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Everything posted by Masterblaster

  1. Welcome to our new member bpmorris

  2. Welcome to our new member wcl8674

  3. Welcome to our new member Scot Bentz

  4. Welcome to our new member TigerCage1991

  5. Welcome to our new member PaoloDag

    1. PaoloDag


      Thanks, Masterblaster! Looking forward to learning more about this group and future releases on offer.

  6. Welcome to our new member Yoann

  7. Welcome to our new member Ozymandias935

  8. Welcome to our new member CrazyDLane

    1. CrazyDLane


      Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm excited to have found more ppl like me... 

  9. @Benoit46 fyi @Scorpion7 a long time member is demoted due to not paying the VET for LOTR , he might reach out to you . Take care John
  10. Welcome to our new member Cody Pennington

  11. Welcome to our new member Ben_R

  12. Welcome to our new member NumaanF

  13. Welcome to our new member hrehman

  14. Welcome to our new member Slim

  15. Welcome to our new member andress

  16. Welcome to our new member ericdv14

    1. ericdv14




      Je suis amateur de steelbook,



  17. Welcome to our new member OrbitalRunner

  18. Welcome to our new member spheremusic

  19. Welcome to our new member FiftyShadesOfSlay

  20. Welcome to our new member DinoChow

  21. Welcome to our new member moviebreaker

  22. Welcome to our new member Rerek55

  23. Welcome to our new member Vihanga

    1. Vihanga


      Thank you so much Masterblaster. I am thrilled to be here!

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