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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by HappyDude007

  1. Damn! Didn't realize this. Oh well. I'll slip a 4K disc in there somewhere..
  2. Thank you. Im in the US. Damn I would like to change mine to hub then. Rather do that than direct.
  3. I chose Direct vs. no insurance hub or extra insurance. Is there an advantage or disadvantage going direct vs hub? Also whats the extra insurance cost usually like? Apologies if this has been covered in another thread. @ksosk@PRIAPISM @extantsrevenge
  4. These posts are the reason why I can't EVER open this thread or email chain at the office!
  5. Damn! Same here. I heard good things about this movie. I wish I had seen it and jumped on this.
  6. Oh you are in for a treat. tight story-telling, perfect acting, and one of the greatest shootouts ever created. Masterpiece. It has been studied and I countless movies, especially The Dark Knight. I can;t wait to hear your review or reactions. I'm in for this. i love the bottom left one @RileyLad. Really cool cover.
  7. Hmm intrigued. Interesting plot. I need to check it out on Netflix today if I can before committing. How much time do I have left to decide? I like the cool slip cover design.
  8. Agreed. I loved this movie growing up. I will get it just for sake of having a steelbook of it. Super disappointed they haven't done a 4K transfer
  9. damn how did i miss this! There will be an eventual quadrilogy or 5 (or wherever they end it )film set...
  10. Horror movies are scary! What kind of horror movies? It, Get Out, Birdbox is my jam. I do appreciate some of John Carpenter and Army of Dead classics. I can't get into the the Saw or torture/gore stuff.
  11. Cancelling my copy. S8 was horrible on so many levels. Cinematography and musical cues were outstanding as always.
  12. I read some interviews with Tim Miller (director of Deadpool 1) & James Cameron. Tim worships T1 & T2. James being pretty involved is amazing. I have no idea how Arnold is back since it is directly after T2. Love the villain terminator splitting into two.
  13. Looks like I missed the boat on this. I'll keep an eye out on classifieds. Never bought a Weet edition before.
  14. Oh yeah! I'm so hooked. I can't wait for season 4!!!! Kemang do to side with? (Who do you side with?) :)
  15. @goose_3387 Super amazing work. Very kind and generous of you to do this. I'm torn what to ask for! I love Metal Gear, DC - Batman, Joker, Harley Quinn specifically, and James Bond.....Decisions Decisions....

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