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Everything posted by romain

  1. j'ai la même sensation, déçu au moment ou je l'ai vu surement parce que je l'attendais impatiemment et que je m'attendais pas du tout à ça je trouvais le fullslip un peu surchargé avec toutes ces pastilles "chapitres" et un peu trop flashy de mon point de vue il y avait mieux à faire, mais au final l'édition est plutôt raccord et plus je zoom et rezoom sur les différents éléments plus j'apprécie les détails en fait on verra bien en main pour le rendu final
  2. same here mate, except that that's what I wanted to do to my co-workers when I saw the BS of The Sting
  3. thanks @Hollywood E Rock, I was impatiently waiting for this one
  4. salut le troquet c'est con ça malade pour le premier jour de tes vacances, bon rétablissement @Benoit46 je connais un super docteur si ça te dis 😁
  5. Me? Nooooo don't worry, go back to your activity
  6. it will surely be an edition of the same kind as Psycho, Gladiator and others with a fullslip, steelbook, character cards, art cards, poster, booklet etc... I don't think there's any EverythingBlu's GB here so I advise you to follow this thread, to be informed of the day of the pre-order you will have to ordered directly from the retailer's website
  7. if there are interested Psychos, Parasite (Timed Edition) by Rory Kurtz Available until 9/6 at 11:59 PM (CT) https://mondoshop.com/collections/posters/products/parasite-timed-edition
  8. MP Group Buy Here! Release Date: June 14th 2021 Price: £42,99 Purchase Link: EverythingBlu BluPick™ 009
  9. MP Group Buy Here! Release Date: May 24, 2021 Price: £42,99 Purchase Link: EverythingBlu BluPick™ 008
  10. @cypheria078 Congrats buddy, amazing collection Are you going to try to complete your WCL/MLIFE collection or these are releases you are less interested in?
  11. re re re re re re seen tonight, it's really a masterpiece that makes you appreciate the simple things in life you're nothing else LOVE after seeing this movie, an ode to life quite simply
  12. salut le troquet, passez une bonne journée
  13. yep, but concerning Scarface i have a bad feeling...
  14. so we're going to arm ourselves with a little more patience thank you, have a nice evening buddy
  15. 😁 ok thanks Eli, do you know if it's the next release after Heat?
  16. salut le troquet bonne journée les amis !!!
  17. I was secretly hoping that scarface would be the next manta lab release failed this time anyway, thanks @Hollywood E Rock for keeping us informed of every GB available really nice
  18. I think that even if you hadn't said anything to me I would have at least recognized @thomue1987, with his BVB jersey at least now I put a face on usernames thanks buddy
  19. 😂 no, great work as the opel corsa ad says "Deutshe Qualitat" 👍

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