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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by TechSpec924

  1. And on to... CHALLENGE 17 - DUOS: Val & Earl - Tremors Henry Jones Sr. & Indiana Jones Jr. - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Doc & Marty - Back to the Future Agents J & K - Men In Black C-3PO & R2-D2 - Star Wars: A New Hope. Got a little creative with this one! While probably not the most action-oriented duo when thinking of Star Wars, their contributions to the franchise are just as notable. After all, their exploits begin all the way back in the beginning in ANH, and their brazen escape in that escape pod. What would have happened to the franchise if that pod had been shot out of the sky...? Tremors deserves a "real" premium release. The Arrow and Zavvi editions don't count! I'm talking about a beautiful, fully embossed slip of the Graboid and its mouth tentacles in all their glory. Or a sweet lenti of the same. So much potential for a great cult classic (looking at you, WeET & Blufans).
  2. So I'm realizing that I'm always posting my challenge submissions a bit later than everybody else lol. The reason for this is because I'm usually working full-time during the week so I have neither the desire nor the energy to rummage through my collection after work. I like to give these challenges their due consideration, so I wait until the weekend to post them. So...without further ado, I present my submissions for: Challenge 16: TOP 10 FAVORITES (in no particular order)... Goonies Gladiator Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Lion King Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (my favorite of the first 6 original series films) The Rock Down Periscope (fantastic Kelsey Grammer comedy) Liar Liar Jaws For a movie I feel is most deserving of the premium treatment, I sincerely hope the upcoming 4K release of True Lies receives this honor. If recent rumors are to be believed....
  3. Many thanks, @R1s1ngs0n, @Masterblaster & @extantsrevenge, for everything you do to make these events possible! I loved participating in my first Secret Santa event and getting to know a little better a great person in Greg (@F.Jaeger). Thank you also @Trianna for a cool-looking award for this event!
  4. For challenge 15, I forgot to share what movies I watch with the family on Christmas. Pretty much starting the day after Thanksgiving, any of the Home Alone movies (1,2,3,4, or 5) are always on constant playback. And my personal favorite Christmas franchise has always been The Santa Clause, so if we don't watch as a family, I always watch on my own.
  5. Challenge 15 Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow The Day After Tomorrow - pretty much ¾ of this movie is ice and snow. Home Alone (1&2) How the Grinch Stole Christmas The Santa Clause 3-Movie Collection Let Me In - again, lots of ice, lots of snow. If any of my selections don't make the grade, I would respectfully point out that I have technically submitted eight movies for this challenge...lol
  6. Challenge 13 ‐ What's Good on TV? 1. Saved By the Bell - Quintessential 90s sitcom about life in high school that aired during my high school years. This show had the ability to make or break my Saturday mornings. Also featured one of my very first celebrity crushes in Tiffani Amber-Thieson (Kelly). 2. Downton Abbey - Some of the very best television to ever come out of the UK. Love the portrayal of the triumphs and tragedies of both the aristocracy and those in Service. 3. That 70s Show - Yet another great comedy about life in high school in another Era. I have followed the careers of most of the main characters, whose rise to stardom can pretty much be attributed to this show. 4. Walker, Texas Ranger - My very first introduction to Chuck Norris, during the time in my life when I wanted to have a career in law enforcement. That was due in part to this show about a very non-traditional law enforcement officer who uses martial arts rather than a gun to mete out justice. And then I discovered that Chuck Norris really is a martial arts master with several black belts to his name.... 5. Star Trek: The Next Generation - Probably my most favorite television show ever because I'm a huge lover of science fiction. Three streaming shows I would love to have a physical release are The Witcher, The Mandalorian, and Squid Game.
  7. Just wanted to echo what @Grendel said here! Everybody here at MP does a PHENOMENAL job with so many different GBs, activities, Secret Santas, all the various Challenges...the list goes on and on. I've only been a member for a couple of years, but I've had a great time here at MP getting to know everybody and steadily improving my love of steelbooks and physical media in general. Thank you to everybody here who makes that possible! Also wanted to give a shout-out to Claudia, since this is the first time since joining I have seen her name mentioned. Her name is on all of my packages here in the U.S., so I believe she is the US hub manager...? I'm sorry I don't know your MP handle, but I have sincerely appreciated everything you do with getting my orders to me safely. Everything is always immaculately packaged and protected. Thank you, Claudia!
  8. @BreakBeatDJ What an amazing tribute! And those gifts, and the stories behind them, are truly stunning. I love being a part of this community for precisely this reason.
  9. Thank you. I was completely blown away!
  10. Huge thanks and gratitude to my Secret Santa and new friend @F.Jaeger. His creativity and thoughtfulness in selecting my gifts spoke volumes, right down to the tiny VHS tape magnets of some of my favorite movies. Thanks for the great gifts, Greg. I have enjoyed chatting with you and getting to know you. Merry Chrsitmas, dude!
  11. Thank you, @extantsrevenge, for hosting and maintaining all of these challenges! I've had a ton of fun with these, and the challenges have really made me step up and participate more on MP. You definitely deserve a break, dude! Appreciate the opportunity to participate in the two challenges I missed, so I will be posting those shortly! Have a great Christmas.
  12. My Secret Santa packages arrived earlier today! Almost like a little kid at Christmastime again because I can't wait to see what they are lol. Didn't put up a tree this year, so I did the next best thing. And, yes, that's the newly-commissioned 2022 MP Ornament standing guard over my Christmas loot! Awesome job, @Masterblaster. It's a beauty. Many thanks to my SS. You're awesome, dude!
  13. Hello all! Apologies for being incommunicado for the past few challenges. I was out of town for the holidays for what should have been just a week, but turned into three weeks due to a massive weather system that dropped a ton of snow. And on top of all that, everybody in the household got sick which further delayed our return home. So...I hope I'm not too late for my submission for... Challenge 14 - The Animals A Bug's Life - Ant Finding Dory - Octopus The Lion King - Lion The Meg - Shark Rampage - Gorilla We've always had cats at my house so I guess you could say I really like cats. When I was younger, we tried to have a dog. Mom brought home a puppy, but the poor thing hated being alone all the time since my sister and I were always at school and Mom worked. The poor thing got so lonely that he chewed it's way through the fence in the backyard because he heard my neighbor back there lol. Got stuck between both our fences, which is where we found him when we came home. So he didn't last long lol. I'm also a huge fan of sharks. Loved them when I was a kid, ever since I went to an aquarium and saw them for the first time.
  14. CHALLENGE 11 - It is Happening Again Had to get this one in pretty early since I will out-of-state for the holidays and away from the goods lol. Also hoping this one clinches for me that awesome 10-challenge award, since I was unable to complete #9... Top Gun: Maverick - the sequel I believe everybody was waiting for. I didn't think it could be as good as the original, but I was wrong. Quite possibly the best film of 2022, this sequel brought to completion all of the emotional hangups and insecurities of Tom Cruise's Maverick. A great film full of action and emotion. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - the best movie of the franchise, hands down. The pairing of Ford and Connery was absolutely brilliant and also brought a great element of humor to the story. I'm also a huge fan of the subject matter of religious conspiracies and treasure hunts for lost relics, which is why I also loved Raiders of the Lost Ark. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - what more needs to be said about the conclusion to one of the most iconic epics of our time? For me, it's always the last films in a franchise or series to which I'm most drawn. Probably because we usually get the great conclusions to our favorite stories and characters (we hope), while at the same time also hoping the stories never end. ROTK did not fail in this regard. For me, the absolute best part of this film is at the end of the coronation sequence, when the whole of Middle Earth is bowing before the Hobbits. All of the stories, emotions, heartaches, perils, friendships, and joys of the entire 12-hour Trilogy, are all expressed in that scene. And with just seven words.... Sometimes I will fast- forward through the whole movie just to watch that ending...and then rewind and watch from the beginning. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - I always enjoyed Return of the Jedi more than the other films of the original trilogy. But I have to go with ESB here simply because it's the key to the rest of the film franchise. You have absolutely the greatest plot twist EVER in cinematic history, which definitely leads to the most satisfying conclusion of that story arc in ROTJ. Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Arnie in the role of a villain was always hard for me to swallow. So when the franchise villain morphed into one of the best franchise superheroes, I was hooked. T2 is also a masterpiece of design and special effects. Some of the best films Arnie has ever done. While neither undervalued nor underappreciated, The Goonies was always a movie for which I hoped for a sequel. While the original film was wrapped up pretty conclusively, I still feel there is plenty of material for a sequel. And this is one of my all-time favorite childhood films. Maybe the original Goon Docks clan is all grown up with little Goonies of their own, off chasing a new treasure on a new adventure. Or maybe the second generation discovering a long-lost link to an common ancestor between them and One-Eyed Willie.... So many possibilities. I believe there was great interest for a sequel amongst the cast, and even some new script ideas, but WB wasn't onboard for a sequel. Such a shame. Thanks for another great challenge idea, @ethnosax!
  15. I've usually been a fullslip guy so far in my MP career, but something about that Lenti cover made me go a different way lol. I'm sure it will be awesome!
  16. CHALLENGE 10 I tried to pick a few titles that haven't seen the spotlight yet. 300 - Spear Aquaman - Trident The Equalizer - Power Drill (middle right of cover). Really could have done all five weapons from this edition alone, but I didn't think our illustrious @extantsrevenge would have approved lol). The Hunger Games - Bow & Arrows Resident Evil: Afterlife - Big Ass Axe My favorite, super-cool hero's weapon has got to be the EM-1 Rail Gun with X-ray scope wielded by Arnie in the film Eraser. This bad boy could see through walls and fire supersonic rounds that zeroed in on a victim's heartbeat. My favorite villain weapon is the double-bladed lightsaber used by Dath Maul in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  17. I couldn't do this one either, and this is the only challenge I've missed so far. But I've had a ton of fun participating from the beginning, and I've enjoyed seeing all the soundtracks our fellow Psychos have produced. In my younger days, I had enough of a physical music collection where I could have completed this one easily! So definitely bringing up some nostalgia in here.
  18. Will these challenges extend beyond ten, so those of us who missed one can still earn the achievement?
  19. Unfortunately, I can't even get creative and go the route of @Gary K because I'm not a huge fan of "musical" movies. Which is not the same thing as disliking a movie's soundtrack or musical score. Of course I have my favorites that would definitely fit this category (Star Wars, Jaws, LOTR, Indiana Jones, Star Trek), but just not the physical soundtrack CDs to show. I am actually pleasantly surprised we have the number of Psychos that can actually meet this challenge. Kudos to you all!
  20. Love this challenge idea, hate that I can't participate. Any physical music media I once had is long gone. So I must regrettably and graciously bow out. But still looking forward to everybody else' submissions!
  21. Damn...seeing that fullslip up close makes me sad I didn't choose that edition. That is a stunning finish.
  22. until

    This my first Secret Santa event, but Santa, oh Santa, I've been a pretty good Psycho!
  23. Not knowing @Trianna as well as some of you, I was curious about this challenge and what it would be. Glad to see it was another good one! My Disney collection really bailed me out of this one.... Here's my attempt for Challenge #8 Red: Dredd Orange: Gattaca Yellow: Finding Dory Green: A Bug's Life Blue: How the Grinch Stole Christmas Indigo: Toy Story 2 Violet/Pink: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure My entire collection is organized alphabetically, but I have separate shelving sections for steels, amrays, and DVDs. I don't have enough of any retailer to justify their own sections...yet. Except maybe Best Buy 🙄
  24. My feelings exactly! More premium treatments for horror is one area where I hope our upcoming Creators Era custom slips can really shine.

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