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Everything posted by Mdk14092

  1. Really looking forward to this, but is Manta truly actually expecting to release all these titles in a single year. 🤔
  2. Can’t wait to get this and replace my beat to all hell by Amazon 4K little magnetic digi pack.
  3. Does ordering from Amazon JP require a separate/new non-U.S. account? I ended up getting a non steel copy through yesasia. I too must have the 3d.
  4. Mine came yesterday. I must wait for the cat to open and pics. I think the front is supposed to be glow in the dark, has anyone had a chance to really check. I tried just sort using my hand to see if anything glowed but it didn’t really work. it does look very nice though next to the UHD club box I will say. It even came with a protector.
  5. Hazzah!!!! See I knew they weren’t cat haters. I’m sure the kitty will come in a nice slip shaped box for it’s new home, because it must!
  6. Videos up on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lFbcX6Sgju8&feature=youtu.be
  7. They could make it three slips wide. Two for the movie whole slip for the cat…please? kitty needs a home.
  8. Right I get that. What I mean is what ever spot within the packaging of the OC where the cat was supposed to go still there? So I can put the cat in it’s home when it arrives later.
  9. Maybe a silly question but, will there still be a spot within the OC to put the cat once received?
  10. My application for the OC award. @extantsrevenge almost forgot the cards.
  11. I wasn't sure we're else to post this but... I can't figure out how to post in the new classifieds. Anyone able to help me out?
  12. Maybe I missed it but what happened to the classifieds section? I can't even find the "under construction" sign anymore. Uh oh I just started page 666
  13. Can't w8 to finally get this in hand. @gamerknight for me the HDZETA is the one I'm gonna forget about. At this rate theres' is looking more and more like another MoS every day lulz.
  14. Well this looks pretty nifty, is there gonna be a GB or just link to purchase? Nvr mind I see my answer...ps I know we can edit but how do you delete a post altogether?
  15. Got mine too, also first time getting a Diskino. I'm very pleased with their work, everything is nicely printed and constructed. The detail on the foiling is really nice. Even the little divider thing inside the extras box is covered in cloth/felt and had a nice little pull tab. My 4k version from Amazon came yesterday too, perfect timing! Thanks MP team. Would have never found this release otherwise 😀
  16. When did Manta start doing the banner across the top? 😡. WeET just stopped doing that LoL. Never mind, I see now it's just a cardboard flap in the outside. Had me worried for a sec.

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