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Posts posted by Nadam

  1. 22 minutes ago, hansreinhardt said:


    The whole post I was thinking, "I wonder if he watched this in one sitting." And you did! That's so impressive. I've never heard of this film before, a 7:30:00 TRT is just astounding to me. So it seems like the film actually justifies the runtime based on your review, is that right? I can't even picture how a film of that length would flow, my mind is kind of blown right now. 

    Yeah, it's actually interesting how the flow and pacing happen, as I wasn't even bored in the slightest. The story is based around a few villagers conspiring to take the money from a major sell-off that was supposed to be split 8 ways. Instead, 3 people (husband/wife, and another person) agree to split it 50/50, and then flee the town. Another villager catches-on and confronts the husband/wife, and as a result gets brought-in on the deal to now have it split 3 ways. As the story progresses, every shot is one long take without any cuts, and each shot lasts about 2-8 minutes each (the longest is the very first shot of the film showing cows that the town are selling-off, as that one is 8 minutes long). Each shot features really amazing cinematography covering mundane activities of which normally wouldn't be shown in most films (due to cuts, different angles, etc.), conversations with sometimes long staring in the eyes of the other person because there are moments of distrust (which I love these shots, as tiny little facial expression changes during these quiet stare-downs indicate internal conflict and different emotions), and more.


    One of the most beautiful uses of these significantly long scenes are the tracking shots that follow the characters. For example, the roads around the town are destroyed by the elements and covered in mud, and since these people have no money and do not own any vehicles, they walk for days sometimes to get to other locations. As a result, you are watching people walk for 2-4 minutes in extremely harsh elements with this environment around them that is cold, damp, muddy and dead-looking. These long shots might not sound enjoyable since they are crazy drawn-out, but I adore it due to how much it makes you understand the difficulties in their lives. There aren't any smartphones, tablets, portable gaming consoles, etc. to keep anyone busy. These people just walk and go about their daily tasks in quiet, and sometimes with conversation. It makes you really understand the intricate details with some of the hopelessness they feel daily. 

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  2. Sátántangó (Satan's Tango) was a 7 & 1/2 hour masterpiece that I am SO GLAD I finally sat down and experienced in its entirety. This was a cinematic experience that impressed me in so many ways, and I can now understand why it still stays high at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.

    This film is definitely not for everyone, as it is 7 hours and 30 minutes long (divided up into 12 chapters with an intermission), and also isn't what movie watchers with short attention spans will appreciate (no offense). To give you an idea, the average time for a scene in most Hollywood movies is 2-3 seconds, but the average time of each scene in this movie is 2 minutes and 30 minutes -- which I LOVE!!!


    This movie allows so many scenes to play out in ways that most movies never allow to happen. From watching every day tasks, conversations (facial expressions, etc.), and even 2-3 minute walking scenes in harsh elements where the camera just endlessly follows people walking down dirt roads and such with no talking, this film permits so many mundane, yet beautiful moments to breathe in ways that we aren't accustomed to nowadays.


    It is flawless storytelling that not everyone will enjoy, but diehard movie buffs and cinephiles will adore this work of art. The goal of this breathtaking cinematography was to heavily immerse the viewer into the dark, depressing and incredibly harsh lives these citizens of this small town experience after their country (Hungary) fell apart financially after the fall of Communism. So, these exceedingly long shots aren't meant to cut away from the simplest or most basic of daily tasks, because you as the viewer need to see the poor lives they live.


    If you ever want to take your movie-watching experience to the next level, legendary filmmaker Belá Tarr's "Sátántangó" is a MUST! And, you can watch each chapter, then watch another whenever you have time for more. I watched it all in one go today, and I couldn't be happier! Just please make sure to eliminate all distractions to truly appreciate the hard work that went into this film.



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  3. Here is my absolute favorite deck by far (that I got recently). It is Monolith Sagittarius by Giovanni Meroni (TWI). As a Patron, he was kind enough to sell me one from the remaining tiny batch at a wonderful price. I wanted this deck more than anything since it was inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey.



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  4. 23 hours ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    Pack of 6 (2 of each) + 2 Windwatcher mini decks. As it will most certainly reach and pass the 250% stretch goal, I will also be entitled to the 6-deck custom box included in my pledge 😀

    The hype is real (Gravity Falls: Dipper and Mabel Vs. the Future) - Imgflip


    There you go! I was thinking about the 6 pack, but decided to save the money and just get the trio. I forgot to add a Windwatch mini deck until I saw your post, so I edited my pledge to include one. I am excited to get my hands on these in September!

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