully enough members have movies that have really been forgotten by the studios.


    For the second part we want you to show us between 5-10 movies on Blu-ray from your collection that you really wish had a Steelbook release, but for some unexplainable reason never got one 😲.


    The Movies shown in the second part have to be different movies than from what was shown in the first part.


    For both parts you can add comments to the movies, not mandatory but always welcome.


    No TV Series in this challenge please.

    Nils, you're a real son of a b*tch! This is the first challenge I have to skip, I don't think I have anything that fits either criteria.

    angry stan marsh GIF by South Park

    • Sad 1
  6. 6 hours ago, lunazero said:

    Week 19 Challenge - "Through the Decades - a Cinematic Journey"


    Thought this would be fairly straightforward for most members to complete!


    Members should choose any 5 films which had a theatrical release in 5 different decades. All forms of physical media is allowed - VHS, DVD, Laserdisc, steelbooks etc


    The decades can be chosen from 1930s to 2010s - as long as each film had its theatrical release in that decade. Using films from the same franchise is not allowed such as Star Wars, MCU etc as many of these span 2 or more decades. If you wish to post films from more than 5 decades that is also fine.


    If possible, please state your reason for choosing each film.

    We would also like to know which cinematic decade was your favourite for movies and when you started collecting movies.


    Here is my entry to kick things off...


    1970s: Star Wars: A New Hope - the film that started it all, never get tired of watching it!

    1980s: Karate Kid - we all loved to recreate that "flying" kick in the final sequence... far better than the sequels

    1990s: Silence of the Lambs - incredible performances from Foster and Hopkins

    2000s: Kill Bill Volume 1 - in my top 3 Tarantino films, and this steelbook from Novamedia is just simply a masterpiece

    2010s: Guardians of the Galaxy - one of my favourite MCU entries and especially the 3D IMAX ratio scenes. An easy rewatch anytime, anywhere!


    Difficult to pin down a favourite decade but probably 90s for Pulp Fiction, Jurassic Park however still love many of the new films released each year. 

    It was about 1998 when I started collecting movies - the days of DVDs lol.


    Hope everyone enjoys this challenge! 





    1979: Star Trek: The Motion Picture—Star Trek is my favorite franchise, what else needs to be said?


    1982: The Thing—One of my favorite movies, and probably the movie I have the most editions for. Still have more on the way too!


    1990: Back to the Future Part III—Part III isn't my favorite of the trilogy, but it is a 90s release hehe. Plus this is a good excuse to show my HDZeta knockoff!


    2008: The Dark Knight—ANOTHER of my favorite movies, and a mainstay of these challenges. Idk how many times I've used TDK, but it's a lot!


    2021: Spider-Man: No Way Home—Sweet, warm nostalgia makes this my choice for the 2020s. Not a bad movie either, and I do love the slips for it!



    As far as my favorite cinematic decade goes, I think the 70s or 80s might be it. The pacing alone allowed for more reflection on the acting and writing. And when I started collecting, that would be December 2020. I was immediately hooked, and are now thousands of dollars in debt 🤣

    • Like 20
  7. 8 hours ago, Mrdugan said:

    Hello Psychos. Thank you to @extantsrevenge for allowing me to bring to you...


    Challenge 18


    Sci-Fi Comedy GIF by Turner Classic Movies


    “Merchandi$ing! Where the Real Money from the Movie is Made”


    This is your chance to show us all your stuff from the movies you love.


    Thor Behold GIF by Truly.


    We want to see 5 movie-related items along with the movie the item comes from. You are free to use any release you want and whatever merchandise you want! Examples include (but are by no means limited to): toys, clothing, cups, tins, plates, books, posters, statues, and anything else someone threw down cold hard cash to obtain.


    While you are allowed to use any media type there are a couple of rules about the items you may use.


    Rule 1: The item must have been purchased either by yourself or someone else as a gift. Extras as featured in Challenge 3 are not allowed.


    Rule 2: Soundtracks, while awesome, are not allowed as they were the focus of Challenge 9 “Don’t Stop the Music”


    Rule 3: you may only use 1 item-type per movie or franchise. As an example, please don’t submit 5 MCU-related Pops and 5 MCU movies or 5 Star Wars statues and 5 Star Wars movies. We want to see variety either in the merchandise or the movie or preferably both.


    As a bonus – please tell us why you selected these 5 pieces of merchandise.

    1. The Avengers—A Marvel blanket made by my sister!



    2. The Dark Knight—a Joker poster, also given by my sister!



    3. Spider-Man Trilogy—A Spidey toy given to me as a child!



    4. Star Wars: Episode I—A little R2-D2 toy given to me as a child! I currently cannot locate my OT VHS copies :(



    5. Star Trek—A Star Trek sticky note book, and a Leonard Nimoy/Spock dollar bill, gifted to me by @capricornio34232 in a previous Secret Santa!


    • Like 22
  8. 5 hours ago, raylight said:

    Hello Members !

    Your little Minion raylight is presenting you...


    "It Takes Two"

    watch the video for further details...



    ...or read the following instructions:


    Challenge "It Takes Two" is about team work.

    So shows us your selection of 5 Movies with Action Duo's or teams/partners in action.

    These teams can be the classic Cop-Teams, Gangster Duo's, teams searching for a treasure

    or teams planning a big bank robbery etc.



    • All Mediums Allowed
    • All Genre Allowed (Action, Thriller, Sci-Fi etc)
    • No love couples !


    In the end, we want to see this:


    And not that:


    Now browse your collection !

    And have Fun ! 😎



    Please tell us which Action Duo Movie still deserves a Premium Edition ?




    1) The Blues Brothers: The titular brothers, Jake and Elwood Blues20230115_135816.thumb.jpg.06ccc37c26ccc1ac694e8a940a674266.jpg


    2) Logan: the father-daughter duo, Wolverine and X-23, aka Logan and Laura



    3) Men in Black: Agents J and K, the men in black



    4) Toy Story: Woody and Buzz Lightyear, the rivals turned unlikely friends



    5) Wall-E: Wall-E and EVE, the little trashbot and his sleek partner in crime. Don't even tell me they don't count!20230115_140223.thumb.jpg.d860d774fc8e9c727140454ca4efdd33.jpg

    • Like 22
  9. 16 hours ago, Chief_lookout said:

    Media Psychos Challenge #16: It's so hard to choose!


    Happy New Year, Psychos! I am honored to present to you the first new challenge of the new year, challenge 16! After many discussions with my best friend about our favorite movies, I decided to keep a list of my favorite movies on my phone, because, inevitably, I left some out!

    Which got me thinking, what are everybody's favorite movies? 

    For this challenge, I'd like to know what everyone's top ten favorite movies are! You will list your favorite movies, and show five of them! Any format is fine! Remember, it's top 10 favorite movies, not favorite steelbook art!

    In addition, I'd like to know which one of your favorites you'd most like to see a steelbook release for, and which company you'd like to produce it! I hope this is a fun challenge to kick off the new year for everyone!


    Since it's my challenge, I'll start us off:

    1: Krull (1983)-This might not be in anybody's top ten, but it is the first movie I have a clear memory going to see in the theater with my dad...and the glaive fascinated me! Along with an awesome score by James Horner! I used to rent this movie every weekend as a kid! I have easily seen it over 500 times! I can quote the dialog based on the song playing from the soundtrack! I absolutely love it! I had a custom steel made for it, as you will see.

    2. Requiem for a Dream (2000)- The best movie I might never watch again

    3. The Great Escape (1963)- Love a good jailbreak movie!

    4. The Rainmaker (1997)- Matt Damon is my favorite actor, and this is a fantastic example of why! Great story from John Grisham!

    5. True Romance (1993)- Star studded cast in an awesome movie written by Quentin Tarantino!

    6. Tombstone (1993)- My wife's favorite movie and my favorite Western! We quote it all the time!

    7. Nobody (2021)- The newest movie on my list and some awesome fight scenes!

    8. Ready Player One (2018)- A great treasure hunt movie! I love all the references, and when We're Not Gonna Take It starts playing...goosebumps every time!

    9. Interstellar (2014)- Christopher Nolan is my favorite director, and I love this film! The space vistas are absolutely gorgeous!

    10. Avatar (2009)- I saw this in the theater in 3D three times...just beautiful visuals! And when Eywa helps them at the end...another goosebumps moment!




    I would very much like to see Krull get a steelbook release, and in my head it's a Lion's Gate release with the glaive on the slipcover so it flies away from Colwyn's hand and comes back!

    I hope you all have lots of fun with this challenge! Thanks for reading!

    Top 10 favorite movies!

    Apollo 13


    The Dark Knight

    The Incredibles

    Saving Private Ryan

    Spider-Man 2

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    Star Trek Beyond

    The Thing




    I'd love another steelbook set for all the Star Trek movies! But without some obnoxious border this time, and some art for the Kelvin movies that match the first ten!

    • Like 21
  10. 20 hours ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    Xmas Special Challenge - "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow"


    As Christmas is just around the corner, we thought it would be the perfect occasion for our members to share 5 editions of their favorite Xmas or snow themed movies.

    Every format is accepted: dvd, amaray, mediabook.... even custom steels 😁

    Movies that feature a single scene that occurs during Xmas or only one scene with snow in it, will NOT count towards the challenge.

    Also, only one type of snow is accepted, so don't try to be smart and post something like this:



    And lastly, pls share the movie or movies you plan on watching next weekend with your family/friends.

    Alright, here are 5 movies that have snow or Christmas stuff in more than one scene! If you think something doesn't count, I'm gonna bust out the big guns.


    Spider-Man: No Way Home



    Beauty and the Beast20221218_232202.thumb.jpg.71432b56f5b6b3df0dd13cbc57ce5e49.jpg



    The Dark Knight Rises

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    The Thing20221218_231827.thumb.jpg.ea63e99e2cb3a345110335143ccaffc9.jpg20221218_231749.thumb.jpg.b9778a1c6cdd92421db255c3707d0147.jpg

    • Like 25
  11. On 12/11/2022 at 5:01 AM, coupelle said:

    Hello to all Psychos.


    I have the great honor to offer you today the new challenge number 14.


    A big thank you to Nils @vengeance for assisting me in the development of the latter 👏


    So I present to you:




    Dance Dancing GIF by AFV Pets


    For this weeks challenge we would like you to show us 5 different animals on 5 different editions.


    Every type of animal is allowed. Whether they are domestic, wild, aquatic, imaginary or legendary, everything counts.

    In the tradition of challenge 4 & 10 the challenge seems quite simple to achieve, so we are going to limit the allowed editions to Steelbook, Premium, Mediabook & Digipack releases. No simple Amarays or DVDs will be accepted.


    Please also share with us what your favorite animal is and tell us why.


    Hope you enjoy the new challenge.


    As tradition dictates 😉, I put my participation first:


    1/ KONG : Gorille



    2/ JURASSIC PARC Fallen Kingdom : Vélociraptor



    3/ BATMAN BEGIN : Chauves Souris



    4/Gardiens de la Galaxie 2 : Raton Laveur



    5/ Robin des Bois : Renard



    For my part, my favorite animal is undoubtedly the Orca that I had the chance to approach several times at MARINELAND in Antibes in France.


    killer whale texas GIF


    I sincerely hope that this new challenge will amuse you a little.


    Good Sunday.



    1. Jaws — Great White Shark



    2. Guardians of the Galaxy — Raccoon



    3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone — Owl



    4. Pet Sematary — Cat



    5. Shrek — Donkey



    My favorite animal? Gotta be dogs. My dogs specifically!


    • Like 20
    • Haha 1

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