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Everything posted by Konan

  1. Patrick Bateman and Van Helsing teaming up with hoagie to hunt the great white in jaws 5 !
  2. I must say that the hardboxes of FAC are just terrible... The finish is so bad you doubt if it was damaged during shipping... the corners and edges are not worse a low cost Chinese bootleg. had Stephen King's IT, doctor sleep, Avengers...all the same. i stopped buying these.
  3. Completely missed on the GB start. #127 on the tier not updated OC list think i'm gonna miss that one, too bad, am really fan of this movie.
  4. Members who are looking for an edition of this release, reply and mention the one you are looking for so i know who to tag when these come back in stock.
  5. @ghuntskin @tylerismisfit These are coming back in stock now and then. Usually mentionned here. You might still get a chance to grab one.
  6. Will the people of the old world have to stay up all night ?
  7. Great way to choose the new lucky one. Well thought from the admin team and congrats to the new members.
  8. I was excited about the UHD release until i saw the artwork. Thought it was an april fools joke. Would not buy this at prodiction cost.
  9. You can't wait to show support to the site. I understand 😄
  10. As usual with cinemuseum, unacceptable delays between announcement and release, but amazing final product. You like it ot not, you buy it or not...
  11. Wont correct you. French is my mother tongue 😉 well waiting for the changes, new rules and availabilities. Wait and see.
  12. @ScottVA what makes you think i dont know who it is ? After 2 years here i know who runs the site. Shall i not express my point of view in a respectful way because i am talking to the big boss ? Dont know about you but i am not that kind of guy.
  13. Maybe that the idea behind the tier membership is to support the site, maybe you think that it is the purpose of the tier. But thinking that the majority of the members are interrested in supporting the site would just be hypocrite. When i read your message it is like i am the kind of guy who only think about his own interrest among a majority of selfless sponsors. I do come here and participate cause i really like the friendly atmosphear. And to participate in great GB's. Of course it is normal to show appreciation to the people who "support" the site. The issue is that being part of this is not a choice but a matter of luck. So if i am selfish because i regret appreciation is shown to people who where lucky to be randomly selected. So be it.
  14. well, i think that indeed most of the people who acquire tier do so to get more chances in the GB's. It would be naïve to think otherwise. I agree with everything you say ! the one thing that bothers me is that the way to get tier for regular members is not linked to the support or participation in the community. The guy who just happen to be at the right moment at the right place is getting it.
  15. i am just saying that if the first come first served is not fair, why are the tier for regular members are made available that way... Or did miss how regular member could get tier ?
  16. @deckard99 Pure "first come first serve" has many drawbacks. Then every GB becomes a race to see who can F5 the fastest. What about people at work? What about members with slower internet connections? What about time zones? Feel like getting up at 3am for GBs? Should a loyal long-time member who supports the forum really miss out because a member who joined MP yesterday got the last copy? Yet, this is exactly how the membership tier are offered to new members.... so how faire is it to offer tier as a race since GB as race is not ?
  17. sorry, don't get your answer, you give an example of 1 GB with small allocation, but there is many GB's, and allocation differ a lot. Actually there (seem) easy way to calculate this, but please correct me if i am wrong how much does the sum of all tiers brings to the site per year VS 10$ for every copy sold using GB last year. Correct ?
  18. Yeah, well this is actually the biggest flaw in the current system, you pay for a tier, and still you are not guaranteed to get your spot. If i where a sales person and i was in charge of selling this product that would not be easy 😄
  19. Yes i am definitely curious about the new system. The current system showed his limits on the most popular GB's, can't wait to see how the process might be improved.

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