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Everything posted by Masterblaster

  1. Welcome to our new member HellboyElroy

  2. Welcome to our new member bortsampson

  3. Welcome to our new member Jdk99

  4. I have received finally the OCs for my HUB allocation.. going out this week... Take care John
  5. Welcome to our new member whiplash

  6. Welcome to our new member Chermy

  7. Welcome to our new member Jujug

  8. Welcome to our new member TheCineFan24

  9. Sometimes you cant stop a Train. Once things are in motion , if you stop them it is worser then just letting them go. To stop the BB production because of a printing mistake on another edition would have made no sense. I too would have pushed for the others to be released. Take care John
  10. I can almost guarantee you that that is/was not the case . Sure i dont know 100% but having alot of experience i would base my comment on that experience. Of course you are as is anyone else allowed an opinion . Yours was constructive so no issue at all. Sometimes when you use certain words , phrases , it gets automatically flagged for review .. so we then have to manually scan over it to ensure no inappropriate language or wording was used . Sorry for this but it is mandatory nowadays with so much things going on online.
  11. I really appreciate your thoughts on this matter. STILL i cannot understand. The way you make it sound (and im hoping it is not intended as such) is that everyone and everything else is to blame for these people not paying ... OK lets go with that thought for a little bit. 1. Even if it was months ago , if you (im saying "you" but not meaning actually "YOU" directly) , would have put something aside at that point and every paycheck up to the time it was requested , it would not matter how long ago the GB was , correct ? You would still have that money put aside . 2. You say high price dramatically changing , yes i agree that could and proberbly is a BIG factor , BUT again , if that IS the case then just knowing from everyday living costs going up that the costs for my hoppy proberbly went up as well . Lets just take Fuel prices for instance. If gas for your car is more expensive , dont you know gas for your furnace at home will be more expensive ? So if you then had to use that money that was maybe stashed away for your hobby (here on MP) would you still not be responsible at least to let us know you cant pay it ? Waiting until you get the invoice to say you cant pay it because you used that money up months ago is not actually nice . 3. If im living on a day by day budget (which is perfectly fine) why join at all then ? In the hopes you will be able to afford it when the invoice comes ? If not you just disappear for weeks/months / ever ?? I think it is YOUR responsiblity to be fair to yourself as well as to us .... dont purchase an OC , purchase a single edition if costs are going to be a factor . 4. You talk about compensation .... this i dont get at all. Why should you be compensated for something you never purchased before it was in production or ready to ship. Take BB Blufans for instance , on what ground do you base your "right" to get compensated ? What about us being compensated then for the money we fork out way in advance sometimes (take FAC for example) due to YOUR request. We dont purchase for us , we purchase for you , if you join , agree to the Terms , dont pay then why should we not be the ones compensated? We lost money , what did you lose to want compensation ? Just my thoughts , not being offensive or aggressive although it might read that way depending on who / where you are ... looking for some serious feedback. Take care John
  12. Welcome to our new member TheEvilBread

  13. Im sorry but when i read this i get concerned. When you join a GB , you know the day to pay is going to come , why do you not budget it ? And before you think im "picking on you" im not. I just do not know why its not possible to put aside and then you dont have to be stressed when the invoice(s) come. Maybe an idea to help , would be to have the members pay a huge chunk when they join , to prevent the stress down the road... if you order anywhere else you also have to pay when you order it (or when it becomes availalbe) Thanks for the clarity im sure you will be able to share with me. Take care John
  14. Welcome to our new member Caladin

  15. Welcome to our new member Joewydiart

  16. Welcome to our new member bfpjeff

  17. Welcome to our new member Captain

  18. Welcome to our new member Happy13178

  19. Welcome to our new member trevick

    1. trevick


      hey, thanks for having me


  20. Welcome to our new member Quinnfiniti

  21. I have put up in the Store Link the extras we have left over They are purchasable for Members of MP Take care John
  22. Welcome to our new member Luke_fr

  23. Welcome to our new member Vicsaa301

  24. Welcome to our new member Joliolegolio

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