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Posts posted by 4kiraL

  1. vor 38 Minuten schrieb raylight:

    Hier Teil 2 der traurigen Angelegenheit.

    Das Gute am Schlimmen: "Dredd" von BestBuy hat einen Kunststoff-Schuber, der wie auch immer auf der Rückseite von oben bis unten aufgeschlitzt ist ud zwar haargenau so tief, dass er fast durchbricht, aber das Steel hat nix abbekommen. Okay, die üblichen "best buy like" Minikratzer an den Unterseiten...die sind ja schon fast obligatorisch. Manchmal könnte man meinen, die machen das absichtlich. Ohne Worte.


    Tja und nun zu dem, was sich leider bewahrheitet hat. Mein Exemplar von Novamedia "Dark Waters" ist wohl einem Verpackungs-bzw. Maschinenfehler zum Opfer gefallen, denn wie vermutet ist es kein Folienfehler, die Folie auch nicht eingerissen, sondern 1A intakt wie man auf den Fotos sehen kann, aber dafür der Fullslip schön von oben bis unten mit einem Kratzer naja man kann schon sagen Schlitz versehen. Na super.


    @thomue1987 @extantsrevenge

    Thomas...nochmal...Dich trifft da keine Schuld. Selbst ich habs ja beim Auspacken ben nicht richtig erkennen können. Ganz schwierige Sache manchmal mit der Folie und den Spiegelungen, aber anhand meiner Fotos ist klar zu erkennen, dass der Fehler vor dem Einschweissen entstanden ist. Thomas & Nils, wen kann man den da bei Nova wegen eines Ersatz-Slips anfragen ?
























    Ach du scheiße. Das grenzt ja schon an NSFW.

  2. vor 4 Stunden schrieb Gladiator_MV:


    ...Aber! Nicht... Von: ja! das Dampfgemüse mit Reis?! 🤭😅


    Funny Face Reaction GIFThe Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Reaction GIF200.gif


    Haha! Nein, man! Ich hab Duftreis im Reiskocher gegart und Hähnchenbrust angebraten, dann die Honig/Soja/Sesamöl Sauce hinzugegeben. Probier aus, schmeckt sehr gut ;)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Gladiator_MV:


    🤔 ...es gibt genügend andere Möglichkeiten! Und nicht teuer & auch fix gemacht! 😉


    Strammer Max mit rohem Schinken - Rezept | GuteKueche.deTomaten mit Mozzarella - Rezept


    Pellkartoffeln mit GemüsequarkHering gefährdet: Werden die Fischbrötchen knapp?


    Ich habe Schwierigkeiten diese Möglichkeiten wahrzunehmen: während andere süchtig nach Zigaretten und Alkohol sind, bin ich abhängig von Fast Food.


    Aber ich werd's versuchen. Von heute an kein Pizza mehr!

    • Haha 3
  4. vor 20 Minuten schrieb Ripper:

    Ein Student der kocht und nicht vom Pizzaservice um die Ecke lebt?? Finde nur ich das merkwürdig?😅



    Nunja, morgens halt Fertignudeln und abends Pizza.

    • Haha 6
    • Confused 1
  5. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Cornbuster:



    Ich denke auch, dass es die Hitze ist. Die Folie wird bei Hitze straffer und bei sinkender Hitze dann weiter. Dadurch entstehen die Dehnungswellen.


    Verstehe, dann vermute ich, dass es an Wasserdampf liegen könnte. Bin Student und habe ne 1 Zimmer Wohnung mit Küche im Zimmer. Ich esse in letzter Zeit viele Suppen. Wahrscheinlich habe ich in den letzten Tagen nicht bemerkt, dass einmal beim Essen kochen heißer Wasserdampf an die Editionen gelangt und kondensiert ist.


    Die Ursache war mir wichtig. Diese Wellen sind per se ja nichts schlimmes (wie jemand schon angemerkt hatte kriegt man sie schnell mit dem Fön wieder weg, wenn es stört).


    Ich brauche eigentlich ne neue Wohnung, ich bin wohl zu arm für dieses Hobby. Ich könnte meine Sammlung verkaufen und mir ne neue Wohnung leisten, aber dann habe ich keine Hobbys mehr und ich besitze nichts mehr, womit ich mein Selbstwert aufbessern kann. Aber warum mache ich mein Selbstwertgefühl abhängig von dieser Blu Ray Sammlung? Das sind doch bloß leblose Gegenstände. Wie finde ich Zufriedenheit? Sollte ich nicht an meinem langfristigen Glück arbeiten und mich nicht auf den kurzfristigen Glücksrausch fokussieren, den der Kauf dieser materiellen Güter mit sich bringt? Anstatt den ganzen Tag Filme zu gucken, sollte ich nicht einfach mal rausgehen und mich an den einfachen Dingen des Lebens erfreuen? Der Bäckerin ein Lächeln schenken, das Mädchen an der Bushaltestelle ansprechen, oder einfach mal meine Mutter anrufen.


    Ich glaube ich hab nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank. Ich brauche unbedingt Psychotherapie...

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  6. vor 15 Minuten schrieb Catgirl:

    nööö die Editionen wohlen nicht länger OVP sein , sondern geöffnet werden .... 😉


    Habe meine geöffneten Editionen abgecheckt. Die Seiten meiner Mediabooks wellen sich und der Kleber eines Fullslips löst sich ein Bisschen. Ich würde mal auf Feuchtigkeit tippen, so warm ist es in meiner Wohnung gar nicht.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  7. Now, let me take a guess here about that printing issue.


    Usually the print underneath the lenti kinda matches the lenti itself. See Dunkirk and Interstellar.


    Also note that this release was supposed to be 3 transition lenticular with the rotating hotel image.


    As far as I can tell, the print on the box matches the original lenti in the Beauty shot. (Especially visible from the right side/ open side ofthe hardbox.


    They seem to now have chosen the standard lenticular instead probably after they have already printed the boxes.


    The question arises why UC opted out of that one. Maybe licensing issue/ misprint / cost ?

    • Like 1
  8. vor 1 Minute schrieb Ryan:

    You guys act like because I said simpleton trash that meant movies you liked though I didnt name any. I think you all know what I meant when I say alot of movies that come out today are passionless money grabbers created by companies and not artist but that doesnt mean there all bad. And I didnt judge you I said alot of people didnt like it because they dont understand it I never mentioned your name there are a few people here who disliked the movie. Why do you assume I'm solely addressing you? And yes you can dislike tenet for multiple reasons but I only mentioned one, and that was peoples complaint that its complicated but love  other films that are also complicated and not understood. Never said if you like 2001 you should like tenet,only that if you dont like somthing because you dont understand it then how can you like something else you dont understand for solely that reason and no other. 

    My apologies

    • Like 1
  9. Am 3.5.2021 um 19:02 schrieb Veum:


    Doesn’t meet my weather being gloomy, rainy type vibe today ;)


    ...in the mood for subtle gothic horror (not gore though) or crime drama/mystery types 🧛‍♂️🔪


    Maybe I can help you out.


    For Horror there have been some great Horror Flicks in the past few years as torture porn and Jump Scare reliant movies seem to decline. I can recommend Robert Eggers movies (The Witch, The Lighthouse) which are quite artsy and if you haven't seen it yet, watch Hereditary (just a little bit of gore), which in its core is a very tense family tragedy in the guise of a horror movie. Also It follows and Under the Skin meet the criteria of subtle horror very well.


    For Crime/Mystery I usually suggest Murder on the Orient Express (1974) and Witness for the Prosecution, both very charming Agathe Christie movies that have phenomenal endings.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  10. vor 55 Minuten schrieb Ryan:

    Tenet is amazing, a masterpiece In my opinion. It's an experience and  it's ok if you dont understand it the message is still there. It's about what happens has happened you cant change the past but it's not an excuse to not act to move forward and do better it's about friendship and sacrifice and finding ones self. Nolan doesnt treat his audience like idiots he made a smart movie for people to watch multiple times and learn from. As for the music it's amazing, so what its loud just put on subtitles. 2001 a space odyssey hardly has dialogue and is also hard to explain but its held in such high regards. Annihilation, arrival, even inception are all hard to understand logically but people like them so why complain about this film it's literally no different. I just think people are mad they cant understand it. And dont get me started on character development theres practically none in dunkirk or 1917 and people loved those movies. Other movies that film fans love but not critically acclaimed are the house that jack built, melancholia, neon demon, and only god forgives. Now those films aren't for everyone but its better than the simpleton trash coming out most of the time and there all hard to understand. Tenet is complicated but an entertaining experience with more emotion and feel than people give it credit. It has an amazing and very interesting concept. Also the great cinematography, score, and practical effects. So if you can defend movies like 2001, donnie darko, and many others then you can defend tenet.


    I can defend Tenet but I don't have to. The argument "If you like X, it follows that you should like Y" makes no sense to me. I can like or dislike movie X for a ton of different reasons that have nothing to do with movie Y. I do not judge people for liking or disliking Tenet. But it seems you are judging me for you don't even know me at all as you seem to make the assumption that I didn't understand the film. Anyway, just because the movie is complicated, doesn't mean I am obligated to feel positive towards it. And it works the other way around as well: Just because a film is "simpleton trash", as you called it, doesn't mean it is per se to be disliked.


    You have legit reasons to like Tenet and I have legit reasons to dislike it. Since every humans perception is different, who am I to tell others what to like?

    • Like 2
  11. Don't watch Tenet if Nolan is not your cup of tea. Tenet does have great moments but all in all I thought it was terrible. I think it is good if you look for great spectacle with some cleverness. But if you are looking for action movies that have emotional stakes, well-written dialogue and interesting characters, this is not your movie. And about the sound mixing: Some might argue that it's an artistic choice. But if cinema goers long for English subtitles, there is something wrong with the sound.

    • Haha 1
  12. vor 3 Stunden schrieb extantsrevenge:

    So this Set will have T3 in the "Official Version" which includes a Disc. This is the only Edition with Disc in the Set. Then you get T1, 2 & 3 in the Artist Edition (all MAG Editions come with an Artist Edition, so you can add your own Steelbook to the Set). The Artist Editions feature an illustration on 1 Side and then a transition Lenticular on the other (Picture 6 is showing those).


    Also included Bonus items. Cyberding is an error on the BS, it should be Cyberdyne 😉

    I am curious about why is T3 the only disc? This seems so random to me.

    • Like 3
  13. Am 8.5.2021 um 05:00 schrieb Basil:

    my wife goes to me tonight im super tired lets goto bed early. this was at 8.30pm i thought to myself yes its been a long week up at 5am bed at 9pm normally.

    so ok off we go slowly dropping off around 9pm into a deep sleep.

    anyway get to around 10.30pm and im woken up by the most humongous snoring wifes twisted round on her back and she always starts snoring when like this, so give her a nudge she rolls back on her side snoring goes away.

    later on about 12 we in the same problem again snoring but shes on her side still so a nudge get her blow her nose out as she has sinusitis and clearing out her nose can help reduce her snoring problem.

    anyway snoring reduces start going back to sleep thinking finally yes.


    1am its back with avengeance she back on her back again im gonna kill her, arggggggghhhh.

    anyway i calmly give her a nudge ask her to get back on her side which she does but light snoring continues and so the vicious cycle carries on till about 3.30am at which point enough i can't do this anymore so i quietly get up start finding some socks and a top to go down stairs and watch television or film i dont care anymore at this point.

    and as i get up ever so quietly a mouse would not have heard my wife in the deepest snoring stirs and says where you going what you upto?


    this is now starting to remind me of a fawlty towers esque episode, i then tell her i have been fighting her snoring issue for last 3 odd hours and im going down stairs to watch a film or such like in the hope i completely tire myself out and then be able to come back to bed, i dont want you following me downstairs i want you to sleep get the snoring out of you in the hope that i may come back to a quiet bed.

    don't get me wrong i love my wife deeply but there are some odd occasions like this i could really brain my wife this is one of them, so here we are now at 3.54am me eating some chilli crisps drinking some orange fruit juice, heating turned up downstairs to get from 16c to 20c so not getting cold watching the bbc news on telly.


    question is have you ever wanted to brain your wife xD 

    and if i did not laugh about this id cry xD 


    all the best

    basil 9_9

    If this is a reoccuring problem, your wife should visit the ENT. Maybe there is an underlying medical issue. Your wife might suffer from sleep apnea. About 3 % of the population suffer from sleep apnea.

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