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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Parzival

  1. Passengers Speed BB Ready player one Vertigo BB
  2. Jaws Shining BB Exorcist BB Ghost in shell Alita Schindler's list Skyscraper BB King Kong Birds BB Arrival Exodus Gods and Kings Breakfast club
  3. @extantsrevenge FILMARENA and Black Barons nomination 11 X-MEN films 5 x Jurassic Park films
  4. I think just the art cards Black version - had B&W art cards Gold version - had color art cards
  5. The Blufans is a really special release I preferred the black edition over the gold edition But both were superb
  6. What can I say about this trilogy I inserted the Blufans black edition in this 40th anniversary edition Also inserted the Godfather Coda edition
  7. Loving your detailed pics in the various threads @megabee@megabee 👍
  8. @extantsrevenge Oh man sorry. I know how much we all love Bling... And I wear my MP badge with pride lol
  9. Gravity x2 Gone girl Face off Romeo and Juliet Moulin Rouge Post-edit: 3 more 1917 Once upon a time in Hollywood Godfather trilogy
  10. Iron man First Avenger Winter Soldier Thor Thor Dark world Avengers Mondo Blufans Spiderman Homecoming
  11. Spider verse fan box Dunkirk OAB BR 2049 OAB Forrest Gump OAB Post - edit Alita OAB
  12. Blufans shoe boxes GOTG 1 Blufans shoe box GOTG 2 Blufans shoe box Ant Man shoe box Avengers age of ultron shoe box Black Panther shoe box Avengers Infinity War shoe box Captain America Civil War OC
  13. @extantsrevenge Blufans award nomination One clicks GOTG 2 OC Thor Ragnarok OC Avengers Infinity War OC Dr Strange OC Black Panther OC Incredible Hulk OC Cap Marvel Fanatic OC Avengers Endgame OC Spiderman Homecoming OC Venom OC WW OC Coco OC Spider verse OC
  14. Silver labels Blade Runner BR 2049 x2 Mule Green mile Martian Lawrence of Arabia Forrest Gump Passengers Wizard of oz Jaws Sing Inception Shawshank San Andeeas
  15. Silver label OCs First man Schindler's list BTTF
  16. @extantsrevenge I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring of the Hdz award 😊 Starting off with the one click Gold labels Man of Steel BvS WW JL SS Aquaman Shazam T1 T3 T genesis T salvation Gladiator Interstellar Edge of tomorrow Ready player one SPR Argo Post - edit @extantsrevenge OMG, how could I miss TDK trilogy I'm appalled with myself 😵 Just added... 👍
  17. A great release. The depth on the lentis is astounding Check out my treasure trove thread (page 2), for my x 5 times double-dipping on Blade runner editions lol
  18. @extantsrevenge Thanks ever so much, huge shout out to the MP team, including Admins and fellow members It's a privilege to be part of this forum Here's to many more years of happy collecting
  19. As promised... Group pics with MP swag Two prized possessions My MP id card MP coin

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