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Everything posted by RAK

  1. Good Morning Everyone, It’s Friday hope everyone is has a nice weekend. Especially a good Easter if it’s possible.
  2. Looks like this Rabbit is getting ready for Stew.
  3. Good Morning Everyone it’s Friday. They extended our stay at home order yesterday till April 30. So still stuck at home! Hope everyone is doing good, and enjoys there weekend the best they can.
  4. Thanks, yes I have them all now. I try not to do Boxsets unless they are done with a film series, So I bought them all individually. I believe they do have another one planned. I do not have a banner, thought they were for tiered members?
  5. Deliveries from the last 2 days Ebay Pick-Up Thor 4K Steelbook Thor The Dark World 4K Steelbook Target B2G1 Star-Trek 4K Star-Trek Into the Darkness 4K Hellboy 4K MI Ghost Protocol 4K MI Rogue Nation 4K
  6. Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone is well, and is having a good day so far.
  7. Hello, and Good Morning. Hope Everyone is good!
  8. Hope everyone is doing well, and is staying safe! heres to another day, same as yesterday.
  9. Yeah I wish this thing would pass, so we all can get back to our normal lives. But I don’t think this is going to go away anytime soon. But it drives me nuts was watching the news last night, and they were showing police breaking up social gatherings across the states.
  10. Not disagreeing with that, but if he would of not been downplaying this as a flew when it started to spread, been proactive instead of reactive it wouldn’t be as bad here right now. He’s is always going on T.V. Acting like he’s a doctor.
  11. They are saying that Trump is down playing how serious this is. He is only doing what he’s being advised to do, and is trying to get recognition for his re-election campaign. He doesn’t give a crap what happens to us, he just wants to say he got us through it, and get a pat on the back. I’m personally tired of listening to him go on Television and act like he’s a doctor. Everytime he goes on T.V. And opens his mouth I lose a brain cell.
  12. Good Afternoon/Evening Everyone
  13. Good Afternoon! Running a little slow, and behind this morning. Hope everyone is doing well, and having a nice day considering the conditions.
  14. I’ll take a Fugitive, if they do a U.S. Marshal’s also. would love both of these.
  15. Nothing Special just a few deliveries. MP GB Hdzeta IT Lenti W/Empty Steelbook EBay Bourne Collection 4K From a Friend DC Blu-Rays to add to the Collection Sin City 1&2 FullSlips Korea
  16. With the exception of my grandma not being around anymore, this has been my last 2 1/2 wks.
  17. @Basil Love it, sums up my thoughts on exercising.

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