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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by TechSpec924

  1. The Butterfly Effect was such a great film! One of the only non-comedic roles for which I could ever take Ashton Kutcher seriously. Definitely underrated and worthy of some better treatment. Maybe a prime candidate for a Broad Nation release...? Also love your other choices on display there!
  2. Sadly, I cannot post any submissions for Challenge 22 - Adaptations. My collection of books and novels has been digitized for many years now, for considerations of space. I thought I might be able to find some video game adaptations instead, but I didn't realize how few physical games I actually own 🤣. Again...space. I have more adaptations than source materials, unfortunately, so there we are. So, on to... CHALLENGE 23 - BEST OF THE BEST (thank you @Fortis93 for a great challenge!) This one was tough for me to decide upon, only because I like a few genres almost equally. My top two genres being Science Fiction and Horror. However, my earliest first love was always Science Fiction, so I went with that. Sci-Fi allows for so much storytelling and imagination that the possibilities are nearly endless. Exploration of the unknown, whether it be Outer Space or the deepest depths, has always fascinated me. So many great stories have already been told, and there are many more still to tell. My five favorite films or series are: Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Wars Jurassic Park Alien Franchise Avatar The series that made me fall in love with science fiction is, of course, the aforementioned Star Trek: TNG. I still remember watching this on network TV every Sunday night with my mom. Although she grew up with TOS, and I didnt care for it at all, we both still bonded over TNG.
  3. Love this! I was bummed I didn't get Edition B after the Glow in the Dark change was announced. Feel like we're getting a little bit of both worlds now for those of us who went with Edition A. Even more excited for this release. And worth the wait.
  4. CHALLENGE 21 - Love is In the Air Definitely don't have many "romantic" films in my library. And of my five submissions, really only two probably qualify under the strictest sense. But romantic duos I have in some not-so-romantic films lol. Aladdin Divergent Friends With Benefits The Island Mr. And Mrs. Smith I'm ashamed to say that I don't own a physical copy of my favorite romantic film, You've Got Mail. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan really shine here as two bookstore owners who are unaware they are falling in love with each other, while each is simultaneously attempting to destroy the other. Just really does something for me...lol.
  5. Thank you very much @extantsrevengefor a particularly difficult challenge (for me, anyway) lol. I haven't been collecting physical media in the strictest sense for more than a couple of years now, so the bulk of my collection is composed of modern titles, many of which have a blu-ray, 4K, or steelbook release. I CAN say that this is the most time I've spent scrutinizing my collection for a minute, but I believe I found the few titles in my library that satisfy both requirements of this challenge. CHALLENGE #20 ‐ Still Missing! Forgotten Treasures! Movies Without a Blu-Ray Release (1) or Movies Without a 4K Release (4). A Far Off Place (DVD) - the lone DVD film in my collection to satisfy the requirements, as all my other DVDs are TV series. Fantastic early Reese Witherspoon family film. Avatar - I know a 4K release is upcoming, but as of now, there is no 4K physical media in existence. Demolition Man - the fact that this film has no 4K OR steelbook release is pretty egregious. One of Sly's best films in my opinion, and his pairing with Wesley Snipes made for the perfect blending of action and comedy. Kingdom of Heaven The Rock Movies For Which I'd Love to See a Steelbook Release I Spit On Your Grave Smile Remember the Titans Man On Fire Sleepaway Camp EDIT: I was re-verifying my selections and discovered there is, in fact, a steelbook release for Man on Fire. So I am submitting Eragon as a replacement. I know it will never happen because this movie was universally hated. I loved the books, and the movie wasn't completely terrible. I enjoy this type of epic story-telling. I would have loved for the studio to at least have finished the story with some more movies, but alas....
  6. What a way to wake up! Looked at my phone, and this artwork reveal made me run straight for the toilet... But I had a feeling Disney would give these the same treatment. And when you really stop to think about 100 years of Disney, Star Wars shouldn't really be in that conversation. So many things Disney could have done with this.... Yet another epic failure. The Disney 100 Blu-ray releases look to have slipcovers. Those full-cover character designs would have been MUCH better on the steelbooks, while also providing some continuity between the two release lines. Oh well...hopefully the massive influx of Best Buy order cancellations is giving those execs a headache....
  7. I had no idea! I thought I had some settings wrong somewhere. TIL...lol
  8. Apologies for the long absence from these challenges! I was unable to fulfill all the requirements for Challenge 18. Although I do have a ton of merchandise tied to specific franchises and films, most of what I have is JUST for those franchises and, unfortunately, those number less than five lol. So, onward to... CHALLENGE 19 - Through the Decades - A cinematic Journey. While these films are by no means intended to represent the entire decade in which they were released, they are nevertheless significant to me for various reasons. Jaws (70s) - the OG creature feature, IMHO, which defied all expectations even though the audience never sees the creature for most of the movie. And that soundtrack.... A Nightmare on Elm Street (80s) - still remains to this day the only film franchise to ever truly "scare" me, and by far one of my favorites of the genre. Jurassic Park (90s) - one of the first films I can remember seeing in the theaters, and one I was the most excited to see. I have vivid memories of catching the theatrical trailer on television and running into the kitchen to tell my mom we NEEDED to go see it. I was 11 when this movie was released. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2000s) - everybody knows why this one is on the list lol. Truly a epic masterpiece of cinematic history. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2010s) - by far the best of the sequel trilogy, TFA represents the beginning of the end of the franchise responsible for my dive down the rabbit hole of science fiction & fantasy. I didn't really start collecting movies in the truest sense until I found my first steelbook in early 2018. But with the rise of streaming and the whole move away from physical media the industry seems to be pushing, my collection has only grown and grown significantly at that. My favorite decade for movies is probably the 2000s. I'm an early 80s baby, so I didn't really care about anything until the 90s and then really into the turn of the century, when movie technology really took off. Some of favorite movies were released this decade and thereafter.
  9. This is fantastic! I didn't even think to use the Trekkie font for my username. Thank you for your hard work on this! Loving it.
  10. Based solely on the quality of your work and all the great signatures I've seen around the forum, I can certainly appreciate your time and effort to create these for the members. Thank you for all you do!
  11. Cool! So...I'm a HUGE Star Trek fan and my first thought for a signature image was a profile shot of Data from TNG with the skin missing from the side of his face, revealing the android underneath. I don't know what you might want to use as a background, maybe something robotic or something like a computer chip or motherboard design. And I'm also a newly-minted Gold member. This is what I'm imagining.... I leave the rest in your very capable hands, but please do reach out if you need anything more from me. Thank you!
  12. @goose_3387, hope you're doing well, and you're obviously staying busy with all of these awesome signature images. How exactly does the process work? I would like to have one of these signature images for myself, but not sure what you require from me. Do I just provide you with some idea of what I'd like and leave the rest to you?
  13. Oh, my dude...you were THIS close to being on the receiving end of a STRONGLY worded reply until I realized what you were saying...lol
  14. Well, it looks like I'm already too late to get in on this. Kicking myself in disbelief that I missed this! One of my favorite horror franchises of all time and I would love to own a copy of one of these beautiful editions. Always held off on that 7-film Blu-ray edition hoping for something better. The only reason I even found this when I did is because my Secret Santa mentioned it to me during our conversations lol. Barring the second-hand market, if any of these ever become available here again, I would love to get my hands on them.
  15. WEet is fast becoming my favorite retailer for FS. The few editions I have so far are all beauties. You just know they're gonna hit this WEA Arrival out of the park.
  16. I was thinking the same thing. But that Zavvi set sure is a beauty. I'll probably end up keeping both, if I can get into this Manta GB.
  17. I'm inclined to agree with you at this juncture. They have already shown up on the D100 page on Best Buy's website with corresponding SKUs for that product range. Just discovered this fact a little while ago. So...that's not encouraging.
  18. Do we know for sure this, and the rest of the OG Trilogy, is part of the new Disney 100 collection? Based on the revealed designs so far, that would be disappointing considering the atrocious art choices. I literally just decided yesterday to pre-order these hoping for something different. Might be the fastest pre-order cancellation in history if this is true lol.
  19. I held off buying the Zavvi edition hoping for a more "premium" release. So glad I waited, and I will definitely be picking this up. I hadn't ever seen this movie until just a few years ago, but I really enjoyed it.

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