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Everything posted by Konan

  1. I was thinking of paying more for the GB costs when you end up in the final list and are actually getting it, not when participating. i wouldn't mind paying an extra 5 or 10$ for the items i buy using the GB system. You will then end up paying for something you want instead of paying for a membership only. considering how many GB there is i wonder how much money this would bring compared to the tier system. I dont know how many tier there is so difficult to do the math...
  2. If instead of the tier membership the price of the GB costs participation would increase to make as much money as the tier brings in i would be OK to pay that extra amount. That might even brings more money to run the site than the actual system. I personally see nothing annoying about the adverts, actually it is so standard to see them everywhere that i don't even notice them anymore.
  3. that's why i say, no tier, first come first serve... Everybody get the same chances.
  4. Actually the whole system is problematic... The more GB's where you can't get what you want, the more you look for a tier solution to your problem. The more tier there is, the less you got chances getting what you want even if you are a tier... It is the snake biting his tail The first come, first serve would be the only fair system, but that would make the tier instantly useless.
  5. @Mz90 will keep tagging you buddy ! You will get it one day or another.
  6. Will the information or the possibility to get a membership for regular members be posted here ? Cause it is the reason why i follow this thread which is kind of a pain lately.
  7. what ? when ? how ? platinum for me ! FIIIIIIIIIIIIRST !!!! 😄
  8. Realized this 2 months ago, after ordering one... but it's OK, will be a nice release anyway
  9. another possibility would be that they do not offer all copies for sale at the moment on preorder, so it get sold out real fast, and that creates a demand that they fill by a few pieces every now and then.
  10. OOS now... managed to get one, @Fortis93 too. so there was at least 2 units in stock. For the ones who missed it, keep trying, it will probably come back again. I find this pretty weird, they charge at ordering, dont know what their cancelling policy is, but i dont get how these oos releases come back now and then.
  11. OOS now... managed to get one, @Fortis93 too. so there was at least 2 units in stock. For the ones who missed it, keep trying, it will probably come back again. I find this pretty weird, they charge at ordering, dont know what their cancelling policy is, but i dont get how these oos releases come back now and then.
  12. iit is worth just having a look a few times a day, just wait for me to get my copy first 😄
  13. Not available... 😥 I look on regular basis on their page but was not lucky so far.
  14. Looking for a 1 click. If one shows up on cinemuseum please tag me ! If somebody pushed the GB button too fast and doenst want it anymore...😏
  15. First time i try to order from collectong direct. My phone number was missing. Was surprised with the shipping choice after fast checkout. Internet was down. Had to try with my phone. Epic fail all over...
  16. Am Not a plarinum or gold member, not really on top of the list either... Me thinking about the allowance MP might get for this release : I need ya, Deck. This is a bad one, the worst yet. I need the old blade runner, I need your magic. 😆
  17. I find the jaws 2 reinterpreted artwork awful.

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